Whom I Beat In The Wild Gold III League In 98 Turns ~ Splinterlands X Social Media Challenge

in #hive-1332310 days ago

Hello, splinter-folks. I hope you all are doing well.



Today, I shall share a battle that had brains, the brawn of the little folk, and a huge number of turns that might never occur again.

Without further ado, let's begin!

Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 23 and there are 3 summoners to choose from: Life, Death, and Dragon. With this amount of mana, the player must choose monsters either rented or bought from the shop and carefully plan out the deck.

Battle Rules:-

  • Born Again: All monsters have the rebirth ability.
  • Explosive Weaponry: All monsters have the balls ability.
  • Little League: Monsters and Summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battle.

With the battle rules in mind, the player must choose carefully which monster to put where and the best way to use the battle rules' blast and rebirth abilities to your advantage.


Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in HP and Mgaic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters)(Level 5)

Tank: Xenith Monk(Ability: Heal).

Ranged Attacker: Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr)

Non Attackers: Riftwing(Ability: Flying, Scavenger, Backfire), Chaos Agent(Ability: Dodge).

Magic Attacker: Moxian Rebel(Ability: Weapon Training).

Melee Attacker: Uraeus(Abbility: Sneak, Poison).

My strategy was to ensure that my tank's survival and a unit with high damage and speed survived till the end. That way, the ones behind it will be safe to do damage throughout. So, I used a monster with martyr ability between my tank and a non-attacker that was to gain an attack from another monster with weapon training. I used Uraeus for its poison and sneak ability; this way I would be able to break his deck from the back while also inflicting poison

My overall damage per round 7 with a healing of 2. Adding in the poison, blast, and the stats gained from the Martyr effect twice, it comes to 18 damage per round.


Now, the opposition's deck structure.

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in HP and Mgaic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters)

Tank: Wily Coyotian(No Ability).

Ranged Attackers: Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr), Ravenhood Warden(Ability: Protect), Soul Strangler(No Ability).

Magic Attacker: Venari Bonesmith*(Ability: Life Leech).

Melee Attacker: Uraeus(Ability: Sneak).

His strategy was to form a protective barrier while causing great damage and gaining some HP from my monsters. He also used his Marksrat between his tank and magic attacker and Uraeus to attack me from the back of my deck. He used a monster that provided a +2 shield to all ally units.

His overall damage per round is 7 per round. Adding in the damage after the stats boost and damage from blast, it comes to 16 per round.

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Major Events

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The first 2 monsters to permanently be eliminated were his tank and rat. Thus, his tank never received the stats boost and his overall damage and HP was significantly lower than mine. Through this, my scavenger got all the HP increase and passed its 10 HP mark.

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At turn 40, my rat fell, permanently, and gave my self-sustaining tank and scavenger the stats boost that would carry me to the end.

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At the 6th turn, his Uraeus fell and thus his overall damage was cut lower than half.

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In the final 3rd of the round, his shield provider bit the dust while my monsters were still going strong.

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Later, his Soul Strangler was cut down, permanently.

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At last, his vicious poison afflicted was ut to rest for the 2nd and final time thanks to my poison afflictor.



What he did not account for was the chances of me using a summoner that would greatly reduce his overall HP. That way, his average monster HP went down to 1 and thus it was only a matter of turns before his monsters fell on their faces.

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Battle Link

Battle Link



Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121