''We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.''
Me gusta creer que todos los esfuerzos tienen al final un premio. Me gusta creer también que además de su significado y origen etimológico la palabra esfuerzo constituye un ecosistema de etimología y significados que agrupa algunos como valor, decisión, disciplina, concentración, perseverancia, paciencia, medida, dedicación, entrega, lucha, sacrificio, preparación, meditación, corrección, replanteamiento, planificación, misión, adecuación, visualización, trabajo duro, respeto y sueños.
I like to believe that all efforts have a reward at the end. I also like to believe that in addition to its meaning and etymological origin, the word effort constitutes an ecosystem of etymology and meanings that groups together some such as value, decision, discipline, concentration, perseverance, patience, measure, dedication, delivery, struggle, sacrifice, preparation, meditation, correction, rethinking, planning, mission, adaptation, visualization, hard work, respect and dreams.
Que me haya detenido no significa que no pudieran ser más, pero, con mencionar algunos quise tratar de transmitir, a mi modo de ver, lo que "esfuerzo" puede abarcar en sus 8 letras, que son muchas más si se deriva su contenido a su ecosistema contentivo.
Me gusta creer que todos somos buenos en algo y que solo debemos descubrir en que, esbozar un sueño enorme a partir del descubrimiento y echar a andar tras el con la mochila llena del ecosistema de conceptos que te acompañaran en el viaje como arsenal y que debes usar sin dudar. Ese arsenal del cual quizás no necesites usar todas las armas o al que quizás le debas adicionar alguna que necesites y no estaba en la mochila en el momento de salir a perseguir tu sueño.
That I have stopped does not mean that there could not be more, but, by mentioning some I wanted to try to convey, in my view, what "effort" can encompass in its 8 letters, which are many more if its content is derived from its containing ecosystem.
I like to believe that we are all good at something and that we just have to discover what we are doing, sketch out a huge dream from the discovery and go after it with a backpack full of the ecosystem of concepts that will accompany you on the journey as an arsenal that you must use without hesitation. That arsenal of which you may not need to use all weapons or to which you may need to add any other that you need and that was not in the backpack at the time of going out to pursue your dream.
Foto de Bohdan Pyryn, Unsplash.
Hace ya algún tiempo escuché una canción de discoteca un poco pegajosa de Ives Larock titulada "Rise up" que en su estribillo decía..." mi sueño es volar sobre el arcoiris, muy alto...".
Estoy convencido de que todos tenemos un arcoiris sobre el cual queremos volar, lo cuál no creo que sea posible sin esfuerzo y su ecosistema. No creo que sea tarde, ni para ti, ni para él, ni para mí.
Some time ago I heard a somewhat catchy disco song by Ives Larock called "Rise up" that in its chorus said..." my dream is to fly over the rainbow, very high...".
I am convinced that we all have a rainbow over which we want to fly, which I do not believe is possible without effort and its ecosystem. I do not believe it is too late, neither for you, nor for him, nor for me.
I like to believe that it is never too late as long as there is life, desires, will and dreams, we just have to keep searching, not give up... I don't know too many people, but of those I know, no one has gotten far in a simple and effortless way.
Siempre me ha gustado pensar que nuestro sueño, por más loco y ambicioso que pueda ser, es el nuestro y es realizable, y prefiero que, si no lograra conseguirlo, mis alegrías o tristezas sucedan en el camino que elegí para luchar por él hasta el fin de mis días, que sentado lamentando y pensando que habría podido ser de haber luchado, prefiero vivir con la mochila al hombro llena de esfuerzo y su ecosistema, así quizás pueda llegar allí... sobre el arcoiris.
I think that is the most important thing in the fight to get what you want, not all roads lead to Rome, because if they did, how do you get out of Rome then? 😀. It's a little joke to relax. You choose your path and it doesn't have to be straight or unique, if it doesn't take you where you want, you can always take another, but don't stop, just rest and recharge your energy, look ahead and don't lose sight of your goal. Everything you learn along the way will be useful to you. You will find obstacles, disappointments, detractors, people who will tell you that you can't, that your dream is crazy, that you will never achieve it,... don't listen to them and keep going, if you stop then you really won't achieve it.
I have always liked to think that our dream, as crazy and ambitious as it may be, is ours and is achievable, and I prefer that, if I do not manage to achieve it, my joys or sorrows happen on the path I chose to fight for it until the end of my days, than sitting regretting and thinking about what could have happened if I had fought, I prefer to live with a backpack on my shoulders full of effort and its ecosystem, so maybe I can get there... over the rainbow.
Amigo(a) que me lees, muchas gracias por dedicar un tiempo a mi contenido, espero que encuentres sentido y utilidad a mis palabras, y por supuesto, si deseas intercambiar, te leo en los comentarios y con mucho gusto te responderé, hasta entonces, me despido.
Friend who reads me, thank you very much for taking some time to my content, I hope you find meaning and usefulness in my words, and of course, if you want to exchange, I will read you down in the comments and gladly get back to you, until then, I say goodbye.
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