Ocean Healer Holozing Fanart

in #hive-1311315 months ago

ocean healerfinal.png

Hello, how are you? I always like to perfect this kind of art but I'm on my way to improving and I am inspired to make a lot of art so I deserve to upgrade my device they say pen display mess up your posture... but my posture is already bad. LOL. I have been eyeing something but let's see.

I have been tempted to make this kind of art but lately, I have not been myself because of my period you know when you have it, it will mess up your mood and mentality.

So my art for this blog is like Let the Ocean Feel You, my idea is I wanted the focus to be on her i don't know if I can execute that idea but I will try my very best to do it.

the ocean always makes me feel peace there this one time was my lowest time when I felt like all my energy drained and I wanted just a tiny tiny bit of comfort and when I saw the ocean I almost burst into crying LOL good old days but that thing change instantly when we sleep overnight at the beach are freaking scary at night.


I just let my emotion do the work in line art, of course, the sketch was not so good but in the third layer of line art, I had a decent one.

adding texture to your canvas makes a lot of change but I like that change.


I've been testing some of the brushes in Krita i like some of them so adding the base color is kind of messy right now but as I render it will look decent.


Instead of adding fish around why not I add jellyfish this is only the temporary look but I will fix it later. And I added a giant circle around it I just feel like it. LOL


What I did next was I added a layer and set the blending mode to multiply and I used what color of the water so her skin would blend into it and I added a ray of light hitting her face. And then instead of wrapping the headdress I just let it float above her which I think is a good idea heh.


The next thing I did was add highlights to the face and I added glow to the jellyfish. I decided to make the logo on her chest glow like Iron Man.

ocean healerfinal.png

For the final step, I added detailed highlights and added bubbles.



Thank you for visiting. See you on my next blog.


Drawing Program: Krita
XP-Pen Deco 1 v2
Duration: 8 hours
