Rising Star Giveaway - Daily Common Card

in #hive-1316192 years ago


Hi all,welcome to my daily common card giveaway. Today is the 31th day.

Today's giveaway is i44 Old Cello


How to Participate?

  • mention your skill in comments with risingstar user name if that is different.
  • Time of giveaway is before the next giveaway post.
  • Winner will be selected randomly with the help of wheelofnames.com or https://hivetools.herokuapp.com/

Wish you Good Luck

Participants and Winner's Announcement

Here is the list of those who participated as per rule;

@camillecrls629, @hatdogsensei, @thaddeusprime, @supriya.gupta, @luizeba, @blitzzzz, amaillo,@rentaw03, @marvan 777, @jfang003, @technocrypton,

Those who did not participated as per rule, not included in giveaway;

@supriya.gupta , @tengolotodo, @eddqq,

The winner is: oxidil


congratulations @oxidil

Nft transferred.


Hola a todos, bienvenidos a mi sorteo diario de tarjetas comunes. Hoy es el 31to día..

El sorteo de hoy es i44 Old Cello.


¿Como participar?

  • menciona tu habilidad en los comentarios con el nombre de usuario de la estrella ascendente si es diferente.
  • La hora del sorteo es antes de la próxima publicación del sorteo.
  • El ganador será seleccionado al azar con la ayuda de wheelofnames.com or https://hivetools.herokuapp.com/

Te deseo buena suerte

Participantes y anuncio del ganador

Aquí está la lista de los que participaron según la regla;

camillecrls629, hatdogsensei, thaddeusprime, supriya.gupta, luizeba, eddqq, blitzzzz, tengolotodo, amaillo,
rentaw03, marvan 777, jfang003, technocrypton,


felicidades oxidil

Nft transferido.

Thanks for your Support.


Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!+


IGN: @luizeba

!Gif pizza party

Skill 10059! @technocrypton

skill 12


Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz
skill 4333

IGN: @amaillo
!Gif dancing-8bits

hi my skill is 690
ING: nanie.lilla

HI, my skill is 1.. i am very new.... jejeje

count me in @supriya.gupta

6186 Skill Count me in pls @eddqq

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE