El estudiante acompañó a su maestro a un torneo de artes marciales que se llevaría a cabo en la capital. Los mejores luchadores del país acudirían a la convocatoria. Cada pelea sería transmitida en vivo por diferentes plataformas digitales y canales de televisión. El premio consistía en miles de yenes. Las tribunas estaban a rebosar. La algarabía era igualable a la manifestada por los habitantes de la nación durante la llegada del año nuevo chino.
—Es preciso olvidar lo que se quiere conseguir —aseguraba el maestro antes de salir a cada pelea.
El estudiante asimilaba aquellas palabras y no quitaba el ojo a los movimientos realizados por su maestro. Su ejecución era impecable. Si el oponente era tan grande como un gorila, el maestro se movía rápido como una víbora. Si el oponente era escurridizo como el agua, el maestro se convertía en fuego capaz de evaporarlo. Si el oponente volaba entre las nubes, el maestro era la gravedad que lo hacía regresar a tierra.
—Qué no te confundan los aplausos ni los abucheos —expresaba el maestro en los momentos de descanso.
El estudiante sentía gran admiración hacia él. Aquel hombre, sin una pizca de arrogancia, superó a cada adversario que tuvo al frente, mostrando un profundo respeto hacia ellos y una completa indiferencia ante el público, como si no existiera nada más que su oponente y la lona.
—La distracción comienza en tu mente —afirmaba luego de cada victoria.
El estudiante miró a su maestro ganar el primer lugar. Estaba orgulloso de él. Quería llegar a ese estado de plenitud física y agudeza mental que poseía. El maestro no dijo nada sobre el premio y marchó en silencio a casa. El estudiante reprimió sus ganas de hablar sobre el tema durante gran parte del camino, pero no pudo aguantar más y dijo:
—Maestro, lo felicito nuevamente por esta gran victoria. Con el dinero que ha ganado, podemos vivir moderadamente más de una temporada. Es usted un guerrero ejemplar.
El maestro miró al estudiante largo rato. Luego preguntó:
—¿Te has fijado en los movimientos que realicé para derribar cada oponente?
El estudiante afirmó alegremente y describió los pasos de principio a fin.
—Entonces, puedo decir con seguridad que ha sido una gran victoria —concluyó el maestro.
The student accompanied his master to a martial arts tournament to be held in the capital. The best fighters in the country would attend the event. Each fight would be broadcast live on different digital platforms and television channels. The prize was thousands of yen. The stands were packed to capacity. The excitement was comparable to that of the nation's inhabitants during the arrival of the Chinese New Year.
"It is necessary to forget what you want to achieve," the master assured before going out to each fight.
The student assimilated those words and did not take his eyes off the movements performed by his master. His execution was impeccable. If the opponent was as big as a gorilla, the master moved as fast as a snake. If the opponent was as slippery as water, the master turned into fire capable of evaporating him. If the opponent flew through the clouds, the master was the gravity that brought him back to earth.
"Don't let the applause or the booing confuse you," said the master during moments of rest.
The student felt great admiration for him. That man, without a hint of arrogance, overcame every opponent he had in front of him, showing deep respect for them and complete indifference to the public, as if nothing existed but his opponent and the canvas.
"Distraction starts in your mind," he said after each victory.
The student watched his master win first place. He was proud of him. He wanted to reach that state of physical completeness and mental acuity that he possessed. The master said nothing about the award and marched silently home. The student repressed his urge to talk about it for much of the way, but he could stand it no longer and said:
"Master, I congratulate you again on this great victory. With the money you have earned, we can live moderately for more than one season. You are an exemplary warrior.
The master looked at the student for a long time. Then he asked:
"Did you notice the moves I performed to take down each opponent?
The student cheerfully affirmed and described the steps from start to finish.
"Then I can safely say that it was a great victory," concluded the master.