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I have decided to take on a different mindset with Splinterlands cards. Card collecting is cool but for me, I need there to be a reason to want a card besides 'It's what's being played' or 'X counters Y'. Maybe the card looks cool or the story behind it is interesting! Something I can connect with... But where has this thought come up before?
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Pokémon! despite the 'Gotta Catch em'all' slogan I only caught the ones I thought were neat. There are plenty of spinoffs/attempts at recreating the magic that is Pokémon but they don't quite hit the mark.
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And I don't feel inclined to buy the latest Pokémon due to the easiness of the game and the lack of Pokémon Design:
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I also don't want to waste my money on a game that will be obsolete within six months to a year...
I thought about it for a while when I realized the solution was in front of me all along. Splinterlands!
Image saved on my computer
If I took my mindset for Pokémon and used it to help inspire actions in Splinterlands then I could enjoy it even more! I went to the card catalogue to see the monsters:
Early Pokémon are inspired by real life animals so it's not difficult to see similarities between a Splinterlands monster card and a Pokémon.
I mean there's even Lore about Splinterlands monsters like there are PokéDex entires for Pokémon!
Maybe I am just off the walls here but I know for a fact that having inspiration for ANY game makes it better to play. I am ready to begin my adventure of 'Capturing' Splinterlands Monsters!
I never would've had this thought process if I hadn't read @chubb149 's post In it he mentions 'Splinterlore.com'. This is what helped inspire the 'Splinterlands X Pokémon' Crossover thought.
I hope some of my ramblings could be enjoyed and I ask that you think about swapping mindsets for different games, you might find that there are connections you never thought about!
Thank you and Happy Gaming!