Welcome to my blog in Hive, my space full of anecdotes, a touch of nature and all my love to write, a few days without doing it due to personal circumstances that demanded my time. My 12 year old son was finally operated on and like any mother who loves her children I have been by his side at all times, and it is in these circumstances where as a human being I am strengthened in the face of adversity. The health sector in Venezuela has been hit by the economic crisis and mismanagement, however the staff that still remains here continues to develop their work from the heart because the salaries they receive do not cover the family basket. To all of them "thank you" especially to those who work at the "José David Espinoza" Hospital in Salamanca, Margarita Island.
Cuando pasamos por situaciones de tensión emocional por lo general nuestras emociones se desbordan y son expresadas a través de : Llanto, rabia, hasta risas, en fin un compendio de emociones que nos permiten drenar nuestras incomodidades. En mi caso tuve una lucha de mucho tiempo tratando de lograr una oportunidad para que mi hijo fuera operado , llegó la pandemia y todo se paralizó, esto afectó su estado y le estaba causando inseguridades, como madre hice todo lo posible para brindarle confianza y mantener la esperanza y fortaleza viva en el. Mantuve mi sentido del humor, una sonrisa siempre. Sin embargo cuando estaba en mi habitación en las noches junto a mi pareja me desahogaba, lloraba y conversabamos mucho, era necesario para sentirnos mejor y fortalecernos como padres.
When we go through situations of emotional stress usually our emotions overflow and are expressed through: crying, anger, even laughter, in short a compendium of emotions that allow us to drain our discomfort. In my case I had a long struggle trying to achieve an opportunity for my son to be operated, the pandemic came and everything came to a standstill, this affected his condition and was causing him insecurities, as a mother I did everything possible to give him confidence and keep hope and strength alive in him. I kept my sense of humor, a smile always. However, when I was in my room at night with my partner I would vent, cry and talk a lot, it was necessary to feel better and strengthen us as parents.
Al fin llegó el día esperado luego de tanta lucha y todo salió muy bien, ver a mi hijo feliz me hace sentir plena y me llena de bienestar. Ahora he vuelto a mi rutina matutina, realizo caminatas por la playa en compañía de mi esposo, esta actividad me hace sentir muy bien, mi sentido del humor sigue intacto y es precisamente esta particularidad de mi personalidad lo que me ha fortalecido, así como tener a alguien con quien compartir tristezas y alegrías. Si bien podemos lograr superar muchas cosas de manera individual, en la unión está la fuerza para superar obstáculos, adversidades, compartir logros y proyectos futuros.
Finally the day I was waiting for arrived after so much struggle and everything went very well, seeing my son happy makes me feel full and fills me with wellbeing. Now I have returned to my morning routine, I take walks on the beach with my husband, this activity makes me feel very good, my sense of humor is still intact and it is precisely this particularity of my personality that has strengthened me, as well as having someone to share sadness and joy with. Although we can overcome many things individually, in the union is the strength to overcome obstacles, adversities, share achievements and future projects.
Los seres humanos somos biopsicosociales y por ende nos adaptamos al entorno y a la sociedad, por ello podemos hacer frente a las adversidades donde nos encontremos. Necesitamos como seres humanos tener en fe en algo o alguien, ese aspecto espiritual que nos reconforte. Mientrás estaba en el hospital pude conversar con familiares de pacientes quienes expresaban sus emociones y fe, porque es en momentos de crisis emocional cuando requerimos aferrarnos a ello para fortalecernos, si bien cada cultura tiene diferentes creencias el fin siempre es el mismo: Conexón espiritual, bienestar; importante para todo ser humano.
De las adversidades y triunfos aprendemos sin dudas, maravilloso cuando podemos compartir estos con nuestros pares, la alegría que se siente es inmensa, hoy agradezco por la vida, la salud, por todo lo hermoso de la vida, gracias por llegar hasta el final, hasta pronto.
Human beings are biopsychosocial and therefore we adapt to the environment and society, so we can cope with adversity wherever we are. As human beings we need to have faith in something or someone, that spiritual aspect that comforts us. While I was in the hospital I was able to talk with patients' relatives who expressed their emotions and faith, because it is in times of emotional crisis when we need to cling to it to strengthen us, although each culture has different beliefs, the goal is always the same: spiritual connection, wellbeing; important for every human being.
From adversities and triumphs we learn without a doubt, wonderful when we can share these with our peers, the joy that is felt is immense, today I am grateful for life, health, for everything beautiful in life, thank you for reaching the end, see you soon.