I'd like to extend a warm Praetorian welcome to @emp-warden's awesome new Legendary Summoner, Elias Max Pruitt (aka EMP)! I've started playing with EMP and it's incredibly fun, particularly with that Armored Strike tactic. In this post I look at some of the units I think will be great fits with EMP, though I admit I haven't had a chance yet to try all of these, so time will tell if these are really the best choices or if I've missed any key ones here!
It's also a great opportunity to take part in @thepeoplesguild #TPGCHALLENGE! Details here for anyone who missed it - let's get more folks in this fray!
Without further ado, let's get into it...
Commander Slade is almost certainly EMP's newest best friend. This guy is an absolute force to be reckoned with when you give him Armored Strike. His Reflection Shield makes him an ideal option against Tofu lineups, and his shield strike can go absolutely nuts. Stick him behind the Silverblade Fighter (more on him later) and Slade has 10 (TEN!) armor to play with. In melee-only matches, he'll be a ridiculous matchup who, in addition to the shield onslaught, reduces his target's attack over time. If you weren't sure whether Slade was S tier before EMP, I think it's pretty clear now.
Battle showcase: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_a6cc63f12ed00109a94d4ab5dd42fd41
Bosun already got lots of value with the arrival of Tofu due to his Reach+Reflection Shield combo, and he gets another upgrade with EMP. The reasons are similar to Slade with the bonus that you can stick Bosun in position 2 and still get an attack in any ruleset.
Battle showcase: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_ba52a7d774297e9d415bda4ba9135314&ref=bravetofu
This is one I'm extremely excited about. Nimbledook Explorer is a terrific card in his own right, and with EMP you can give him extra armor and then you have 2 options: (1) give the Explorer repair/cleanse to make him a force up front as he heals and repairs himself, (2) give another unit in your lineup Armored Strike, which is boosted by the Explorer's protect. Another S tier card getting more toys to play with.
In battles that allow Gladiators, Isgald will be an awesome pick to pair with EMP. Although the piercing is redundant, the Armored Strike on this gladiator plus extra armor and melee will all but guarantee Isgald gets kills that trigger his bloodlust.
Sea Wreck is an interesting choice with EMP. He's a terrific counter to non-melee as it stands, and can benefit from both of EMP's tactics. I actually particularly like repair/cleanse on him to turn him into a real beast up front. Stick Mana Warden behind him to add Shield and this guy will be hard to take down.
A staple of the Chaos era, Diemonshark will absolutely love Armored Strike + Piercing.
The Scion doesn't get as much love as it deserves, but maybe a 12-damage armored strike will change that. Note the sneaky True Strike in her kit too.
This guy is in this list for 2 reasons: first, he adds armor to everyone on the team, increasing the damage of Armored Strike. Second, he gives reach to the unit in second position, allowing you to put an attacker in the second position who benefits from the Armored Strike.
I just find it hilarious to think of the Ulundin Overseer doing 11 (or more) damage with his armor.
Jared Scar will LOVE EMP! A double attack, both of which pierce, giving ample chances to bloodlust... tasty!
Is Olivia in every list? Yes, yes she is... She loves EMP too, as her Opportunity gives her the ability to take Armored Strike and benefit from it regardless of her position. She may end up being a staple in EMP lineups.
Evelyn may make more appearances with the arrival of EMP, as her super high armor and Thorns/Reflection Shield combo make her a wicked choice against Tofu.
Nalara's interesting for his very high Armor. He's a very interesting choice in magic-heavy battles where he'll decrease the enemy's attack and dish out massive damage (contrary to his typical 1 magic damage) using his armor.
Alvar's been chilling on the couch, but Armored Strike will surely get him to see some daylight. 10 armor damage you say? Yes please.
What do you think? Did I miss some key pairings? Let me know in the comments!
Image courtesy of a friendly AI named Grok