Share. Your. Battle. Challenge W/ Water Splinter - River Nymph

in #hive-133232 years ago


Hello and Welcome to my Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge, where I'll share my Battles with a Water Splinter called River Nymph. I always enjoy using the Weekly themed monster in my SYBC as it helps me Learn about New Monsters I haven't used before in this way. But Sometimes, you can also find out about Monsters You'd Rather Not Use, Like was the Case for the Last Past Two SYBC Challenges (With Gem Meteor AND Molten Ask Golem).

Share Your Battle Challenge - River Nymph.png

But for this Week's Challenge, I can Guarantee to Have a Fun Time with River Nymph, Not Just Because She's in the Water Splinter which I've been Mastering Recently, But Because She's a Cool Stat Monster IMO. Let's Check Out More Below!

River Nymph - A Strategic Healer

Okay, so River Nymph is A Popular Monster, about on the Average Side of Popularity because we have some Monsters that are Really not Known/Used Much by Players and Others that 90% of Players are aware of(like Djinn Oshannus). For me, River Nymph falls Under the Category of Monsters that I use in 50% of Water Games or Slightly Lower. WHY?

Well, Majorly Because of Its Special Ability called cleanse which is a Strategic Ability that should only be used on Occasion as I'll Explain Better!.


River Nymph Base Card

Ability - Cleanse.png

River Nymph is a Water Elemental Splinter that Comes with +2 Magic Attack, +2 Speed, +4 Health, +4 Mana Cost, and a Special Ability Called Cleanse

Cleanse - Removes all negative effects on the Monster in the first position on the friendly team

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How to Use River Nymph

Using River Nymph in Battle lies in Planning Your Strategy on How to Apply its Special Ability Cleanse, this is a conditional Ability that is not necessary for all Battles and Can Sometimes be Insignificant, which is why I said earlier that I use River Nymph half the Time when playing a Water Team.

This means that, Planning Out a Suitable Strategy to deploy River Nymph requires you to also Understand the Summoner Choice of the Enemy team (in other words, taking a guess using the previous battle choices) because Some Summonrner's Negative Effect can Decrease the Efficiency of Your Tank and be a Real Bummer.

Another Instance of How I Use River Nymph - is Mostly in High Mana Cap Battles Over Lower Ones because River Nymph has an Average Mana Cost of 4 which I might want to reserve for a More Attacking Monster. It also has Just +1 Magic Attack and +2 Speed making it Not the most Aggressive Monster to Waste 4 Mana on in a Low Mana Cap Battle.

Using River Nymph in High Mana Battles will provide an Edge Over Your Opponents Through Removing Negative Effects on Your Tank Monster, and He'll be able to Perform at Its Full Capability, while Your Enemy(Tank) Might not.

River Nymph Monster In Battle

Battle Details:

I'm Battling in a 24 Mana Cap Battling with No Match Modifications and Against an Earth Elemental. I was able to Understand the Likely Summoner Choice of my Opponent from his Previous Battles and Properly Countered him, if not, I will simply have Lost the Battle because the Enemy monsters will have had an Increased Magic Attack.

Battle Lineup:

I Went for the Defensive and Offensive Using:

Monster/Summorner CardsComments
Starting from the Summorner Bortus which was Chosen to Offset the Perks Distributed by Obsidian (+2 Magic Attack). This Saved me if not the Enemy Monster's will have been too strong to handle.Bortus.png
Serpent_of_Eld.pngHis Dodge Ability didn't Activate since Enemy Monsters were all Magic Attackers. Still, he was the Cheaper and Flexible Option for this Average Mana Cap Battle
This Monster was just Included as a Dummy, Incase I Lost Serpent of Eld before Success(which I did). With his Flying Ability, I was hoping to Dodge a Few HitsAlbatross.png
Merdaali_Guardian.pngMerdaali Guardian is the Tank Healer, with it's Special Ability to Heal every Round. Placed in the Third position to Protect River Nymph from Attacks and to Possibly Heal itself in Tank Position(which it did)
I Placed River Nymph in the Fourth Position so that it will not Receive Inital Attacks, also because it has +1 Magic Attack over Merdaali Guardian which is fully Defensive. River Nymph also has low Mana Cost(which was exactly what I needed)River_Nymph.png
Deeplurker.pngOfcourse, Deeplurker serves as the Main Attacker Monster along with Serpent of Eld, with +3 Meele Attack and Special Ability Opportunity (to target Monsters with the Lowest Health on the Enemy team), Deeplurker was super crucial to my Victory

image (1).png

Battle Walkthrough:

  • At First it Took Time for me to Eliminate the Opponent's Tank Monster - Mycelic , who draws All Monster Attacks to Himself. It was Crucial because I could not Target other Low Health Monsters who were Dealing Some Magic Attacks.

  • Furthermore, Magic Attacks will penetrate the shield of Serpent of Eld, so it was Useless in this Battle. Serpent of Eld managed to take out Mycelic while on just One Health, but Was Eliminated right after.

  • Albatross Being Next in Tank Position was Able to Receive +2 Magic Attack from Regal Peryton, which was a Fantastic Call. Deeplurker meanwhile had Started to Target the lowest-health monsters from the Enemy Team(with Mycelic gone) to Further Decrease their Attacks. My Opponent was Smart in Placing Regal Peryton in the Second Position (because with his Flying Attacks he could Dodge Attacks and Stretch the Battle, while other team members Attacked), But I was Smarter because Deep Lurker aided me here.

  • Merdaali Guardian became the Next Tank Monster, healed itself, and Prolonged the Battle, giving Time for Deeplurker and River Nymph to Deal Attacks. By the end of Round 3, Only One Monster Remains in the Enemy's Team (Regal Peryton), albeit, with Decreased Health. Great Job from River Nymph who had Continuously been Attacking Regal Peryton, who Could not Dodge a Magic Attack. Awesome!

  • And I was Impressed at the Quickness with which Merdaali Guardian Healed Itself, Until Regal Peryton was finally Eliminated. Never Leaving the Tank Position and With Just One Monster in the Enemy's Lineup, Only Merdaali Guardian can be Attacked by Regal Peryton.

Aaand, It was Victory!! ✨
Watch Battle Here:

image (1).png

So, I Also Learned Something

Yeah, a Little Details on a Small New Strategy I Learned from this Battle - is a way to Stall and Defeat Regal Peryton.

Regal Peryton is a Superhero Monster that I hold in High Regard, Capable of Flipping Battles around and I love to Use it when I'm playing an Earth Team. But, what of when I'm on the receiving end of it's Superpowers?, Well this Game gave me a Clear hint on How to Deflect the Powers of Regal Peryton.

And it Goes in two Ways -
(1) Clear Out All other Monsters Behind it Using (as we have seen), An Opportunity Monster,
(2) Let it go Head-to-Head with a Healing Monster (such as merdaali Guardian).

Two Conditions to Keep in mind -
(1)Your Healer shouldn't necessarily be the very first team tank, but maybe place a weaker/dummy tank that could last just a few rounds.

(2)Make sure that Your Healer has enough Health Greater than Regal Peryton's Magic Attack (which could become +2 with Summoner Perks).

I've really enjoyed Discussing my Battle Using River Nymph with you Today, and I hope You Loved it too! Hasta Luego in my Next Post!

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