The Weapon Of A Battle Mage In THe Diamond Leagues | Battle Mage Secrets X Splinterlands

in #hive-13323last month

Hello, splinter-folk. I hope you all are doing well.



Today, I will share a battle that was both intense and epic and deserves to be out in the top-tier battle of the day rank.

Without further ado, let's begin!


Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 39 and there are 3 summoners to choose from: Fire, Nature, and Dragon. This was a moderately huge mana cap where players could squeeze in 2 or 3 key monsters to base their deck around. As for the summoner, I went with Fire Summoner as it had the best buffs which would directly affect the battle's outcome while my opponent went with a fire summoner which helped him according to him.

Battle Rules:-

  • Explosive Weaponry- All monsters have the Blast ability.
  • Shades Of Grey- Only neutral units may be used in battle.
  • Blood and Sunder- All units gain corrosive ward.

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Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Tarsa(Ability: Increase in HP and Melee Damage by 1 for all ally mosnters)(Level 2)

Tank: Mantaroth(Ability: Shield, Armoured Strike).

Ranged Attacker: Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr).

Blocked Melee Attackers: Disintegrater(Ability: Demoralize), Xenith Monk(Ability: Heal).

Magic Attacker: Magi of Chaos(No Ability).

Melee Attacker: Uraeus(Ability: Sneak).

My strategy was to reduce his incoming damage as much as possible while trying to damage him from the back. I used the rat to give me the stats buff for my tank and Disintegrater even though I knew that Disintegrater was most likely to fall before it would get a chance to attack their units. It was there just to reduce their melee damage further. I had Monk in the back as it had the heal ability and would be up and running by the start of each round. I put Uraeus in the back to keep them from reaching Magi and damaged them from the back while at it as Magi was the only unit to do a confirmed damage of 3.

My overall damage per round is 11. Adding in the damage from blast and the increase in melee damage from summoner, it comes to 18 damage per round.


Now, for the opposition:

Summoner: Skalgore(Ability: Attributing the rage ability for all ally monsters)(Level 2 Gold Foil)

Tank: Xenith Monk(Ability: Heal).

Blocked Melee Attackers: Grimbardun Fighter(Ability: Shield), Gargoya Lion(Ability: FLying).

Melee Attacker: Mad Ogre Anarchist(Ability: Opportunity).

Ranged Attacker: Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr), Nimbledook Ranger(Ability: Snipe, Double Strike).

His strategy was to try and thin out my numbers using solo melee attackers while his main units would be chilling in the back while his other ranged attackers would have a go at my units and do more blast damage. He used a tank that would heal itself and might've survived past the first round. Then, he placed his rat between his Nimbledook and Anarchist because he wanted one final buff to his stats should the rest of his monsters in the front fall or he expected sneak attackers and thus placed the rat get the stats boost. All of this he expected to work as he had the enrage ability which increased the overall stats of a monster, that way his damage would be off the charts.

His overall damage including the blast damage is 9 per round with a healing of 2. After his initial tank falls, his overall damage with blast would increase to 12 per round. Should he get the martyr effect, his overall damage including blast would be 21 per round.

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Major Events

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After a third of the round had passed, my Marksrat gave out and bestowed the stats boost to my tank and Dinintegrater.

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After half the round had passed, his tank had fallen while his real tank's shield was off.

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My Uraeus had fallen, credit to his archer in the back of his deck but his Marksrat was still intact.

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After half the round had passed, his second tank finally fell and my tank's shield was off.

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At the beginning of the round, his archer from the back beat another monster off my squad and made it a trio. His overall damage was higher than mine while my damage negation was high.

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While my tank continued to negate all the damage, my monster in the back was getting rammed with the blast damage and finally, all of that damage got to eliminate Disintegrater.

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And thus, at the start of the round, it turned into a vicious 1 v 4 with his damage being higher than mine while my tank was still missing its mark.

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After half the round passed my tank finally made contact and that put his out of commission.

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Finally, at the start of the round, his Anarchist was brought down with a single blow and eliminated his Marksrat which gave his only archer the stats buff. That did not help him though as his ranged attacker was useless in the front.



The first most noticeable mistake was his place as the Marksrat. He could've placed it in front of his Anarchist or behind Grim and that way he was sure to increase his survivability but he got greedy for the extra 4 damage that would bring him. However, his strategy was extremely powerful as over time his overall damage increased to over 20 per round while mine would fall once my tank and the one behind it would fall. His only flaw in the strategy was that he expected too much on a sneak attacker being present in my deck which cost his monsters from getting the stats boost early in the game. I did not take any chance and put it just behind my tank which worked pretty well for the most part.

Battle Link

Battle Link



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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice