Communication is a determining factor in all human relationships, but in the family it is undoubtedly a vital element. Communication is not only based on the use of a language in which everyone can understand each other in the case of families where the members such as mom and dad are from different countries and have different languages and must reach an agreement in which the children must progressively learn both languages but initially as everything must be a process of consensus between parents that communication process.
Pero la comunicación es mucho más aún que sólo las palabras, todos en nuestras familias debemos esmerarnos por establecer lazos de comunicación esos que son un gesto amoroso, una mirada, una caricia. Comunicar es estar en sintonía con tus seres amados, conocer a tu pareja al punto tal que cuando la mires puedas saber si algo le pasa si sus cambios en la gestualidad te indican que alguna situación le molesta o le agrada. Establecer lazos de comunicación es crear un ambiente de confianza donde tan sólo con tomarnos de la mano logremos sentir paz y tranquilidad.
But communication is much more than just words, all of us in our families must strive to establish bonds of communication those that are a loving gesture, a look, a caress. To communicate is to be in tune with your loved ones, to know your partner to the point that when you look at him/her you can know if something is wrong, if his/her changes in gestures indicate that some situation bothers him/her or pleases him/her. To establish bonds of communication is to create an atmosphere of trust where just by holding hands we can feel peace and tranquility.
La comunicación como base de la relación con nuestros hijos, esa que se logra con un diálogo sincero, amable y siempre honesto donde respondemos a sus preguntas y nos adaptamos a sus necesidades comunicativas ampliando además la forma en que ellos lo hacen. Con nuestros pequeños si desde el mismo momento en el que se encuentran en el vientre materno les hablamos lograremos establecer una conexión que se mantendrá y que desarrollaremos mutuamente. En ocasiones, y lo digo desde mi posición como padre, nos hicieron pensar que la comunicación con los hijos era cosa de las madres de las mujeres que saber o estar al tanto de lo que nuestros chicos pensaban o sentían era un asunto asignado al rol femenino.
Communication as the basis of the relationship with our children, that which is achieved with a sincere, friendly and always honest dialogue where we respond to their questions and adapt to their communication needs, also expanding the way they do it. With our little ones, if we talk to them from the very moment they are in the womb, we will establish a connection that will be maintained and that we will develop mutually. Sometimes, and I say this from my position as a father, we were made to think that communication with our children was something for women's mothers, that knowing or being aware of what our children thought or felt was a matter assigned to the feminine role.
Hoy sabemos que la comunicación con los hijos es una responsabilidad de ambos padres que tanto hombre y mujer tienen las mismas responsabilidades en la crianza de los hijos donde es un requisito indispensable que exista una buena comunicación con ambos padres. Hoy debemos dejar a un lado esa visión del hombre de solo estaba para engendrar y otorgaba todo lo demás a la madre incluso el amor. Los padres debemos ser amigos de nuestros hijos, conocerlos en todo y eso se logra a través de la comunicación. Sé que muchos en la actualidad no dispongan de mucho tiempo porque trabajan con horarios súper apretados pero debemos reservar un momento del día para conversar en familia, para comunicarnos para crecer, conocernos, resolver cualquier situación que nos pueda afectar y especialmente para demostrarnos amor.
Today we know that communication with children is a responsibility of both parents and that both men and women have the same responsibilities in the upbringing of children where it is an indispensable requirement that there is a good communication with both parents. Today we must leave aside that vision of the man who was only there to beget and gave everything else to the mother, including love. As parents we must be friends with our children, know them in everything and this is achieved through communication. I know that many nowadays do not have much time because they work with super tight schedules but we must reserve a moment of the day to talk as a family, to communicate to grow, to know each other, to solve any situation that may affect us and especially to show love to each other.