Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - Stampede

in #hive-13323last month



Hello! This post is for the entry of this week's Battle Mage Secrets, which is Stampede. Stampede is a ruleset which benefits the "Trample" Ability. In this game, we have a Novice tournament battle that has the ruleset Stampede.



Trample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units.

  • Prime use case for Summoner Possibilus the Wise.

Stampede allows Trample to trigger infinitely after the trampling unit takes down other units. That means that unit would Trample again if they take down a unit with its own Trample ability. The summoner Possibilus the Wise gives Trample to all units in your team. If you do not have Possibilus, it would be nice to use high HP units or units with Armor just in case.



Battle Info

Rank: Modern Novice, No legendary
Avaliable Type: Fire, Water, Earth, Life
Mana: 40
Reverse Speed: Units with lower speeds will attack before units with higher speeds. Attack Accuracy based on speed will also be reversed.
Stampede: Trample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units.
Shades of Gray: Only Neutral Units may be used in battles.

In this battle, there are Reverse Speed, Stampede and Shades of Gray ruleset with 40 mana limit, and Death and Dragon not available. Water is available so Possibilus is possible, but because of no Legendary, you cannot use it, so you would need to find another way. Also, only Neutrals are allowed, making the choices much more limited in this game.


My Lineup


Summoner: Tarsa. For the Summoner, I picked Tarsa. Tarsa gives +1 melee and +1 health. The +1 health was the reason I picked this summoner, and the +1 melee was a bonus. Kelya is also nice, but this was a Reverse Speed so that was not an option.


First position: Arkemis the Bear. For the tank, I went and selected Arkemis the Bear. It has 3 melee, 2 speed and 11 health for 12 mana and has Protect ability that gives +2 armor to all units. Protect is just a nice ability to have anywhere, and it has high stats overall.


Second position: Disintegrator. At the second position, I went with Disintegrator. It has 2 melee attack for 7 mana, and it has Demoralize ability which gives -1 melee to all enemy attackers.


Third position: Venari Marksrat. Venari Marksrat is just a good card to have, due to its Martyr ability that buffs nearby card when it dies. 1 Ranged attack is also good for additional attacks.


Fourth position: Magi of Chaos. Magi of Chaos is a solid CL Neutral Magic attacker. It does not have any abilities, but at 6 mana it has 2 magic attack.


Fifth position: Venari Spellsmith. At the 5th position, I used Venari Spellsmith. It is just a nice Magic card to have when no Legendries are allowed, in my opinion.


Last position: Uraeus. At the last, we have Uraeus. Uraeus is a nice unit with 1 melee attack and Sneak(targets the back unit of the enemy). It is good in low mana battles, but also Neutral only battles.


Battle Link: HERE


Round 1

The enemy monsters were revealed and they went with Obsidian. They had a overall okay units, but they used ranged monsters at the front and Melee units at the back, which is bad because of the attack types and it would give disadvantage to them.

After exchanging some blows, their Xenith Monk was the first to fall after taking hit by Magi of Chaos. Their other monsters were not damaged. Meanwhile, they did some damage to my Arkemis the Bear, but it was not much.


Round 2

Round 2 started and their Gargoya Devil was taken down by my slower speed units, so he was unable to attack. Nimbledook Ranger was also taken down after he came to first position, making so that it cannot attack. At this point, they were outnumbered by my units with only 3 units left.


Round 3

My magic attackers took down Dumacke Orc and Venari Spellsmith down. At this point it was really clear who was the winner, thanks to Arkemis the Bear.


Round 4

It was 6 against 1 units, and the battle ended right here. GG!


Thoughts about this battle

I was hopeful that I would win this battle, but I did not expect me to win by a landslide. First, Arkemis the Bear was really great even at level 1. In low level cap + high mana limit + No legendary or Rise of the Commons, Arkemis the Bear shine in those niche battles. There was nothing happening around Stampede, though, which was dissapointing but also predictable because they are all level 1s.



Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar