Loving Over Again (ENG/ESP)

in #hive-1324102 years ago


Ray proposed to Valerie and words couldn't come out of her mouth as she had waited for so long to get Ray into marrying her, they've been dating for five years and Ray had only thought a minute back that it was time he tied the knot with her. Valerie just gave an excited nod, held her heart with her right hand while she stretched her left hands to Ray.

The ring was made with gold, they had a perfect date where she wore a very romantic red gown and made sure to do a make over, it was like a perfect timing for her engagement but all that didn't matter to her aside the fact that she was actually going to get married soon to the love of her life.

Ray was happy she accepted, he had planned it as a surprise and everything worked out really well for him. They began the wedding preparations almost immediately with Valerie doing most of the work while he resumed work, traveling and being too busy.

Valerie wasn't bothered at all, she was so engrossed with the idea that she was making wedding preparations and that Ray loved her so much that the wedding would come to pass and they will have their own happy ending.

Things got a bit complicated for the two when they both got visitors they had not seen in a long time, it was like going back in college time when Ray and Valerie had not met yet.

Ray was out on another business trip, finding new investors for his company and checking out new places if he could take his wedding there. He got to a beach to relax from the stress he had through the week and was listening to his favourite song when he noticed a lady staring at him from a fair distance.

Ray thought almost immediately that the lady looked familiar but he tried not to let it bother him since it may had been a coincidence. But she just couldn't stop staring just as Ray couldn't stop staring too, they both walked towards each other and the next minute, they burst into laughter.

So it was you, Ray! The lady said with so much smile on her face.

She was an epitome of beauty, having good curves, beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile to stare tirelessly at. Ray felt himself falling in love again, it was hard to believe to himself but it was happening.

Linda! I can't believe we crossed path in this part of the world, I thought you moved abroad... Ray finally remembered the name of the beauty in front of him.

They were college friends, they actually dated for a short time before her family moved to LA. They were so in love with each other that Ray couldn't graduate with a good result, he tried everyday after their breakup to find Linda but he couldn't.

Seeing Linda again cleared off his sad memories of her, he felt like he had not built any memory after she left. He held her close to himself and hugged her so warmly whispering so softly... I'm glad I found you again.

They sat by the beach to talk about how life had been for them during their separation. Linda was heartbroken to hear that he was about getting married but she had not expect much from staying away for too long so she decided to be happy for him anyways.

Ray looked at her over and over and the more he stared at her, the more he wanted to be with her forgetting his fiancee Valerie. Linda noticed his eyes and snapped it out of him by lying about her relationship status, Ray couldn't imagine himself fighting over a married woman so he gave up the idea of getting back together with his first love.

At an outing to get some items for her wedding, Valerie met Bernard, her college love who had just arrived in the country to take over his father's company. She could feel herself falling in love over again with the handsome and gentle face she had once fell for.

Bernard on the other hand had already guessed she was preparing to get married but he didn't hold back what he had in mind all the time he had been wanting to find her again. Valerie melted by his words of love and prayer to be her husband but she tried so hard to remember her fiance and rushed out of the shop sailing Ray's number to check on him.

Ray was at a club nursing his broken heart, he couldn't pick up her call because of the noise in the club. He kept wishing he didn't see Linda again and that she was married when he saw her again, it took a whole night before he remembered his fiance Valerie.

Back at home a few days to their wedding, the couple sat close to each other having different thoughts and they were not feeling the excitement they once had about their wedding. Valerie kept thinking about the time she had with Bernard and Ray couldn't stop the hurt he was feeling from Linda being married.

A few words from Valerie, Ray realized that he wasn't alone in the way he was feeling. They decided to talk things out among themselves and called of the wedding to think things better first. It was a hard decision but important that they felt it wasn't going right if they got married with the mind they had.

Ray later found out Linda was never married and Valerie couldn't help but fall for Bernard again. The couples began to date but it didn't take up to a month for Ray and Valerie to realize that they both really loved each other and not the runaways that came back to hurt them again.

Ray and Valerie announced their wedding again, but with more excitement than before. They promised themselves never to leave each other no matter what! It was them or no one else, they realized that and sticked to each other.




Ray le propuso matrimonio a Valerie y las palabras no podían salir de su boca ya que había esperado tanto tiempo para que Ray se casara con ella, han estado saliendo durante cinco años y Ray solo había pensado un minuto atrás que era hora de atar. el nudo con ella. Valerie solo asintió emocionada, sostuvo su corazón con su mano derecha mientras extendía su mano izquierda hacia Ray.

El anillo estaba hecho con oro, tuvieron una cita perfecta en la que ella usó un vestido rojo muy romántico y se aseguró de hacer un cambio de imagen, era como el momento perfecto para su compromiso, pero todo eso no le importaba aparte del hecho. que en realidad se iba a casar pronto con el amor de su vida.

Ray estaba feliz de que ella aceptara, lo había planeado como una sorpresa y todo salió muy bien para él. Comenzaron los preparativos de la boda casi de inmediato con Valerie haciendo la mayor parte del trabajo mientras él reanudaba el trabajo, viajaba y estaba demasiado ocupado.

Valerie no se molestó en absoluto, estaba tan absorta con la idea de que estaba haciendo los preparativos de la boda y que Ray la amaba tanto que la boda se llevaría a cabo y tendrían su propio final feliz.

Las cosas se complicaron un poco para los dos cuando recibieron visitas que no habían visto en mucho tiempo, era como volver a la época universitaria cuando Ray y Valerie aún no se conocían.

Ray estaba en otro viaje de negocios, encontrando nuevos inversores para su empresa y explorando nuevos lugares si podía celebrar su boda allí. Llegó a una playa para relajarse del estrés que había tenido durante la semana y estaba escuchando su canción favorita cuando notó que una mujer lo miraba fijamente desde una distancia considerable.

Ray pensó casi de inmediato que la dama le resultaba familiar, pero trató de no dejar que eso lo molestara, ya que podría haber sido una coincidencia. Pero ella simplemente no podía dejar de mirar al igual que Ray no podía dejar de mirar también, ambos caminaron el uno hacia el otro y al minuto siguiente, se echaron a reír.

¡Así que fuiste tú, Ray! Dijo la dama con una gran sonrisa en su rostro.

Ella era un epítome de la belleza, tenía buenas curvas, hermosos ojos y una maravillosa sonrisa para mirar incansablemente. Ray sintió que se estaba enamorando de nuevo, era difícil de creer para sí mismo, pero estaba sucediendo.

¡Linda! No puedo creer que nos hayamos cruzado en esta parte del mundo, pensé que te habías mudado al extranjero... Ray finalmente recordó el nombre de la belleza frente a él.

Eran amigos de la universidad, en realidad salieron por un corto tiempo antes de que su familia se mudara a Los Ángeles. Estaban tan enamorados el uno del otro que Ray no pudo graduarse con un buen resultado, intentó todos los días después de su ruptura encontrar a Linda pero no pudo.

Al ver a Linda borrar de nuevo sus tristes recuerdos de ella, sintió que no había construido ningún recuerdo después de que ella se fue. La sostuvo cerca de sí y la abrazó tan cálidamente susurrando tan suavemente... Me alegro de haberte encontrado de nuevo.

Se sentaron en la playa para hablar sobre cómo había sido la vida para ellos durante su separación. Linda estaba desconsolada al escuchar que él estaba a punto de casarse, pero no esperaba mucho de estar lejos por mucho tiempo, así que decidió ser feliz por él de todos modos.

Ray la miró una y otra vez y cuanto más la miraba, más deseaba estar con ella olvidando a su prometida Valerie. Linda notó sus ojos y se lo sacó mintiendo sobre el estado de su relación, Ray no podía imaginarse a sí mismo peleando por una mujer casada, así que abandonó la idea de volver a estar con su primer amor.

En una salida para comprar algunos artículos para su boda, Valerie conoció a Bernard, su amor de la universidad que acababa de llegar al país para hacerse cargo de la empresa de su padre. Podía sentir que se enamoraba de nuevo del hermoso y gentil rostro del que una vez se había enamorado.

Bernard, por otro lado, ya había adivinado que se estaba preparando para casarse, No se guardó lo que tenía en mente todo el tiempo que llevaba deseando volver a encontrarla. Valerie se derritió por sus palabras de amor y oración para ser su esposo, pero se esforzó mucho por recordar a su prometido y salió corriendo de la tienda y le dio el número de Ray para ver cómo estaba.

Ray estaba en un club cuidando su corazón roto, no pudo atender su llamada debido al ruido en el club. Seguía deseando no volver a ver a Linda y que estuviera casada cuando la volviera a ver, pasó toda una noche antes de recordar a su prometida Valerie.

De vuelta en casa unos días antes de su boda, la pareja se sentó cerca el uno del otro con diferentes pensamientos y no sentían la emoción que alguna vez tuvieron por su boda. Valerie no dejaba de pensar en el tiempo que había pasado con Bernard y Ray no podía evitar el dolor que sentía por el matrimonio de Linda.

Unas pocas palabras de Valerie, Ray se dio cuenta de que no estaba solo en la forma en que se sentía. Decidieron hablar las cosas entre ellos y llamaron a la boda para pensar mejor las cosas primero. Fue una decisión dura pero importante que sintieron que no iba bien si se casaban con la mente que tenían.

Ray descubrió más tarde que Linda nunca estuvo casada y Valerie no pudo evitar enamorarse de Bernard nuevamente. Las parejas comenzaron a salir, pero no pasó ni un mes para que Ray y Valerie se dieran cuenta de que realmente se amaban y no de los fugitivos que regresaron para lastimarlos nuevamente.

Ray y Valerie anunciaron su boda nuevamente, pero con más entusiasmo que antes. ¡Se prometieron a sí mismos nunca dejarse pasar lo que pase! Eran ellos o nadie más, se dieron cuenta de eso y se pegaron el uno al otro.



Must these scenes be dramatic 😂😂
U sure say I dy willing for this

This love thing is confusing ohh....hmmmm

Well, thank God they got back again
It won't be bad Linda going for Bernard and then the two families becoming family friends 😂😂

Shuoooo you and your own story, maybe you should something about that... Bernard and Linda together in this story? No way! 😂

Yes na
By the way, it's your own pen

Ray and Valerie getting back and then linking their friends 😂

Don't mind me.. dreaming

Hahaha keep dreaming, it's interesting 😂

What a rough play. I'm glad that they got back together, if not, they'd have made the biggest mistake of their life.

Our past should stay in the past where it belongs.

Wow look who we have here 😳 where have you been? How have you been? 😅 Too many questions already, answer them o 🙄

Yeah, rough play indeed 😂 they are lucky they realised early enough.

These questions are already causing my brain to spin. Lol

where have you been?

Away from where @merit.ahama could see me. 😄

How have you been?

Quite good. I can see that you're pouring out good content still. Kudos.

Hope you're good?

Away from where @merit.ahama could see me

And why would you? Whatever happened to the mmykel that shares awesome write ups?

Hope you're good?

I'm okay sha, just that you forget about me 😕

And why would you? Whatever happened to the mmykel that shares awesome write ups?

Two questions again. Lol 🙆

Well I had a lot of things to work on. That Mmykel is much alive. He is here.

I'm okay sha, just that you forget about me

You don't believe this right? You know I didn't and I wouldn't forget you. 😄

Meanwhile my dm on discord is widely open. 😄

Meanwhile my dm on discord is widely open


It is common for past loves to disturb your peace of mind, but if you really love your partner, these situations can be overcome.

Es frecuente que amores del pasado lleguen a perturbar la tranquilidad, pero si realmente se ama a la pareja, esas situaciones se superan.

That is it! They first allowed it disturb their love but overcame it in the end.

¡Eso es! Primero permitieron que perturbara su amor, pero al final lo superaron.