Happy Tuesday, dear community
A pleasure to be part of your blog my name is Emily Barrios, I come to you thanks to an invitation that my colleague @doriangel made me, being of pleasure to 100%, I tell you that since my adolescence the art of tattooing has captivated me in all its diversity, I consider that the true creators are majestic and indescribable beings whose imagination crosses borders in designs and colours.
Our body is the most beautiful canvas that God has created and when we get tattooed we must do it with responsibility looking for the professionals of the area, since since ancient times the first corporal expression is the one that counts in every episode of our life, therefore we must take care of it.
Tattooing is art everywhere you look, being the most explicit of all in my opinion, the silhouettes that we want to capture in us are linked to our emotions and future projections.
It is incredible what can cause an image every time we sit down to meditate on any episode, having several meanings for some impulses of overcoming, memories for others and finally just fashion.
I believe that if we decide to get a tattoo we should display it with style and respect.
Many people discriminate against this art, because they are closed-minded to innovation and tend to criticize, without knowing the essence of the person who has them and judge at first glance.
But as we are in the world, everything awaits us whether it is good, bad and stop counting criticism, the truth is that life is beautiful and we must live it one step at a time to our liking and no one else's, because we do not live twice to be happy for others.
My perfect area will be the back and the silhouette I would love to have is a black butterfly with leafy wings, representing my evolution, being a project I have in the long term because I am gathering for it. All art costs and is worth the investment.
Many will say why black?
I am neutral to tonalities, our life has highs and lows, with pastel and dark colours, for nobody is perfect, but the beautiful thing is to live, to fall down and to get up.
Years ago I managed to be present at two tattoo sessions of a friend, being a long, careful and painful process according to the sensitivity of the person and the area to be shined, where the result will be worth so much pain. Unfortunately I have no pictures of the process.
Once I received the invitation to this initiative, I took a picture of a friend who got a tattoo of the solar system, where for him it means I hold the world in my hands, being a beautiful piece of artwork in keeping with the theme.
What do you think friends?
Tattoos are the eraser of any burn or deformity that we have for any circumstance in life, for those people who are ashamed to accept and show ourselves as we are, I invite you to explore the tattoo, learn to love ourselves as we are and add an artistic style that will never go out of fashion.
It is definitely an unimaginable art, where we show silhouettes of people, animals, objects and infinite forms according to what we have lived or what we wish to live.
I hope, God willing, to fulfil my dream. I invite you to participate:@azircon, @thevil and @dlmmqb
See you another time, have a prosperous week.
Use canva and the free translator deelp as my language is Spanish.