We set foot on the seas with this FAN ART by: Walle🐋and first delegation

in #hive-1311317 months ago

Today we return to art, to the creations of works that I enjoy not only making, but also sharing with everyone here, the process, tips, difficulties, in short everything that comes with doing this kind of work. On the other hand, the inspiration could not be other than the theme of the moment in Hive, about the great project that is being cooked and that has expectations to all of us who make life on the platform and especially those who enjoy this type of content such as video games. Who would have thought that this video game would generate so much furor to the point of being inspiration as in this case for a FANART, a somewhat special one since it is one of the main characters or initials as they are also called (Those who have played the game in which HOLOZING is based know what it is about 😁), today I will share with you this digital drawing of the water creature "WALLE".

In recent months I have joined the fan club of the video game, I have shown different creations but this in particular has something that differentiates it from the others, and is that I will not add one more post to this community, I also made my first delegation with a moderate amount, but everything has its beginning, in the future this amount of delegation will grow as well as my participation in the HOLOZING project, but for now we will concentrate on the drawing process of WALLE.

I always start this type of process in the same way, I like to find that middle point in the canvas, that one that serves as a starting point and that from this point the other sections originate, in this case of the creature.

For WALLE what I did was to draw the eye and the first silhouette that is practically all his body, with the exception of a fin, part of the snout and the tail. As I always remind you it is important to take the time to give him the shape we are looking for and with which we feel comfortable, because as I mentioned before, the rest of the creature's body will start from there.

Having our canvas center and starting point, we will proceed to add details such as some extra fins that the creature has, some on its torso and others on its fins. It doesn't matter if we draw over the already created, that is the advantage of the digital drawing, that later we can erase and not damage or spoil the drawing, so we will remove those extra lines to obtain a clean and correct figure of how WALLE is.

With the previous details we will practically have our creature finished or at least the draft, it will only be a matter of adding the rest of the body such as the tail, a section that I always leave for the end.
Again I emphasize to be patient and take the time to give the correct shape to the creature, this to avoid future nonconformities.

Ready the draft is time to give it color, an important step because it is here where we will begin to see how our work comes to life, we will fill our WALLE creature with its characteristic colors that in this case is based on the environment and element water.

Finally to give it that special touch, we will make our drawing come to life making it three-dimensional by adding lights and shadows, this technique helps a lot to beautify any drawing, it is just a matter of knowing where to place each light and shadow to notice how our drawing gets that professional touch. Finally if we want we can give it a background to highlight even more the drawings of the main drawing, it is only a matter of letting our imagination fly and enjoy filling our work with details.

And that's how we get to the end obtaining that final result.
For those who wonder which is easier, pencil drawing or digital, well let me tell you that I have no idea 😅 I think that depends on each person and how they feel more comfortable, in my case I really like digital art because I can correct, move forward and backward in the process of my work in a faster method unlike drawing on paper with pencil. What is really important here is that we have a good time in the process and enjoy such a beautiful activity as the creation of artistic works.

In this way I say goodbye but not before wishing you as always a happy day, always encouraging you to live what you do, feel comfortable with what you are doing and of course to prepare for this great project as HOLOZING, do not let anyone tell you 🤣, until another opportunity!!!!

The text is entirely my own

drawing program used: paint

The translation was done with translator: Deepl