[ESP-ENG]- Flor psicodélica, llénate de buena vibra! // Psychedelic flower, fill yourself with good vibes!

in #hive-1305603 years ago


Hola, hola mis queridos amigos hiverianos, espero se encuentren de lo mejor! , En esta oportunidad les quiero mostrar como realicé una flor psicodélica; por esta vez quise elaborar algo totalmente diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrada a hacer y es que me inspiré en mi amada abuela; les explico, mi abuela cuando era tan solo una niña de 11 años solía elaborar esta misma flor junto con su mamá y sus dos hermanas menores, tenían que reproducir unas 60 veces esta flor diariamente para luego salir a recorrer el pueblo donde ella vivía en ese entonces y venderlas; todo ello debido a la gran necesidad económica que en esa época estaban pasando. Mi abuela y su mamá no tenían los recursos necesarios y suficientes para elaborar las famosas rosas rojas o rosadas a la que estaríamos acostumbrados a hacer; se vieron en la necesidad de utilizar material de provecho para elaborarlas, así como vestidos viejos que ya no les quedaban o alguna ropa rasgada, entre papel, cartón y periódicos, incluso muchas veces para realizar estas rosas usaban hojas secas, entre otros… dando resultado a estas raras flores que se inclinan al mundo psicodélico; por lo que para ellas fue un éxito total; ciertamente regresaban a casa con los alimentos que podían comprar con la venta de sus flores psicodélicas. Con los años mi abuela perfeccionó sus técnicas y siguió haciendo arreglos florales pero esta vez con buenos materiales, coloridos y novedosos; labor que le ayudó a mantener una economía sustentable para sus hijos y su hogar. Es entonces mis queridos amigos que decidí homenajear al trabajo honrado de mi abuela y de muchas personas que decidieron salir adelante siempre con la frente en alto; sin más que agregar, síganme a este paso a paso retro.

Hello, hello my dear Hiverian friends, I hope you are having the best! , This time I want to show you how I made a psychedelic flower; for this time I wanted to make something totally different from what I am used to doing and that is because I was inspired by my beloved grandmother; I explain to you, my grandmother, when she was just an 11-year-old girl, used to make this same flower together with her mother and her two younger sisters, they had to reproduce this flower about 60 times daily and then go out to visit the town where she lived in that then and sell them; all this due to the great economic need that they were experiencing at that time. My grandmother and her mother did not have the necessary and sufficient resources to make the famous red or pink roses that we would be used to making; they saw the need to use useful material to make them, as well as old dresses that no longer fit or some torn clothes, including paper, cardboard and newspapers, even many times to make these roses they used dry leaves, among others... giving results to these rare flowers that lean into the psychedelic world; so for them it was a total success; they certainly returned home with what food they could buy from the sale of their psychedelic flowers. Over the years, my grandmother perfected her techniques and continued making flower arrangements, but this time with good, colorful and innovative materials; work that helped him maintain a sustainable economy for his children and his home. It is then my dear friends that I decided to honor the honest work of my grandmother and many people who decided to always get ahead with their heads held high; Without further ado, follow me on this retro step by step.


Alambre de cobre
Papel celofán

Copper wire
Celofan paper
Pair of scissors





Pasos // Steps

1: hacemos un doblaje en una hoja rectangular, trazamos el molde de la flor.

1: we make a fold on a rectangular sheet, we trace the mold of the flower.




2: recortamos el molde y desdoblamos la hoja.

2: cut the mold and unfold the sheet.



3: colocamos el molde sobre un rectángulo de papel celofán aproximadamente de medio metro de largo; lo doblamos en forma de acordeón.

3: we place the mold on a rectangle of cellophane paper approximately half a meter long; we fold it in the form of an accordion.



4: volteamos el papel celofán y doblamos por la mitad, seguidamente recortamos siguiendo en molde.

4: turn the cellophane paper over and fold in half, then cut out following the mold.



5: hacemos una bola de cartón para hacer el centro de la flor.

5: We make a cardboard ball to make the center of the flower.


6: con un alambre de cobre vamos a sujetarlo con ayuda de una pinza.

6: with a copper wire we are going to hold it with the help of a clamp.





7: con un trozo cuadrado de tela negra vamos a forrar la bola de cartón, sellándola en el tallo con alambre de cobre delgado.

7: with a square piece of black cloth we are going to cover the cardboard ball, sealing it on the stem with thin copper wire.


8: cortamos dos tiras finas de tela y las enrollamos de la siguiente manera, colocándolas en forma de cruz en la bola.

8: We cut two thin strips of fabric and roll them as follows, placing them in the shape of a cross on the ball.



9: con una tela amarilla rectangular vamos a rodear la bola de cartón y sellar con hilo.

9: with a rectangular yellow cloth we are going to surround the cardboard ball and seal with thread.





10: hacemos el mismo proceso con una tela marrón tornasol y sellamos nuevamente con hilo.

10: We do the same process with a brown litmus cloth and seal again with thread.



11: con ayuda de la tijera cortamos la tela amarilla en forma de tiritas; de esta manera haciendo los estambres de la flor.

11: with the help of scissors we cut the yellow fabric in the form of strips; in this way making the stamens of the flower.



12: y por último le agregamos de la misma manera el papel celofán previamente cortado.

12: and finally we add the previously cut cellophane paper.




13: para forrar el tallo utilicé una tira de tela verde.

13: to cover the stem I used a strip of green fabric.



Enhorabuena! Ha sido creada una de las antiguas flores psicodélicas que mi abuela solía hacer. Fue increíble para mí viajar en el tiempo y descubrir con mis propias manos como mi abuela elaboraba día tras día estas flores psicodélicas en bamba para poder coexistir; trabajo que dió frutos en un futuro donde pudo sostener a su hermosa familia hasta llegar a mi valioso existir. Gracias Abuela Dimas.

Congratulations! One of the old psychedelic flowers that my grandmother used to make has been created. It was incredible for me to travel back in time and discover with my own hands how my grandmother made these psychedelic flowers in sneakers day after day in order to coexist; work that bore fruit in a future where he was able to support his beautiful family until I reached my valuable existence. Thank you Grandma Dimas.



Esto ha sido todo por hoy mis valiosos amigos hiverianos, espero haya sido de su agrado, se les quiere un montón, gracias por permitirme ser parte de ustedes. Hasta un próximo post. Bendiciones.

This has been all for today my valuable hiverian friends, I hope you have liked it, you are loved a lot, thank you for allowing me to be part of you. Until a next post. Blessings.





Fotografía por | Photography by: @kathysteele, Android A10.Edición por | Edition by: @kathysteele, Photoshop.Separador y stikers| Separator and stikers: autoria propia.Translated with www.traductorgoogle


Nice keep it up.
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Wow, que bonito te quedó y que sentimiento representa esa flor, saludos y un fuerte abrazo.

Muchas gracias querida amiga @cutiepink que grato saber que le ha gustado la historia. :) Saludos y bendiciones.

Que bella flor amiga @kathysteele me gusto mucho y el valor que representa para ti mucho mas, que bueno que lo hayas podido compartir por aqui. Gracias y Bendiciones..

Muchísimas gracias mi querida amiga @floreudys79 , que grato saber que te haya gustado. ciertamente el significado es lo que me lena de satisfacción al haberlo hecho. saludos , éxitos y bendiciones.

WARNING - The message you received from @frick is a CONFIRMED SCAM!

DO NOT FOLLOW any instruction and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the comment!

Ok. Thank you very much! I get it!

You're welcome @kathysteele. Stay cautious!

BTW, I noticed I miss your witness vote 😢
Do you mind casting one to me? It would be much appreciated!

in that way? I did not understand very well? witness vote? excuse me

You did it! Thank you for your support @kathysteele, really appreciate it! 👍

Here is some explanation about what witnesses are:

On the Hive blockchain, witnesses serve the role of validating signatures and timestamping transactions by including them in blocks. A block is any group of transactions (posts, votes, transfers, etc) that update the state of the database.

Witnesses are generally expected to manage a reliable block-producing node, implement a failover system, maintain a public seed node, tune blockchain operating parameters, publish correct price feeds, author/discuss improvement proposals, review code changes, and be active! Some contribute to core repositories. Some fund the development of other apps and infrastructure projects.

Every round of block production begins with the shuffling of 21 witnesses: the top 20 witnesses (by vote), plus one backup witness. Each is given a turn to produce a single block at a fixed rate of one block every 3 seconds. If a witness does not produce a block in their time slot, then that time slot is skipped, and the next witness produces the next block.

You can see the witness list here
You can see the live block production [here)(https://hive.arcange.eu/schedule)

By voting for a witness, YOU choose which ones you trust to ensure the security of the blockchain.

wow! thanks for the info! Very complete. I notice that I still have a lot to learn around here, because I really didn't know anything about this. Greetings and many successes! 🙂✌🏼😁

Thank you. Glad to help 😉

Oh yeah, sorry @arcange, I forgot. I remember. Some time ago I opened an account there, but I never really knew what it was for. The platform is not handled very well, every day is something new and productive. I'm going to enter and give the vote, with pleasure.

Thank you for your support @kathysteele, really appreciate it! 👍

On the Hive blockchain, witnesses serve the role of validating signatures and timestamping transactions by including them in blocks. A block is any group of transactions (posts, votes, transfers, etc) that update the state of the database.

Witnesses are generally expected to manage a reliable block-producing node, implement a failover system, maintain a public seed node, tune blockchain operating parameters, publish correct price feeds, author/discuss improvement proposals, review code changes, and be active! Some contribute to core repositories. Some fund the development of other apps and infrastructure projects.

Every round of block production begins with the shuffling of 21 witnesses: the top 20 witnesses (by vote), plus one backup witness. Each is given a turn to produce a single block at a fixed rate of one block every 3 seconds. If a witness does not produce a block in their time slot, then that time slot is skipped, and the next witness produces the next block.

You can see the witness list here
You can see the live block production [here)(https://hive.arcange.eu/schedule)

By voting for a witness, YOU choose which ones you trust to ensure the security of the blockchain.

Hi @arcange , it's me again; I need guidance. It happens that I already entered my hivesigner account and I try to give you my vote and I get "error". Is there any way that you can guide me please to get my vote. And so I can learn from the platform. It should be noted that I have never given a witness vote, I would love for you to help me with that. I would really appreciate it. And sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Looks like you finally succeeded to cast your vote.
Thank you for your support @kathysteele, really appreciate it! 👍

It's ok ✌🏼