In this week's battle challenge I will feature a battle that showcases the strengths of the Kulu Swimhunter.
The rulesets for the battle were Little League and Noxious Fumes. The Swimhunter's cost of 4 mana and relatively high 4 health make it an excellent candidate for these rulesets, even when suffering the loss of a health point from Thaddeus.
My opponent is relying on the Scavenge ability of Riftwing to outlast my team, whereas I prefer to make use of Cleanse when it is available as I find it more reliable.
Here after the first round you can see that my opponent's front line tank is eliminated, largely thanks to the extra DPS from the Swimhunter. Many of my units will now be lost to the poison, but my tank has been cleansed and Swimhunter has enough health to survive another round.
Now I need a miss from my opponent to win, but luck (and the extra speed from Kelya) are with me and Dark Astronomer misses. Both of my attacks hit their mark and poison does its work to leave only my cleansed Monk against the Riftwing.
In spite of its massive health, the Riftwing has no way to attack and so loses.
Extra damage, low mana cost, and relatively high health make Kulu Swimhunter a useful monster, not only in Little League but also in higher mana battles.
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