🎏 {18/04/23} ✦ ✨ 🏮 Tomodachi Bunkasai 1 (Venezuela, September 10, 2022) 🏮 ✨ ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in #hive-128240last year

✦ This is my new favorite photo! It was taken by @Vanuzza while I was posing for the 360° camera of the Tomodachi Bunkasai, it's the first time I stepped on one and I was terrified, that was a very high platform! There are more pictures like this at the end of the post, keep scrolling down ;3c ✦

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✨ 🎀 Hola a todxs! 🎀 ✨
Sí, esta no es una ilusión, no es un error en la matrix, tampoco es un fallo de la realidad: HE VUELTO!

Pero tú y yo nos pondremos al día en la siguiente publicación, porque este formato está listo y esperando a ser publicado desde hace muchos (muchos) meses; también han sucedido muchas cosas y quiero actualizar mi blog de Hive con todos los acontecimientos interesantes hasta ahora (viajes, más convenciones, concursos, nuevos proyectos, y por supuesto que nuevos proyectos de crafting) ✌ 💕

✨ 🎀 Hello everyone! 🎀 ✨
Yes, this is not an illusion, it's not an error in the matrix, it's not a glitch in reality either: I'M BACK!

But you and I will catch up on the next release, because this format is ready and waiting to be published since many (many) months; also a lot has happened and I want to update my Hive blog with all the interesting happenings so far (travels, more conventions, contests, new projects, and of course new crafting projects) ✌ 💕

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✦ I made some baskets with a kitsune mask motif to give to my fellow jury panel members, but the power went out several times and that took a lot of useful work time to the point of not being able to finish them on time. Anyway, I wanted to show a cameo of the process here ✦

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En un post anterior mencione que fuí contactada por la organización TOEV para ser "Invitado Especial y Jurado" de su concurso de Cosplay: Días previos a los eventos siempre hay muchas cosas por alistar, no solo los trajes, y en mi caso por ejemplo yo corto mi cabello dependiendo el personaje que interpretaré (algunos peinados son cortos atrás y no me gusta que mi cabello real se vea sobresaliendo de la peluca).

In a previous post I mentioned that I was contacted by TOEV organization to be "Special Guest and Judge" of their Cosplay contest: Days before the events there are always many things to get ready, not only the costumes, and in my case for example I cut my hair depending on the character I will play (some hairstyles are short in the back and I don't like my real hair to look sticking out of the wig).

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✦ As the event was only one day, I chose something beautiful but that would allow me to move with relative comfort, my Kirika Towa Alma cosplay was perfect for the occasion because it not only has a delicate beauty, but it allows me to sit, climb stairs, and also with a silent language tells the participants what I am capable of doing and that I have enough knowledge to know how to evaluate their projects with dignity ✦

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Sobre prepararme para asistir a una convención, regularmente tardo de 2 a 3 días en tener todo listo si se trata de un Cosplay que tengo ya terminado en mi repertorio. Mis trajes no son sencillos, tienen muchas capas y partes, y siempre los lavo a mano con un jabón especial y suavizante 💙

About getting ready to attend a convention, I regularly take 2 to 3 days to get everything ready if it's a Cosplay that I have already finished in my repertoire. My costumes are not simple, they have many layers and parts, and I always wash them by hand with a special soap and softener 💙

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✦ We arrived before the opening to the public! ✦

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Para esta aventura @Vanuzza y @Pigritia fueron mis asistentes; el sitio es bastante alejado de mi casa, siempre es un pequeño viaje llegar al Palacio de Eventos (es como el lugar predilecto de las convenciones manganime ultimamente jajaja).

For this adventure @Vanuzza and @Pigritia were my assistants; the place is quite far from my home, it's always a little trip to get to the Palacio de Eventos (it's like the favorite place for manganime conventions lately hahaha).

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✦ This convention site has many different areas ✦

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Algo que me gusta mucho y que siempre agradezco, es la oportunidad de recorrer las convenciones cuando todavía están en su etapa de montaje. No todas las organizaciones lo permiten por tema de seguridad, de hecho es un tema delicado, pero algunas organizaciones con las que he trabajado me lo permiten sabiendo que no soy un elemento peligroso. Agradezco con todo el corazón esa confianza.

Something I really like and always appreciate is the opportunity to tour the conventions when they are still in the set-up stage. Not all organizations allow me to do so because of security issues, in fact it is a delicate issue, but some organizations I have worked with allow me to do so knowing that I am not a dangerous element. I thank them with all my heart for that trust.

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Pero esa solicitud no es por capricho, pido tener acceso antes para poder maquillarme y vestirme correctamente dentro del recinto del evento. Vestirme en mi casa y lograr entrar en el auto vestida full Cosplay es prácticamente imposible!

But this request is not on a whim, I ask to have access beforehand so I can make up and dress properly inside the event venue. Dressing up at home and getting into the car in full Cosplay is practically impossible!

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✦ Many beautiful details alluding to Japanese school festival ✦

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Y bueno, admito que también me gusta tomar muchas fotografías hermosas sin la multitud de personas alrededor, hay cosas a las que simplemente no logras acercarte cuando el evento está en pleno apogeo de sus actividades.

And well, I admit that I also like to take a lot of beautiful pictures without the crowd of people around, there are things that you just don't manage to get close to when the event is in full swing of its activities.

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✦ You can find them on Instagram

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Uno de los stand mas simpáticos por ejemplo, fue el de tarot. Si, durante la convención habían especialistas en este tipo de lectura y podías consultar tu suerte a cambio de propinas. Me pareció adorable.

One of the nicest booths, for example, was the tarot booth. Yes, during the convention there were specialists in this type of reading and you could consult your fortune in exchange for tips. I thought it was adorable.

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✦ This character mural is very iconic of this line of events! ✦

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Este evento contaba con muchos sets de fotografía diferente con acceso gratuito para el público. @Vanuzza, @Pigritia y yo nos tomamos un tiempo agradable para admirar el trabajo del staff antes de irme a preparar.

This event had many different photography sets with free access to the public. @Vanuzza, @Pigritia and I took some nice time to admire the work of the staff before I went to get ready.

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✦ That Clow Card frame! ✦

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Para esta ocasión la persona que nos asignó la organización para guiarnos fue Andy. Andy no solo es parte del staff, también es ilustrador y dragqueen, solo tengo halagos para el porque su compromiso y sobre todo actitud se ganó nuestro corazón 💜

For this occasion the person assigned by the organization to guide us was Andy. Andy is not only part of the staff, he is also an illustrator and dragqueen, I only have compliments for him because his commitment and above all attitude won our hearts 💜

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✦ We took out all the pieces of Kirika's cosplay and @Pigritia helped me make up my elf ears! The dressing room was very spacious and comfortable ✦

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Ok, hora de ponernos serios: Hasta ahora mi maquillaje para Cosplay lo realizaba yo, pero francamente no tengo las habilidades suficientes todavía para lograr un maquillaje a la altura de estas ocasiones especiales. Por eso contrate los servicios de YoebyMakeup!

Ok, time to get serious: Until now my Cosplay makeup was done by me, but frankly I don't have enough skills yet to achieve a makeup up to these special occasions. That's why I hired the services of YoebyMakeup!

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✦ Yoe is a professional makeup artist, she specializes in makeup artistry and 3D illusions, but last year she started providing her services to cosplayers in the city! We love her, follow her on Instagram! ✦

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YoebyMakeup logro justo lo que quería y estaba super feliz con el resultado, el maquillaje duro toda la jornada y nada se corrió. La piel de mi rostro es grasa y junto a mi parpado encapotado hacen que el maquillaje usualmente no dure mucho tiempo, pero la técnica de Yoe fué maravillosa!

YoebyMakeup got just what I wanted and I was super happy with the result, the makeup lasted all day and nothing smudged. My facial skin is oily and with my overcast eyelid, makeup usually doesn't last very long, but Yoe's technique was wonderful!

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CapnandoCosplay is not only a couple of beautiful and talented cosplayers, they are also people with a huge heart, extremely polite and kind. They are the kind of people we all need in our lives! Genuine people that just by being them and without looking for it, they bring only positive and healing things, listening to them talk and the way they express themselves is very precious! ✦

Aquí es donde orgullosamente les muestro mi objetivo principal logrado para esa fecha: CONOCER A NANDO Y ARNOLDO! (Pueden encontrarlos en Instagram como CAPNANDOCOSPLAY, ellos son una pareja de artistas que admiro hace muchos años, pero no había tenido la oportunidad hasta ahora de coincidir con ellos para poder conocerlos mejor).

Here is where I proudly show you my main goal achieved for that date: MEET NANDO AND ARNOLDO! (You can find them on Instagram as CAPNANDOCOSPLAY, they are a couple of artists that I have admired for many years, but I had not had the opportunity until now to meet them to get to know them better).

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✦ They performed very very skillfully! ✦

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Uno de los espectáculos más esperados por la fecha en que se celebró Tomodachi Bunkasai, era la presentación de este trío. Una producción muy bonita que nos asombró como siempre de la mano de Reino Mágico.

One of the most awaited shows for the date in which Tomodachi Bunkasai was celebrated, was the presentation of this trio. A very nice production that amazed us as always by the hand of Reino Mágico.

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✦ I am very much in love with everyone ✦

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Tomando en cuenta que el estreno de Hocus Pocus 2 fué el 30 de Septiembre (y estas fotos son del 10 de Septiembre), el hype de todos en la convención por estas tres actrices fue altísimo, y es que sus atuendos también estaban hermosamente logrados. Plus, el director de esta empresa es COSPLAYER!

Considering that Hocus Pocus 2 premiered on September 30 (and these photos are from September 10), everyone's hype at the convention for these three actresses was sky high, and their outfits were also beautifully done. Plus, the director of this company is COSPLAYER!

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✦ Backstage, the director of the Cosplay area of the organization gave us some last indications before the Cosplay Parade. It was the first time I shared a judging panel with Rebe and Alice, it was very exciting to see new faces and their respective interpretations, they are guest cosplayers from other states. And I especially loved the personality of Larita, who is currently in Colombia, she is not only very beautiful but her charisma makes her shine with her own light! ✦

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Aquí es donde retomamos el trabajo como jurado. Semanas antes de la convención, a cada miembro del jurado se les explica los criterios de evaluación, que van de la mano con los objetivos de la organización. No toda organización de eventos de este tipo tiene los mismos objetivos respecto al Cosplay -este tema es extenso, quizá lo explique mejor en otro post-

This is where we resume our work as jurors. Weeks before the convention, each member of the jury is explained the evaluation criteria, which go hand in hand with the objectives of the organization. Not every organization of this type of event has the same objectives regarding Cosplay -this topic is extensive, maybe I will explain it better in another post-

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✦ The area we were assigned was very well positioned to appreciate the work of the participants. Definitely the difference between the logistics of the experienced events, and the amateur or not very serious events is abysmal ✦

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Por eso los reglamentos para Pasarelas o Concursos pueden ser completamente diferentes unos de otros, o dar más peso en la calificación a un aspecto en específico del Cosplay (Costume - Performance).

That's why the rules for Catwalks or Contests can be completely different from each other, or give more weight in the qualification to a specific aspect of the Cosplay (Costume - Performance).

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✦ It was nice to see a variety of projects, and not just characters from the most popular series ✦

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Los resultados de los Concursos de Cosplay no son tomados aleatoriamente, o a gusto de la organización, o a capricho del jurado. La selección es seriamente discutida ateniéndonos al reglamento previamente publicado y a las hojas de evaluación que contienen criterios específicos.

The results of the Cosplay Contests are not taken randomly, or at the whim of the organization, or at the whim of the jury. The selection is seriously discussed according to the rules previously published and the evaluation sheets containing specific criteria.

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✦ The level was quite acceptable, many new talents ✦

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La suma completa de los puntajes, más la deliberación de todo el panel de jurados y previa exposición y aprobación de los resultados a la autoridad designada por la organización, es la manera en que se obtienen a los ganadores por cada categoría.

The sum total of the scores, plus the deliberation of the entire panel of jurors and prior presentation and approval of the results to the authority designated by the organization, is the way in which the winners are obtained for each category.

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✦ You always learn something new! The members of the jury are also nourished by these activities, listening and paying attention to the arguments of our teammates. And I make special mention to Capnando (both Fernando and Arnoldo) because they said many important and really valuable things. I admit that sometimes I get disappointed with some people during these panels because I realize that they are not even remotely prepared to evaluate the work of other Cosplayers correctly, and that reality distresses me a lot, because the only ones affected by bad decisions are the Cosplayers who worked so hard and put so much effort in their projects. But again, that's a topic for another post ✦

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A veces, como fue en esta ocasión, suceden empates y para resolverlo se llama a camerino a los finalistas para un estudio más minucioso de sus trajes, y también para hacer algunas preguntas que nos ayuden a valorar mejor su desempeño.

Sometimes, as was the case on this occasion, ties occur and to resolve them the finalists are called to the dressing room for a more detailed study of their costumes, and also to ask some questions to help us better assess their performance.

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✦ The Certificates for the winners in each category were beautiful! I would like to enter in the future to win one! ✦

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Felizmente puedo anunciar que el panel de jurados fue ameno, y logramos exitosamente un consenso entre todos los miembros para escoger a los ganadores por cada categoría. Y salvo algunas irregularidades (concursantes que hicieron cosas inapropiadas durante la actividad), esta creo es una de las Pasarelas Cosplay más bonitas que he tenido el honor de evaluar.

Happily I can announce that the judging panel was enjoyable, and we successfully reached a consensus among all members to choose the winners for each category. And except for some irregularities (contestants who did inappropriate things during the activity), I think this is one of the most beautiful Cosplay Catwalks I have had the honor to evaluate.

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✦ Due to time constraints I was not able to try the Japanese festival style games that were at the convention, but they just announced a date for Tomodachi Bunkasai 2 this 2023, so this time I will be able to bring the anecdote of those games to Hive! ✦

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Después del concurso y el anuncio oficial de los ganadores fui libre de disfrutar el evento, me encontré con muchas caras nuevas pero por sobre todo pude descansar y hacer un resumen de la Pasarela con mis amigos.

After the contest and the official announcement of the winners I was free to enjoy the event, I met many new faces but above all I was able to rest and make a summary of the catwalk with my friends.

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CapnandoCosplay & AbellCosplay

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Hay personas y amistades que solo llego a ver en eventos por motivos de distancia, vivimos muy lejos unos de los otros o hasta en estados diferentes, así que las convenciones son el punto de encuentro para todos después de largos periodos de solo hablar a través de Discord o Instagram.

There are people and friendships that I only get to see at events for reasons of distance, we live far away from each other or even in different states, so the conventions are the meeting point for everyone after long periods of only talking through Discord or Instagram.

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Este fué el primer evento de TOEV al que asisto después de muchos años, el último al que fui data de 2012. Y encuentro oportuno mencionar que su formato de Concurso de Cosplay es no competitivo, se concentran en premiar 8 Categorías distintas con certificados y pequeños obsequios, centrando su atención en dar espacio a la facción amateur que está surgiendo en la ciudad. Me parece una estupenda decisión, considerando todo lo que ha cambiado el ambiente del Cosplay después de la pandemia.

This was the first TOEV event I attended after many years, the last one I went to was in 2012. And I find it appropriate to mention that their Cosplay Contest format is non-competitive, they focus on awarding 8 different categories with certificates and small gifts, focusing their attention on giving space to the amateur faction that is emerging in the city. I think it's a great decision, considering how much the Cosplay environment has changed after the pandemic.

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✦ Pueden encontrar el perfil de esta empresa AQUI! ✦

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Y como mencione al principio del post, lo prometido es deuda, ¡fotos durante la Cámara 360°! (Me veo feliz pero la verdad estaba aterrorizada, mis zapatos son muy altos y no me dan la suficiente seguridad como para querer moverme en ese piso tan pequeño. Also, no se nota pero esa plataforma con luz leds era muy alta, muy alta) 🤣 🙌

And as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, as promised, pictures during the 360° Camera! (I look happy but the truth is I was terrified, my shoes are too high and they don't give me enough security to want to move on that small floor. Also, you can't tell but that led light platform was very tall, very tall) 🤣 🙌

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✦ These photos in particular were taken by @Vanuzza from her perspective ✦

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El personal que manejaba la cámara se portó super bien conmigo, la verdad sea dicha fueron amables y pacientes con todos los Cosplayers y eso es algo que se agradece y valora mucho 🥰 muchos tenemos indumentarias pesadas o voluminosas y no podemos movernos tan rápido como quisiéramos.

The staff that handled the camera behaved super well with me, truth be told they were kind and patient with all the Cosplayers and that is something that is very much appreciated and valued 🥰 many of us have heavy or bulky outfits and we can't move as fast as we would like.

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✦ Sigan la cuenta oficial de TOEV en Instagram! ✦

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Un detalle bastante genial es que la organización de Tomodachi Events prepara estas bolsas con tema exclusivo de cada una de sus convenciones, ¡dentro hay una lista de cosas como t-shirt con el logo del evento, bolso, chapa, pulsera, poster tamaño grande y muchos dulces!, son ultra detallistas y me asombra su nivel de coherencia y compromiso con sus personajes, misión, visión y diseños, todo era absurdamente bonito Y LO AME 💖 💖 💖

A pretty cool detail is that the organization of Tomodachi Events prepares these bags with exclusive theme of each of their conventions, inside there is a list of things like t-shirt with the logo of the event, bag, badge, bracelet, big size poster and lots of candy!, they are ultra detailed and I am amazed by their level of consistency and commitment to their characters, mission, vision and designs, everything was absurdly beautiful AND I LOVED IT 💖 💖 💖 💖

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✦ Follow me on Instagram for more tours like this one through my Cosplayer adventure! ✦

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Resumiendo la experiencia: "Tomodachi Bunkasai" es el perfecto ejemplo de lo que es un evento "por y para" fanáticos de la cultura asiática, k-pop y manganime. La organización cumple con lo que promete y no genera falsas expectativas. Lo que vez en su publicidad, es lo que obtendrás. Su staff es bastante completo y comprometido con los roles asignados. Las tiendas son surtidas y la mercancía muy hermosa, ¡auténticamente variada y encontraras todo tipo de precios!, además que la entrada tiene un precio razonable considerando el espacio donde celebran sus eventos (espacioso, frio, ambiente decorado, música en vivo y artistas internacionales).

Summarizing the experience: "Tomodachi Bunkasai" is the perfect example of an event "by and for" fans of Asian culture, k-pop and manganime. The organization delivers what it promises and does not generate false expectations. What you see in their advertising, is what you will get. Their staff is quite complete and committed to their assigned roles. The tents are well stocked and the merchandise is beautiful, authentically varied and you will find all kinds of prices, plus the entrance fee is reasonably priced considering the space where they hold their events (spacious, cool, decorated environment, live music and international artists).

Si eres Cosplayer amateur, o es tu primera vez haciendo Cosplay, este evento te presenta la mejor oportunidad para una primera experiencia en escenario; no se te pedirá presentar una performance formal, no debes presentar dossier, tampoco hay entrevista previa con el jurado, y la inscripción es gratuita. Es una modalidad bastante suave y gentil en caso tengas miedo escénico o quieras empezar en el Cosplay Competitivo, pero quieres primero ir tomando confianza. Tambien, si eres un Cosplayer experimentado, puedes disfrutar de esta bonita actividad para variar un poco tu experiencia y pasar un día lindo y relajado.

If you are an amateur Cosplayer, or it is your first time doing Cosplay, this event presents you the best opportunity for a first experience on stage; you will not be asked to present a formal performance, you don't have to present a dossier, there is no previous interview with the jury, and the registration is free. It's a very soft and gentle modality in case you have stage fright or want to start in Competitive Cosplay, but you want to gain confidence first. Also, if you are an experienced Cosplayer, you can enjoy this nice activity to vary a little your experience and spend a nice and relaxed day.

Agradezco mucho la oportunidad de haber sido jurado para esa ocasión, pero por sobre todo la confianza de la Organización en mi manera de valorar el Cosplay. Siempre será invaluable la confianza que tengan las organizaciones en tu criterio y capacidades. Muchas gracias TOEV!

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been a judge for that occasion, but above all the confidence of the Organization in my way of valuing the Cosplay. It will always be invaluable the confidence that the organizations have in your criteria and capabilities. Thank you very much TOEV!

Finalmente, si quieres saber más sobre mí, sobre mis proyectos, cómo elaboro mis trajes, mis viajes, o mi día a día, te invito a seguirme en mi única cuenta en Instagram, donde actualizo casi a diario 🤗 Un abrazo enorme para todxs! 🌹 ✨

Finally, if you want to know more about me, about my projects, how I make my Costumes, my travels, or my day to day life, I invite you to follow me on my only Instagram account, where I update almost daily 🤗 A huge hug for everyone! 🌹 ✨

Special Note: I had this format ready and edited many months ago, but since my computer got damaged, I first posted the photos in a different format on my Instagram. That's why you can find the album in my featured stories. Although here are some extra photos that you won't see there! 💖

¡Muchas gracias por leer!

✨ 🍓 ✨ Happy, soft, and creative day to all ✨ 🍓 ✨

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🍓 Autoría del texto y todas las imágenes: @Tesmoforia 🍓
📷 Herramientas: Lumix Panasonic DMC-FH2/Smartphone 📷
🚨 ¡Por favor no tomes, edites ni re-publiques mi material sin mi permiso! 🚨
💌 ¿Deseas ponerte en contacto conmigo? Tesmoforia 🍓#8715 💌
✨ Translation done with Deepl

✨ ☕ I like Coffee ☕ ✨
✨ 🌮 Also the tacos! 🌮 ✨

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸3 ⚜


Qué increíble todo esto 😍

El trabajo de un cosplayer es admirable.
Nada más ver toda la preparación detrás... Me alegra que hayas vuelto a participar en una convención y sobretodo verte por acá en Hive-Con. Eres bienvenida siempre ❤️

Hola Albani! Tu comentario me hizo muy feliz ; 7 ; muchisimas gracias, estaba loca por compartir esto especialmente aqui y me lleve una super sorpresa con esta nueva Comunidad, de verdad que la necesitaba 💖 💖 💖

Me alegra leer eso 😍

Bueno, aquí estaremos atentos a todas tus cositas. Seguro que tienes muchas genialidades qué mostrar ❤️

Recuerdo asistir a un evento que era más relativo al manga y anime, vi cosplayer, pero no había algo tan organizado al respecto como esto que es un concurso bien serio por lo que veo, debió ser genial el asistir, gracias por compartir.

Hola hola! Si fue genial poder asistir, aunque no me hubieran convocado como Jurado o Special Guest, igual hubiera ido, por aquí estamos muy emocionados esperando la siguiente edicion 😍 gracias a ti por visitarme! -manyhugs-

Que bueno públicas te de nuevo!!! 🥰 reviví de nuevo todo el evento!

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Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

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