Another season has ended! I had intended to do a mid-season report but it went by so quickly. This has been another good season. I had to collect a Bronze chest the first day after reset, but got back into Silver for the for the rest of the season.
My rentals for the season haven't changed except that one card was canceled and I had to pick up another copy at a slightly higher rate, so for now I am paying 1.33 DEC/day for cards to help win battles.
I received enough potions to open a pack, and was gifted one pack by a generous player! No GF or legendary, sadly, but decent cards including an epic:
I also received an epic in a reward chest as well as a couple of good rares, so not too bad.
In my EOS rewards I got 3 rare cards including the Venari Wavesmith, which I was missing, so that's pretty decent too. I finish my second season owning 735 CP