Los amigos son esos ángeles terrenales que siempre están a nuestro lado en las buenas y en las malas es por eso que no debemos dejar pasar la oportunidad para agradecerles y para demostrarle todo nuestro cariño.
Para los que somos artesanos es una gran ventaja poder elaborar estos pequeños detalles con nuestras propias manos.
Particularmente disfruto de elaborar pequeños proyectos para obsequiar a mis queridos en ocasiones especiales como los cumpleaños, día de la madre y en este caso el día del amor y la amistad. El reto que me he propuesto para esta actividad es trabajar única y exclusivamente con materiales que tengo en casa ya que tengo muchos materiales que me han quedado de proyectos anteriores y se me están acumulando. Esto será para mí un verdadero desafío ya que me encanta comprar materiales de artesanía.
Este primer proyecto de San Valentín es un pequeño adorno realizado con paletas de madera y otros materiales.
A continuación les mostraré el paso a paso de como elaboré este hermoso detalle.
Hello to all my creative friends at Hive. We meet again to share a new craft project. As the day of love and friendship is approaching, I will be making a series of very simple projects to give to my friends on this special day.
Friends are those earthly angels that are always by our side in good times and bad, that's why we should not miss the opportunity to thank them and to show them all our love.
For those of us who are artisans it is a great advantage to be able to elaborate these small details with our own hands.I particularly enjoy making small projects to give to my loved ones on special occasions such as birthdays, Mother's Day and in this case the day of love and friendship. The challenge I have set myself for this activity is to work only and exclusively with materials I have at home since I have a lot of materials left over from previous projects and they are accumulating. This will be a real challenge for me as I love shopping for craft supplies.
This first Valentine's Day project is a small ornament made with wooden pallets and other materials.
Next I will show you the step by step of how I made this beautiful ornament.
- Paletas de madera
- Foami escarchado turquesa claro
- Silicon caliente
- Tijeras
- Flores de papel
- Aplicaciones de mariposa en color azul
- Lápiz
- Cartulina de color verde
- Pintura blanca
- Pincel
- Wooden pallets
- Light turquoise frosted foami
- Hot glue
- Scissors
- Paper flowers
- Blue butterfly appliqués
- Pencil
- Green cardboard
- White paint
- Paintbrush
The first step is to glue 6 wooden pallets with the help of the silicone gun. On the back of the pallets is placed a small reinforcement with the same pallets, placing them in a cross shape.
The next step is to paint the pallets with white paint, for this I used a thick brush. I had to give it two coats of paint since the pallets were recycled from another project.
I then drew a heart shape on a piece of cardboard and used it as a pattern to mark it on the blue frosted foami and then cut it out.
Once the paint was dry, I glued the foami heart in the center of the square formed with the wooden pallets. To do this, I used the silicone gun so that it would be well glued.
To decorate with a garden theme, I marked and cut out several little leaves on the green cardstock.
To complete the decoration I used paper flowers in three different colors and glued them on the right side of the foami heart. I also placed some smaller flowers in different colors to give it a more cheerful and spring-like touch.
Finally I wove a small chain with cream colored nylon cord, and used it as a pendant. I also added some butterflies to the decoration.
In this simple and easy way we can make a nice ornament to give as a gift next month on the day of love and friendship. I hope these ideas are useful and to your liking. See you in a future post. Greetings and blessings.
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Samsung A32
Imagen de portada y los separadores de texto son diseñados por mí en con Canva.com
Uso traductor Deepl