Hi there! How are you? I've been wanting to create a blog that works through the entire process of creating a handmade sketchbook. I've attempted, but it seems difficult for me to complete because there are a lot of pieces that need to be included to demonstrate it in more detail.
Like this blog I'm writing right now, I want to share what I learned from creating a handmade sketchbook out of recyclable materials. The first thing I'm going to do is make a DIY chipboard, which will save me a ton of money instead of purchasing it online and will also contribute to environmental sustainability.
The original materials to make chipboard are wood particles and epoxy resin which I don't have in my materials, so what a crafter has in their material are paper folders and glue, so today I am going to make that happen.
Materials I used:
- Paper Folders
- Glue
- Cutting Mat
- Plastic Scraper
- Ruler
- Cutter
- Heavy Books or Things
- Bone Folder
The Process:
On a cutting mat, I placed the first layer of a paper folder so that there would be no mess during the process.
I have prepared the next materials I'll need, which are glue and a plastic scraper. Using the scraper speeds up and speeds up the process.
I pour enough amount of glue onto the paper folder I just measure it with my eyes LOL.
If it is too much I will use the extra on the next layer, no glue is wasted.
I use the plastic scraper to even out the glue. I make sure to work fast because the glue dries faster in hot weather.
After applying the glue evenly without any part unglue this is what it looks like.
I then grab another paper folder to layer it on the first folder.
After applying the second layer of the paper folder, I used the bone folder to flatten any bubbles on the surface of the paper.
I repeated that process six times It is up to you if you want thinner go for fewer layers but I wanted it thick so six layers for me.
After all the layering I place the folder on the floor and make sure the floor is clean.
I place heavy things on the top of the paper folder, I make sure to cover as much as the surface of the paper to make sure it is flat when it dries. I let it dry for days.
After drying it for days this is what it looks like flat and sturdy. I have my DIY chipboard.
It is time to cut the chipboard. I use a metal ruler and cutter with a new blade. Make sure to use a metal ruler if you use a plastic ruler it will just ruin the poor ruler.
I cut it in the size I wanted.
Making my chipboard with paper folders is not just a fun way to do it but I repurpose stock material. Whether you're creating handmade sketchbooks etc. this DIY is a lot help for me.
If you like to recycle and DIY you should try it yourself. :D
Thank you for visiting. See you on my next blog. :D