Genus Achatina

in #hive-1309067 days ago
Latin nameObservation dateLocation
Genus AchatinaJan 7, 2025Aceh Besar, Aceh, Indonesia

Hi friends of the #NatureObserver Community wherever you are, how is everyone?
Hopefully you are always in good condition and can carry out your activities as usual and hopefully your friends will be more enthusiastic in looking for observation material.

While passing through a road I found a brown snail. This snail is quite large in size and is walking slowly on a banana leaf that has fallen onto the road. I also found snails at night and were eating the vegetables I planted. Snails were one of the pests for the young plants I was planting in my yard at that time. At night I picked the snails one by one and threw them away.

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Baik kawan, sudah saya delegasikan Sbgian HP saya, semoga semakin kompak.

aamiin, terima kasih om dzaky sudah mendelegasikan sebagian HP nya.
Utk payout bagi hasil kurasi nya dimulai pada hari ke-7 ya om (setelah payout konten yg mulai dikurasi hari ini). Nanti kalau cabut delegasi juga sama masih terima delegasi sampai H+7 pencabutan delegasi

Baik @indonesianhiver, salam kompak selalu.

Capturing photos of the Genus Achatina has been wonderful.

That's right my friend @simransumon, it looks very attractive from close range.

The brown snail detailed photography is exceptional.
Thank you for sharing
