A memorable incident in the life of Swami Vivekananda.

in #hive-132410last year


It's time to deposit money for BA exam. Vivekananda's classmates all paid the exam fee, except Haridas. He was poor and could not afford the money. Also one year's salary is left

It is possible for Haridas to pay the fee, but it is impossible to pay a year's salary.He knew that Rajkumar Babu, the clerk of the college, could waive the fee if he wanted.

When the boys were submitting the fee, Vivekananda went to Rajkumar Babu and said: 'Haridas cannot pay the fee, please measure him. If you let him take the test, he will get good results, and if you don't send him, his desire will be over.'

Rajkumar Babur was angry, said in a bad tone: 'You don't have to intercede. If he does not pay the fee, I will not let him take the exam.

Vivekananda was worried that it would be difficult for him to collect so much money. But if he does not collect money soon, his friend will not be able to sit the exam. An idea came to his mind

Vivekananda knew that the Rajkumar visited the liquor store every evening. Seeing Vivekananda, the Rajkumar got scared. Vivekananda said that if he did not waive Haridas's fee, he would spread the word of his addiction throughout the college.

The prince understood the danger and said: 'Don't be angry, what you say will happen.' Early next morning, Vivekananda went to Haridas's house and told him: 'Don't worry, You don't have to pay the exam fee. You can participate in the exam.'