🧡 {18/08/24} ✦ Tutorial: "My first Hanfu skirt" 🎍 πŸͺ‘ ✦ πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ β”‚ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

in #hive-130560 β€’ 5 months ago


✦ I have turned this photo tour into a tutorial because as I was building this piece, which can be a bit confusing, I realized that I found a lot of great useful data that can be useful to others. I hope you find something interesting and most of all enjoy the journey! - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia ✦

πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ ~ Β‘Hola a todos!, hace algunas semanas retomΓ© mis estudios de prendas asiΓ‘ticas con motivos fashionistas y cosplayeriles.

Es una larga historia de la que he hablado en otros post pero si eres nuevo visitando mi blog, el resumen serΓ­a: Β‘Vivo en una ciudad ultra calurosa y la ropa que me gusta no se consigue en las tiendas aqui!

Dios mΓ­o ya no quiero usar pantalones, estoy quizΓ‘ ya en la etapa donde solo quiero ropa elegante, fresca y versΓ‘til; oh, y tambiΓ©n por la forma de mi cuerpo tengo problemas en conseguir prendas que me entallen bien.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ~ Hello everyone!, a few weeks ago I resumed my studies of Asian garments with fashion and cosplay motifs.

It's a long story that I've talked about in other posts but if you're new visiting my blog, the summary would be: I live in an ultra hot city and the clothes I like are not available in stores here!

My God I don't want to wear pants anymore, I'm maybe already at the stage where I just want stylish, cool and versatile clothes; oh, and also because of my body shape I have trouble getting clothes that fit me well.

PDF Pattern Mamianqun, Horse Face Skirt - Etsy.jpegChinese hanfu.jpegDragonfly Wings Ribbon Skirt.jpeg
Luxurious Black Long Sleeve Dress for Women.jpegHanfu Story Women Traditional Chinese Clothing Modern Cheongsam Prom Dress Fantasy Cosplay Outfit.jpegElegant Black Evening Gown with Enhanced Design - Horse-face dress in gold, 2XL.jpeg

✦ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 ✦

✦ It has been a long time since I have seen this type of satin in the stores in my city but in the post pandemic time the fabric imports for my city by private companies have been more varied in the selection of textiles, I might even say more adventurous, so I am hopeful ✦

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Google Images.jpegdescarga - 2024-08-17T223825.811.jpege64047fc-8504-403e-acbb-0aaa0fba2f79.jpeg

✦ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 ✦

Una de las prendas que mΓ‘s deseo incorporar en mi repertorio son las faldas hanfu, o faldas mamianqun, que tambiΓ©n se conocen como "Horse Face Skirt".

One of the garments that I most want to incorporate into my repertoire are the hanfu skirts, or mamianqun skirts, which are also known as β€œHorse Face Skirt”.

Β‘Me parecen simplemente espectaculares!, son todo lo que me gusta y sobre todo por su pretina ancha y ajustable creo son una prenda ultra halagadora para cualquier tipo de silueta.

I find them simply spectacular! They are everything I like and especially because of their wide and adjustable waistband I think they are an ultra flattering garment for any type of silhouette.

Pase muchos dΓ­as viendo videos tutoriales y leyendo sobre todas sus variantes, el tipo de tela mΓ‘s adecuado para su confecciΓ³n y tambiΓ©n diferentes mΓ©todos para hacer esos hermosos y prolijos tablones: El sentido de los tablones y su cantidad puede tener diferentes configuraciones, la tela mΓ‘s idΓ³nea es la seda y el raso, y los tablones pueden lograrse con una base de acordeΓ³n de papel grueso, una prensa improvisada, agua, y plancha de ropa a alta temperatura.

I spent many days watching video tutorials and reading about all its variants, the most suitable type of fabric for its confection and also different methods to make those beautiful and neat planks: The direction of the planks and their quantity can have different configurations, the most suitable fabric is silk and satin, and the planks can be achieved with an accordion base of thick paper, an improvised press, water, and clothes iron at high temperature.

A pesar de las guΓ­as, como dice el dicho "de la moda lo que te acomoda" y desde la perspectiva de la confecciΓ³n, una adaptaciΓ³n para empezar a familiarizarme con la estructura de esta falda se me hizo una buena idea.

Despite the guidelines, as the saying goes β€œof fashion what suits you” and from a tailoring perspective, an adaptation to begin to familiarize myself with the structure of this skirt was a good idea.

No tenΓ­a suficiente tela seda en mi stock, y mΓ­nimo necesitaba 3 metros rectos de largo, por eso utilice lo que me quedo de una prueba anterior cuando confeccione una Yukata Japonesa, una tela de camiserΓ­a que sΓ­ alcanzaba esa longitud y un poco mΓ‘s.

I didn't have enough silk fabric in my stock, and I needed at least 3 straight meters long, so I used what I had left over from a previous test when I made a Japanese Yukata, a shirting fabric that did reach that length and a little more.

Para este primer intento querΓ­a una prenda de tablones corridos en una sola direcciΓ³n, respetando el diseΓ±o de la pretina pero por ahora obviando la secciΓ³n plana del frente. A lo largo del post todas las medidas las indicare poco a poco πŸ€— πŸ‘Œ πŸ’ž

For this first attempt I wanted a plank garment running in one direction only, respecting the waistband design but for now obviating the flat front section. Throughout the post all the measurements I will indicate them little by little πŸ€— πŸ‘Œ πŸ’ž

✦ Step by step Tutorial of a skirt inspired by traditional Chinese Hanfu design ✦


Lo primero que hice fue conectar 2 piezas de tela para lograr una pieza de poco mas de 3 metros de largo, con un ancho de 45 cm. Tambien es importante planchar muy bien toda la pieza y elaborar un ruedo doble en uno de sus lados mas largos, y los laterales.

The first thing I did was to connect 2 pieces of fabric to achieve a piece of a little more than 3 meters long, with a width of 45 cm. It is also important to iron the whole piece very well and make a double hem on one of its longest sides, and the sides.


Los tablones los hice a mano y su ancho fue aproximadamente de 8 cm cada uno, superponiendo a la mitad con el siguiente tablΓ³n, da un resultado de 4 cm de distancia entre cada uno. Los mantuve en su lugar muy bien con alfileres y pinzas de costura.

I made the planks by hand and their width was approximately 8 cm each, overlapping halfway with the next plank, gives a result of 4 cm distance between each one. I held them in place very well with pins and sewing clips.


Cuando toda la pieza de tela se ha convertido en tablas bonitas y bien rectas, vamos a llevar todo a la mΓ‘quina de coser para hacer una costura recta nΓΊmero 3.5 o 4 como se aprecia en la imagen, asi cuando retiremos los alfileres y pinzas todo de mantendrΓ‘ en su lugar.

When the whole piece of fabric has turned into nice and straight planks, we will take everything to the sewing machine to make a straight seam number 3.5 or 4 as shown in the picture, so when we remove the pins and clips everything will stay in place.


Recomiendo 2 costuras en linea recta en todo ese borde, 1 costura a 1.5 cm de distancia del borde, y otra a 0.5 cm. Coser con lentitud y cuidado.

I recommend 2 seams in a straight line along that edge, 1 seam 1.5 cm away from the edge, and another at 0.5 cm. Sew slowly and carefully.


Ahora guiΓ‘ndonos de las tablas hechas en la parte superior, vamos a sujetar con los alfileres y pinzas de costura las tablas en la parte inferior.

Now, using the planks made at the top as a guide, we will fasten the planks at the bottom with pins and sewing clamps.


Ahora haremos un pre-planchado a mediana temperatura para marcar temporalmente los tablones tal cual deberΓ­an quedar al final. Todavia no haremos el planchado permanente porque vamos a manipular mucho la pieza mientras instalamos la pretina.

Now we will do a pre-ironing at medium temperature to temporarily mark the planks as they should be at the end. We will not do the permanent ironing yet because we are going to manipulate the piece a lot while installing the waistband.


Para la pretina vamos a preparar un recorte de tela que mida 10 cm de ancho, y su largo iguale el largo de la falda, que deberΓ­a ser la medida de nuestra cadera multiplicado por 1.5 (es decir vuelta y media).

For the waistband, we will prepare a piece of fabric that measures 10 cm wide, and its length equals the length of the skirt, which should be the measurement of our hips multiplied by 1.5 (i.e. round and a half).

Vamos a doblarla por la mitad, y vamos a coser en sus extremos 2 cintas de tela de al menos 2 metros de largo x 4 cm de ancho (preferiblemente fabricarlas de la misma tela). Marca el centro de la pretina en sus extremos con lΓ‘piz para que todo quede centrado antes de llevar a la mΓ‘quina de coser, observa las imΓ‘genes guΓ­a.

We are going to fold it in half, and we are going to sew on its ends 2 fabric strips of at least 2 meters long x 4 cm wide (preferably made of the same fabric). Mark the center of the waistband at its ends with a pencil so that everything is centered before taking it to the sewing machine, see the guide images.


Voltea la pretina y plancha, respetando 1 cm de margen hacia dentro. Luego haremos un ojal aproximadamente a 1/3 de la distancia total de la pretina. Puedes hacer el ojal de forma tradicional, debe medir entre 4 y 4.5 cm como mΓ­nimo.

Turn the waistband over and iron, respecting a 1 cm seam allowance inward. Then we will make a buttonhole approximately 1/3 of the total distance of the waistband. You can make the buttonhole in the traditional way, it should measure between 4 and 4.5 cm minimum.


Yo preferΓ­ hacer el ojal de forma diferente al preparar una uniΓ³n previa de esta secciΓ³n de la pretina, donde solo tuve que abrir las costuras de ambos lados para que coincidiera.

I preferred to make the buttonhole differently by preparing a pre-joining of this section of the waistband, where I just had to open the seams on both sides to match.


QuerΓ­a una terminaciΓ³n mas limpia que un ojal tradicional, y tambiΓ©n mas resistente que no se deshilachara con el tiempo. Cuando comprobΓ© que coincidΓ­a para que la cinta cupiera sin problemas lleve todo a la maquina de coser.

I wanted a cleaner finish than a traditional buttonhole, and also a stronger finish that would not fray over time. When I checked that it matched so that the ribbon would fit without any problems, I took everything to the sewing machine.


Aseguramos todo el borde del ojal con una puntada pequeΓ±a, numero 2 o 2.5 esta bien (MIRA QUE BONITOOO!).

Secure the entire edge of the buttonhole with a small stitch, number 2 or 2.5 is fine (LOOK HOW NICE!).


El proceso para instalar la pretina es como el de cualquier otra falda o pantalΓ³n. Aqui no hay secretos, esta etapa es solo relajarse y centrar todo con paciencia.

The process to install the waistband is like that of any other skirt or pants. There are no secrets here, this stage is just relax and center everything with patience.


Remarquemos, mucha paciencia para que cuadre bien la prΓ³xima costura de la pretina que corresponde al reverso de la falda.

Let's be very patient so that the next seam of the waistband, which corresponds to the back of the skirt, fits well.


Una ultima linea de costura para terminar de instalar la pretina y nuestra falda Hanfu esta lista, mientras mas cuidadosos seamos mejor porque las lΓ­neas rectas en todos los sentidos son muy importantes para la hermosa estΓ©tica de esta prenda.

One last line of stitching to finish installing the waistband and our Hanfu skirt is ready, the more careful we are the better because straight lines in every way are very important for the beautiful aesthetics of this garment.


Β‘Ahora la magia!, despues de todo ese trabajo encontraras que al retirar las pinzas de costura y alfileres que sostienen la parte inferior de la falda, los tablones se pierden... asi que no los retires, dΓ©jalos en su lugar, y busquemos un dosificador de agua.

Now the magic! after all that work you will find that when you remove the sewing clips and pins that hold the bottom of the skirt, the planks are lost... so don't remove them, leave them in place, and let's find a water dispenser.


ΒΏCΓ³mo obtener esas hermosas y permanentes tablas en esta falda?: RocΓ­a una generosa cantidad de agua en secciones de 30 a 40 cm que cubra completamente cada esquina de la falda, y aplica la plancha de ropa a la temperatura mas alta que tolere la tela (ADVERTENCIA: Has primero la prueba en un retazo aparte, no corras el riesgo de quemar la falda).

How to get those beautiful, permanent planks on this skirt: Spray a generous amount of water in 12 to 15 inch sections that completely cover each corner of the skirt, and apply the clothes iron at the highest temperature the fabric will tolerate ***(WARNING: Test on a separate piece first, don't risk burning the skirt).

Repite este proceso al menos 2 veces, hasta que el agua se evapore totalmente te la tela, y no la levantes de la mesa de planchar hasta que la tela se sienta seca y frΓ­a, que el calor haya salido completamente de ella.

Repeat this process at least 2 times, until the water evaporates completely from the fabric, and do not lift the fabric from the ironing table until the fabric feels dry and cool, the heat has completely left the fabric.


Existen distintas maneras de colocarte y anudar esta falda, cuando me la probΓ© brevemente utilice un nudo oculto porque querΓ­a apreciar bien el resultado. Por ahora esta es la ΓΊnica imagen que tengo del resultado pero dentro de unos dias cuando me sienta mejor, hare una bonita sesiΓ³n de fotos con algunos gif; hoy realmente me duele mucho la espalda y la cadera, y no tengo Γ‘nimos para caminar mucho o estar de pie por mucho tiempo.

There are different ways to put on and knot this skirt, when I tried it on briefly I used a hidden knot because I wanted to appreciate the result. For now this is the only picture I have of the result but in a few days when I feel better, I will do a nice photo session with some gifs; today my back and hip really hurt a lot, and I don't feel like walking a lot or standing for a long time.

descarga - 2024-08-18T143013.357.jpegdescarga - 2024-08-18T142944.997.jpegdescarga - 2024-08-18T142950.085.jpeg

✦ At this point I realize that the colors I would like to use for when I start the long hanfu skirts I want, are going to be just the colors of the Chinese dramas I have seen, it is impossible not to find inspiration in them for their spectacular costume direction ~ 1 - 2 - 3 ✦

Por supuesto, existen otras prendas asiΓ‘ticas similares a esta que pueden confundirse como el hanfu chino, como la ropa tradicional coreana, pero Γ©sta tiene otro nombre y es diferente en varios sentidos, y no debemos confundir una con otra.

Para este primer intento solo utilice tela e hilo, no utilice entretela ni bies, y realmente no creo le haga falta, en persona es muy hermosa y quisiera tener mas fotos para mostrar, pero eso serΓ‘ para la prΓ³xima semana.

Me encantarΓ­a leer tus impresiones de este proyecto en los comentarios, Γ©ste era un post que estaba muy emocionada por compartir porque hace meses querΓ­a empezar a coser ropa realmente utilitaria.

Espero todos estΓ©n pasando un agradable fin de semana, yo me relajare bordando un poco, voy por el capΓ­tulo 16 de "Till the End of the Moon" y no tengo prisa πŸƒ 🍡 πŸŒ™

Of course, there are other Asian garments similar to this one that can be confused like the Chinese hanfu, like the Korean traditional garment, but this one has another name and is different in many ways, and we should not confuse one with the other.

For this first attempt I only used fabric and thread, no interfacing or bias binding, and I really don't think it needs it, in person it is very beautiful and I wish I had more pictures to show, but that will be for next week.

I would love to read your impressions of this project in the comments, this was a post I was very excited to share because I have been wanting to start sewing really utilitarian clothing for months now.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend, I'll be relaxing embroidering a bit, I'm on chapter 16 of β€œTill the End of the Moon” and I'm in no hurry πŸƒ 🍡 πŸŒ™

✨ πŸ’™ Follow me on Hive and Instagram for more original content! πŸ’™ ✨


✨ πŸ“ All texts and images by @Tesmoforia πŸ“ ✨
πŸ“Έ Tools: Smartphone πŸ“² Snow 🎬 Remini πŸŒ“ FotoJet πŸ“
🚨 ‘Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
πŸ’Œ ΒΏDo you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia πŸ’Œ
πŸŒ™ Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

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It is elegant and beautiful. Impressive! It looks amazing. Great job! Keep it up!

Thank you very much for those kind words! πŸ’—

Felicitaciones es un trabajo tan laborioso como hermoso,

Agradecida @gladymar1973 espero estes muy bien! 🌹 🌹 🌹

AhΓ­ vamos querida poco a poco pero seguro, feliz tarde

Bella amiga @tesmoforia amo tu proceso, es absolutamente coherente, instructivo e inspirador.
Se lo que hiciste y el trabajo que llevΓ³, mientras mΓ‘s tablones tenga la falda, mΓ‘s trabajo conlleva, y quedΓ³ espectacular... PodrΓ­a llenar esta caja de comentarios de adjetivos para ti.

Un abrazo y toda mi admiraciΓ³n.

Tu sabes cΓ³mo es el tema de estas tablas :o tu me entiendes Yenny ! ! Ay pero vale totalmente la pena, siento que te estiliza mucho; super agradecida con todos esos halagos tan bonitos ; u ; me puse sentimental omg, un abrazote para ti tambien y de verdad gracias por el cariΓ±o 🩷 πŸ’ 🩷 πŸ’ 🩷

Sin duda, una pieza elegante y digna para cualquier ocasiΓ³n. AdemΓ‘s, es muy bonita y llamativa.

Muchas gracias Ernesto! πŸ’™

This is so beautiful, the skirt looks really nice on you and thanks for sharing this simple trick here.

I'm glad if you found some useful tip my dear! Thank you very much to you 🌼 🌼 🌼

Wow! Tesmoforia!
Wow! I love the skirt.
The fabric looks pretty too. I really love it πŸ₯°
I never knew just water had that kind of power… I’ll keep this gem for my own projects

I'm glad you like the fabric Abenad, I would have preferred to use light blue or pastel pink silk but I really didn't have it, and I didn't want to wait until I could go out to the store :(

And of course! It's a trick my mom taught me, by adding water to the fabric and ironing it, the steam that escapes quickly from it makes the fabric stay with that shape, that method is also useful to remove difficult wrinkles, it's a wonder :D

Ohhhh, it looks pretty with this fabric too.

That’s a great trick, thank you for sharing ✨❀️

It's lovely

Thank you πŸ₯°