Hi, guys am new here, i am Precious chidera ,a university student in her finals, I was so happy to find this community when i was scrolling ,i love crocheting alot because it makes me feel focused and takes my mind most things that are bothering and disturbing me.so here is the purse i made last month , I Don't have much pictures on it but just wanted to share what I did with the community and i am willing to do more.
So this purse came to my mind when the current purse i had was old ,so I just decided to create something using a wool, something little but actually cute,so guys how i learnt how to crotchet was ,when i wai in secondary school,we taught on how to crotchet , foot match,mufflers, and caps. so simce then i haven't forgotten how i did that and tried to do create something ever since i left secondary school.
Black yarn
White yarn
Crotchet pin /hook
Needle and black thread.
So guys,as i have said earlier they won't be pictures attached because i wasn't aware , but still not going to hide my work because of that
So the first thing i did was to a straight 20 chain ,started that with the white yarn and after the first line,the second line , so that's where the creation of the those holes begin,so i put the first loop and when putting the second loop in that same hole,i then my index left finger wrapped with the yarn so when i finally put the loop into the hole , then i remove my finger,so then the hole is created ,i repeated that for the whole process ,till i got to the last part of the purse ,i just didn't want it pure white so i added black yarn when i got to some point then joined the white again,i continued the process till i got that design.so i used my Android phone for the measuremen of size and height of the phone since i didn't want something that big.so this is this the back of the purse.
![](Uploading... 1716918851644.jpg)
I hope you find the explanation okay, because am not really good at it.so guys i will do well on my next post to pictures of my next project.
Thanks for reading ,i hope so see you again.