hispaliterario/Dinero dentro de la caja en el campo - Money inside a box in the field [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-132410last year

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¿Tiene una cuenta bancaria? Respondió que sí, esa fue la pregunta que le hicieron a Freeman, un marino retirado que vive en un pequeño pueblo de Eket. Freeman se jubiló en 2015 y tras jubilarse volvió a su pueblo de Eket, quería un lugar tranquilo y pacífico, estaba tan cansado de los problemas de Lagos que quería un lugar tranquilo para poder conectar más con sus antepasados.

El Sr. Freeman perdió a su esposa en 2014 antes de jubilarse, ella le dejó un niño guapo Bright, Bright es un joven brillante de 22 años que estudió informática en Accra Ghana, al Sr. Freeman no le gusta el estrés odia los problemas y no le gustan las multitudes, aunque tiene una asistenta que le ayuda a cocinar y a limpiar la casa, la asistenta cuida muy bien de Freeman siempre a tiempo aunque no come mucho pero Freeman no bromea con su café.

Emem Freedman's house helper used to come from home to help mr Freeman which was so far from where Mr Freeman house, He over heard Emem having a conversation with someone that she needs a house to rent that where she coming to work is far , Freeman let her finish the calls and called her and gave her a room in his house to stay and Emem was so happy she thanks Freeman.

Freeman estaba tan contento que empezó a comprar cosas que sabía que a su hijo le iban a gustar y que iba a necesitar cuando volviera. Freeman empezó a caer enfermo, lo que hizo que Bright se apresurara a venir a casa antes de los exámenes. Bright todavía estaba en segundo curso y seguía necesitando a su padre. Bright se reunió con su padre y lo abrazó. Bright lloró cuando vio el estado en el que se encontraba su padre,

que Bright revisara el campo fuera de la casa, Bright se apresuro fuera y reviso los pastos verdes vio una caja, cuando la saco y abrio vio una gran suma de dinero dentro Bright comenzo a llorar.

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English version
Do you have a bank account? He answered yes, that was the question they asked Mr Freeman a retired Navy man, who lives in a small village in Eket, Freeman was retired on 2015, after retirement he moved back to to village in Eket, he wanted to a place that's calm and peaceful, Mr Freeman was so tired in Lagos trouble, he wanted a place quiet so that he can connect more with his ancestors.

Mr Freeman lost his wife in 2014 before retirement, she Left a handsome boy for him Bright, Bright is a 22 years old brilliant Young Man who studied computer science in Accra Ghana, Mr Freeman don't like stress he hate trouble and Don't like crowd , though he have a househelp who helped him cooks and cleans the house, the house help took very good care of Freeman always for him on time though he don't eat much but Freeman doesn't joke with his coffee.

Emem Freedman's house helper used to come from home to help mr Freeman which was so far from where Mr Freeman house, He over heard Emem having a conversation with someone that she needs a house to rent that were she coming to work is far , Freeman let her finish the calls and called her and gave her a room in his house to stay and Emem was so happy she thanks Freeman.

It was time for exam for Freeman son, Bright gave his father a call that he coming back to the house after the exams, Freeman was so happy he started to buying stuff that he knows that his sons going to like and needs when he returns, Freeman started Fall sick which make Bright rush and come to the house before the exams, Bright was so still in second year in school he still needs his father, Bright met his father and hugs him, Bright cried when he saw the condition his father was, Freeman point his hands outside the house that there is something on the field he kept for bright,
that bright to check the field outside the house, bright rush outside and check the green grasses he Saw a box , when he removed it and open he saw a very sum of money inside Bright started crying.


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