Blast From Past ~ Splinterlands X Battle Mage Secrets

in #hive-1332315 days ago

Hello, splinter-warriors. I hope you all doing well.



Today, I will share a battle that has all the brilliance and strategy-making with the amazing arsenal of monsters hand-picked for such an event of a play.

Without further ado, let's begin!


Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 44 and there are 4 summoners to choose from: Nature, Life, Death, and Dragon.

Battle Rules:-

  • Super Sneak: All melee attack monsters have the sneak ability.

With this huge mana cap, anyone can safely make a deck with all melee attackers as the ruleset supports this lineup. That way, the heavy tankers would be able to shine throughout the match. Or, use certain monsters in distinct positions to work away with minimal damage.

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Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decreasse in HP and Magic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters)(Level 5)

Tank: Mantaroth(Ability: Shield, Armoured Strike).

Melee Attackers: Arachne Thug(Ability: Reach, Trample), Cursed Windeku(Ability: Heal, Thorns), Disintegrator(Ability: Demoralize, Trample), Harklaw(Ability: Shield, Immunity, Demoralize).

My strategy was to reduce the incoming melee damage by 2 and placed one of them at the back of the deck and one at the middle of the deck to spread out the demoralize effect and have 2 monsters at the front and the back that have shield; this way the damage received would be further reduced by half. Then, I used my favorite monster(Windeku) ahead of Disintegrator, that way it would be safe should the monsters in the front fall; this allows for the thorns effect to come to fruition. Lastly, I used Weirding Warrior to use its ability to shatter all armor of the enemy tank.

My overall damage per round is 14 per round with a potential healing of 3 and an overall damage reduction of 6. Adding in the damage from armored strike, it comes to 17 damage per round.


Now for the opposition.

Summoner: Helios Matriarch(Ability: Increase in speed by 1 for all all monsters).

Tank: Night Ghoul(Ability: Taunt).

Melee attackers: Harklaw(Ability: Shield, Immunity, Demoralize), Kotriphus Bayne(Ability: Bloodlust).

Ranged Attacker: Berix Snakeye(Ability: Weapon Training).

Non-attackers: Chaos Agent(Ability: Dodge), Kra'ar Xoc(Abbility: Scanvenge).

His strategy was to divert all the damage toward his tank while the other attackers would do their part. He used a monster similar to mine that also reduced my melee damage by 6, overall. He used a monster that had weapon training and put 2 non-attackers on either side of it. Lastly, he used a monster with bloodlust as he wanted to get the stats boost because he assumed his opposition would also use weak monsters at the back.

His overall damage per round was 18 per round with a damage reduction of 6.

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Major Events

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At the beginning of the round, the first to fall was his tank, no wonder it could not take the brunt of all the attacks for a second round.

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The second to fall was his Kra'ar as it had the lowest HP, its survival chances were the lowest to begin with.

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Laster, 2 of my monsters fell shortly after, and thus he evened the odds as my overall damage was 8 while his overall damage was 9.

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Next, his Berix Snakeye bit the dust marking an important takedown crossed. Therefore, his overall HP was officially lower than mine.

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At the end of the round, his Chaos Agent fell which reduced his overall damage by 3.

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After half the round had passed, his Harklaw finally was off the battle, and this my overall damage increased by 3. This marked the end of the battle for him as Windeku was only going to get stronger by the battles.

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At the end of the 7th round, his only monster bit the dust as Windeku almost regained his full HP.



His strategy was flawed to begin with while I used an iron dome to protect my deck from both the front and the back. He thought that reducing the overall melee damage and focusing all the damage toward one monster would be enough. He did not anticipate the presence of 2 monsters that would reduce his melee monsters' damage.

Battle Link



Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

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