Hi everybody how are you? These vacation days I have dedicated part of my time to create and elaborate the things that I will use for the beginning of the school year.
A teacher always has to have her supplies and materials ready at the beginning of the year, this includes her planning notebook, billboards to decorate her classroom environment, among many other things.
Today I want to share how I prepared my planning notebook, it is important to clarify that a teacher must have a notebook in which she must carry out her daily class planning, in it she also keeps the daily record of incidents inside and outside the classroom, It must record the daily attendance of the children and the record of minutes and agreements with the representatives is kept.
Busque un diseño en Internet, elegi el de una de una jirafa, no sé por qué pero me gusta mucho ese animalito.
Look for a design on the Internet, I chose one of a giraffe, I don't know why but I really like that little animal.
Look for my box of materials, I will use foami yellow, fuchsia, red, green, skin color, blue, frosty (brown, pink, blue, purple), white and brown paint, normal and figure scissors, silicone, cautin, black marker and light blue, white sheet, pencil and a notebook of 6 subjects
Make the design on a white sheet with graphite pencil
With the design on the sheet, start by transferring each part of the design onto the foam. After the entire design is drawn on the foami, we proceed to cut out each part of the design.
Next, each part begins to be glued to shape this beautiful design.
Having the design glued, the final touches are given, paint the eyes, and the spots of the giraffe. Once the giraffe is ready, we proceed to cover the notebook with a foam that covers the entire front part, then the giraffe design is glued and finally some figures are made with the soldering iron
I hope you liked it, and awaken your creativity to create things like these that are also useful for keeping a daily record (agenda)