Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - Reverse Speed

in #hive-133235 months ago


Hello! This post is for the entry of Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. For this week, we have Reverse Speed as the ruleset. For this post, we have a game that only allows Level one Rebellion cards, which means building the best team with the following mana would be more harder due to restricting other set cards.


Reverse Speed

Units with lower speeds will attack before units with higher speeds. Attack Accuracy based on speed will also be reversed.

  • Units with Bloodlust will increase speed after killing a unit.
  • Avoid using Slow as this will help your opponent.

Reverse Speed is a weird ruleset where under-leveled cards could be sometimes more efficient than it's high level version. In general, you would want to choose units that has low speed: the best would be building a team with all units having 1 speed. Also, you would not want Summoners/Monsters with altering speed abilities such as Kelya and units that have abilities like Slow and Swiftness which is going to actually slow down your team and help opponent's team. Bloodlust and Martyr will also increase speed which weakens them for a little bit.



Battle Info

Rank: Modern Novice - Only Rebellion cards
Avaliable Type: All
Mana: 35
What Doesn't Kill You: All units gain the Enrage ability which multiplies their speed and melee attack by 1.5x rounded up.
Target Practice: All ranged and magic units gain the Snipe ability.
Reverse Speed: Units with lower speeds will attack before units with higher speeds. Attack Accuracy based on speed will also be reversed.

It had a decent mana limit and also allowed all elements to be used in battle. If you look at the rulesets, Enrage and Reverse Speed's relation is actually interesting, because when a monster gets enraged, it multiplies their speed by 1.5x, making it slower with Reverse Speed ruleset. Target Practice is another important ruleset when using certain lineups, so it is good to be noticed about it.


My Lineup


Summoner: Lorkus. For the Summoner, I picked Lorkus. It gives +1 melee and +1 magic attack to our team, as well as Life Leech and Affliction (usually I choose this) to two units. It's a solid Rebellion Legendary summoner in my opinion for 7 mana, and the ruleset does not give any disadvantages to this card. Giving +1 magic is always useful, and +1 melee combined with Enrage could result in some high Melee attacks.


First position: Infernal Firestorm. For the Tank, I went with Infernal Firestorm. For 10 mana, 9 health is kind of disappointing and it would limit my choice because of its high mana cost. It has Flank ability: giving Reach to the second position unit. It is not the best card, since it has low health and 3 speed which is usually too high in reverse speed, but considering I only had Rebellion card, I believe it was a decent choice.


Second position: Grimbardun Fighter. Then, I went with Grimbardun Fighter. It has even less health than Infernal Firestorm. With only 6 health, I was hoping that Lorkus' Life Leech and Infernal Firestorm tanking some attacks before it gets enough health would make this card even better.


Third position: Fenmoor Haunt. At this point, I had a little bit of mana left, so I went with Fenmoor Haunt. Having 3 (buffed by Lorkus) melee attack and Sneak ability, it seemed really good for only 3 mana.


Fourth position: Gobalano Soldier. It is another Melee Sneak unit that only costs 3 mana. Although it has 1 less attack than Fenmoor Haunt, it has Ambush which allows units to attack before the battle. With Fenmoor Haunt, it would be breaking through the backlines of the units fastly. The only downside was that it had 3 speed, same like Infernal Firestorm.


Fifth position: Great Porcupine. At the last, I went with Great Porcupine. I did not have enough cards to put some good cards here, so I had to stick with this card. It would soak some Snipe and Sneak attacks from the enemy attackers.


Battle Link: HERE



The enemy monsters were revealed and they went with Akane, a legendary Dragon Summoner and picked Water element. Looking at the lineup, they went with some strong magic and melee attackers while also using Daarg Deadblast to give Weapons Training ability to adjutant units. Daarg Deadblast also gives Swiftness, which, in this case, actually helps my team rather than their team.

Since they chose Akane, they gave 2 units Ambush and at Ambush round, my Great Porcupine was taken down. Their Captain Fellblade also got hit and was ambushed to 8 speed, so it would be missing some of its melee attacks.


Round 1

Round 1 started and after exchanging some blows, I was able to take down their enraged Captain Fellblade. Grimbardun Fighter was not able to get extra life from life leech, but Infernal Firestorm got 2 health from its attacks. Infernal Firestorm also got enraged as well as Gobqlano Soldier and their Chaos Rear Guard.


Round 2

Round 2 started Argarux Magus quickly got taken down by my Sneak Attackers. However, Grim was not at the back, and it seemed like it would be really hard to take down it. Meanwhile, Chaos Rear Guard was taken down, and Infernal Firestorm was taken down before it got to attack.


Round 3

Both Daigendark Surveyor and Grim got enraged which made them more slow. However, my Grimbardun Fighter also got enraged and was at 3 health, while Daigendark Surveyor was at 1 and Grim at 2.


Round 4~5

Fenmoor Haunt quickly took down Grim, and after Daigendark Surveyor finally got took down, there was only Daarg Deadblast on the enemy team, while I had 3 attackers left. The game ended at Round 5.


Thoughts about this battle

Daarg Deadblast seemed like not a good choice for the enemy team. Although their units were mostly same speed or lower than my units, Swiftness made them go even slower which made their units more slower thus attacking more slower.



Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121