Finding Emotion in May's Melodies: My Rising Star Game Progress

in #hive-1316195 months ago

"May" is at the top of my list of favorite female singers. I especially love her voice and style. "May" translates to "lovely girl" in the Myanmar language. She is also one of the most famous female singers in Myanmar. One of my favorite songs of hers is Kyal. She is a truly beautiful girl with fair skin. She continues her musical journey here, and I hope her new sweet song will be released in the near future.

Image Credit

Today, I would like to share one of my favorite songs, "Lost," by May. In this song, you will feel how May takes you into the feeling of being lost.


We don't kiss each other anymore; we don't laugh anymore.
I couldn't sleep without hugging a pillow.
We haven't talked much in a long time; it's been ages since we watched a movie together.
We cook separately now and no longer eat together.

I don't know if you're at home; I don't know where you've gone.
I truly have nothing; I feel utterly empty.
Sitting together, yet living in the midst of emptiness.
Is this normal?
There's nothing left in my heart; I don't understand anything anymore.

Feelings have faded away; trying to hold onto them only leads to decay.
Two hearts, tired of being together without communication...

I don't understand anything anymore.

That's all what I would like to share about May's Melodies and continued to the Rising Star Game>>>

Rising Star Game Progress: Musical Journey Update

Greetings Rising Star community!

I'm excited to share the latest developments in my musical journey and Rising Star game progress. As I dive into the Local Mini Tour mission, I'm fully immersed in the vibrant world of Rising Star, striving to ascend to the coveted Band Edition. It's been a journey marked by challenges and triumphs, and I eagerly anticipate showcasing my musical talents on stage.

Profile Overview:

  • Fan: 23889
  • Luck: 2,993
  • Skill: 25432
  • IM: 435
  • Total Cards: 374

Missions Completed:

  • Illegal Busking: 66
  • Mid Week Support: 46
  • Licensed Busking: 10
  • Saturday Support: 18
  • Saturday Headline: 87
  • Radio Interview: 118
  • Radio Studio Session: 23
  • Shopping Mall Performance: 116
  • Local Festival Acoustic Tent: 30
  • Local Mini Tour Support: 262
  • Band Auditions: 2
  • Summer Breeze: 7
  • Basic Singing Lesson: 224
  • Guitar Lesson: 154
  • Piano Lesson: 14

Total Missions Completed: 1,415

In my recent gameplay, I can do a new mission Band Auditions now because I reached level 75. And I acquired 3 new cards from a pack I purchased. And I have 8% Ego in my profile now. I need to reduce it.

Curious about my musical journey? Explore my evolving tracks here and witness the progression firsthand. Joining the Rising Star community not only offers entertainment but also serves as a gateway to tangible rewards. If you haven't joined yet, consider using my referral link to become part of the rhythm!

Thank you for being a part of this musical odyssey. Your support fuels my passion.

Catch you on the Rising Star stage!


looks like you did a lot of guitar, that is amazing

Thank You