Lucky Words: I didn't choose to be different [SPA/ENG]

in #hive-1324102 years ago


Yo no elegí ser diferente.png

Solía sentir que mi vida
duraría poco, no había una razón
específica... Solo era la impresión
que tenía cuando era una niña.

Mi respiración siempre fue tensa
o al menos así la recuerdo.
Después de cierto período de tiempo,
se volvió "normal" sentir dolores intensos.

Reía aunque bien no me sentía,
fugaz sería mi recorrido y no
quería importunar a los que
tendrían un largo y complicado camino.

Muchos disfrutaban de juegos y actividades
a las que yo no tenía acceso
o hacían bromas que yo no
entendía, era un humor que no compartía.

Habían muchas cosas que no comprendía
y me sentía ajena a lo que decían.
Mis gustos y experiencias eran completamente distintas,
no habían muchos puntos de encuentro.

Resultaba difícil hallar cosas en común,
por lo que las conversaciones...
No fluían y me acostumbré a ser
llamada "la niña que lleva la contraria".

A la que "no se le puede decir nada".
Constantemente me excluían y luego
no entendían, por qué me alejaba
y a su vez, me mantenía callada.

No es divertido que te señalen
y cataloguen como a un bicho raro,
solo por haber crecido en otro
tipo de ambiente, con normas distintas.

Yo no elegí ser diferente.

I used to feel that my life
would be short-lived, there was no specific
reason... It was just the impression
I had when I was a child.

My breathing was always tense
or at least that's how I remember it.
After a certain period of time,
it became "normal" to feel intense pains.

I would laugh even though it didn't feel good,
my journey would be fleeting and I didn't
I did not want to disturb those who would have a long and complicated journey.

Many enjoyed games and activities
to which I did not have access
or made jokes that I did not
understand, it was a humor I didn't share.

There were many things I did not understand
and I felt alien to what they were saying.
My tastes and experiences were completely different,
there wasn't much common ground.

It was difficult to find common things,
so the conversations...
They didn't flow and I got used to being
called "the girl who is contrary."

The one who "can't be told anything."
I was constantly excluded and then
they didn't understand why I kept me away
and in turn, I kept quiet.

It's no fun to be singled out
and labeled as a freak,
just because you grew up in a different
kind of environment, with different norms.

I didn't choose to be different.


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