My Splinterlands journey that could be yours! (ENG/SLO)

in #hive-13323last year

Greetings summoners! Welcome back to creepy side ....png
This post was originally written in Slovene to make it easier for my friends to join in on the fun. If you are one of those friends, please scroll down (mimo angleščine) ... za slovensko verzijo.

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If you are new to the Splinterlands universe, let me give you a brief introduction to the basics of the magic that runs through this world.


In your first class in Splinterlands, you'll learn the basics of the unforgiving battlefield. You will learn the concept of the three offensive powers of sword, bow and magic. You'll learn tactics, new card combinations - your loyal pawns... but the battlefield will never remain predictable. Each new battle will be a challenge for you. And yes, you only have 3 minutes for each one. Ticktick...



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Screenshot 2023-11-08 183412.png -----> Rules are changing ...
Screenshot 2023-11-08 183348.png -----> Tactics are never the same ...


In the second grade you'll buy or rent new battlefield powers. You will become more than just a video game player; you will become a digital card owner, a participant in the system, a "co-owner". In the process, you will gradually come to appreciate the beauty of decentralisation and the complexity of the Splinterverse itself. It may seem too much, too fast... take your time, find the aspects that excite you, put the others aside - for another time - they will reveal themselves to you through the process.
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Only the most persistent and disciplined wizards will make it to the third level - congratulations. This is where the fun begins.

  • Do you understand the battlefield? Really? Have you gone from Bronze to Diamond? Are you a champion? Do you know the tournaments? Do you take part? Do you win? Do you win sweet SPS?
  • Already in a guild or still playing solo? Have you immersed yourself in the passionate community of the Splinterverse? On Discord, on Youtube, on Twitter (X) ... or right here - on Hive-chain.
  • Do you sell, buy, lend, borrow cards - digital property? Open packs?
  • Interested in statistics? Stock and distribution of cards, coins ...?
  • Are you confused about where everything comes from and where it goes? What is it based on and how does it work? Who creates the value and and and ...
  • You are on the right track ... patience ...

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If we don't know each other yet - hello, I'm creeptor - that's my "hive blockchain name" - also my Splinterlands name. I'm here - in the Splinterverse - because I've always been attracted to the concept of decentralisation itself, but at the same time, card games (poker, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh...) have long since grown on me. Love at first sight and all that. 😍
I'm shamelessly showing my stats below ... 🤣 I still lose too often for my liking, Modern League is f***** hard. 😅

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I started in May 2021 - at the time of writing I'm approaching 30 months of active play - and a lot has happened since then😅. As the game has changed, so has my approach. At first I was just playing the game - geeking out like crazy, but later I got to know other aspects. I decided to make different investments in the system (cards, tokens, other stuff) - some paid off, others not so much... 😅.
For example, I bought my very own Runi... and it wasn't cheap. But we are growing closer and closer to each other😜, it serves as my "digital identity" - a brand, but at the same time it fights for me on the battlefield.
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Not for sale 😎

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Self-praise is not worth much ... but anyway, let me list a few things I am proud of:

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  • I have collected some SPS.

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  • I have not lost all of my tournaments. 😎

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  • The Guild I am a member of is not the worst ... it will be the best one day.😜
    Shout-out to my T&A LEGION II boys!

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  • I have a few cards that are not for sale anywhere - but they are priceless.
    Shout-out to GF QUORA too!

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In conclusion

I am not going to write that web3 is the future; that there is a crucial difference between games we have been used to - and the new wave of decentralised games based on blockchain technology that is inevitably coming. I will not even dwell on the revolutionary aspect of digital ownership, the difference between user and co-owner and the positive consequences of the change.
Finally, I will not add that the Splinterverse, and therefore the Splinterlands, is based on the simple principle of peace, freedom and prosperity.
Do not trust what you read on the internet - find out for yourself.

I have already chosen my path... have you?

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Če šele vstopaš v Splinterlands vesolje, naj te najprej na hitro seznanim z osnovami magije, ki veje skozi ta svet.


Že v prvem razredu Splinterlandsa se boš učil osnov neizprosnega bojišča. Spoznal boš koncept treh napadalnih sil, ki so meč, lok in magija. Učil se boš taktike, spoznaval nove kombinacije kart - svojih vdanih služabnikov ... a bojišče ne bo ostalo predvidljivo. Vsaka nova bitka bo izziv za sebe. In ja, imaš samo 3 minute za vsako.



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Screenshot 2023-11-08 183412.png -----> Pravila se spreminjajo ...
Screenshot 2023-11-08 183348.png -----> Taktike se menjajo ...


V drugem razredu šole boš kupil ali najel nove moči na bojišču. Postal boš več kot samo igralec video igrice; postal boš lastnik digitalnih kart, udeleženec sistema, "solastnik". Ob tem boš postopoma spoznaval lepoto decentralizacije in kompleksnost samega Splinterversa. Mogoče se bo zdelo preveč, prehitro ... vzemi si čas, najdi vidike, ki vznemirjajo tebe, ostale postavi na stran - za drugič - skozi proces se ti bodo odkrili sami.
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Le vztrajni in disciplinirani čarodeji se prebijejo do tretjega razreda - čestitke. Zabava se bo na tej točki šele začela.

  • Razumeš bojišče? Ga zares? Si se prebil od brona do diamanta? Si med šampioni? Že poznaš turnirje? Sodeluješ? Zmaguješ? Si si priboril prvi SPS?
  • Si že v guildu ali si še vedno sam proti vsem? Si že raziskal strastno in aktivno skupnost Splinterversa? Na discordu, na youtubu, na twitterju (X-u) ... ali pa kar tu - Na Hivu.
  • Prodajaš, kupuješ, posojaš, si izposojaš karte - digitalno lastnino? Odpiraš pakete kart?
  • Te že zanima statistika? Zaloga in distribucija kart, kovancev ...?
  • Te bega od kod kaj pride in kam gre? Na čem je zgrajeno in kako deluje? Kdo ustvarja vrednost in predvsem KAKO PR` PIZDI SPLOH DELUJE?
  • Na pravi poti si ... potrpljenje ...

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Če se še ne poznava - pozdravljen, jaz sem creeptor - to je moje "Hive blockchain ime" - hkrati moje Splinterlands ime. Tu - v Splinterversu - sem, ker me je od nekdaj privlačil koncept decentralizacije same, hkrati pa so mi igre s kartami (poker, pokemoni, yu-gi-oh ...) enkrat davno prirastle k srcu. Ljubezen na prvi pogled in vse to. 😍
Spodaj brezsramno kažem svojo statistiko ...🤣 Še vedno izgubim prevečkrat za svoj okus, Moderna liga je jeb***.

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Začel sem maja 2021 - za časa pisanja tega besedila se bližam tridesetim mesecem aktivnega igranja - in od takrat se je zgodilo marsikaj😅. Kot se je igra nenehno spreminjala, se je z njo spreminjal moj pristop. Sprva sem se posvečal zgolj igri - geekal kot nor, kasneje pa sem se spoznal še druge vidike. Odločil sem se za različne investicije v sistem (karte, tokene, ostalo) - nekatere so se obrestovale, druge malo manj ... 😅
Kupil sem naprimer čisto svojega Runija ... in ni bil poceni. Ampak sva si bližje in bližje😜, služi mi kot "digitalna identita" - znamka, hkrati pa se zame bojuje na bojišču.
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Ni na prodaj. 😎

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Samohvala ni veliko vredna ... pa vseeno, naj dodam še na kaj sem ponosen:

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  • Zbral sem nekaj SPS-a.

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  • Nisem izgubil vseh turnirjev. 😎

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  • Guild, katerega član sem, ni najslabši ... enkrat bo najboljši.😜
    Shout-out to my T&A LEGION II boys!

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  • Imam kar nekaj kart, ki niso nikjer na prodaj - a so neprecenljive.
    Shout-out to GF QUORA too!

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Za konec

Ne bom napisal, da je web3 prihodnost; da je ključna razlika med igrami, kot smo jih bili vajeni - in novim valom decentraliziranih iger na podlagi blockchain tehnologije, ki neizbežno prihaja. Ne bom sploh težil z revolucionarnim vidikom digitalne lastnine, z razliko med uporabnikom in solastnikom ter pozitivnimi posledicami preskoka.
Za konec pa ne bom dodal, da Splinterverse in z njim Splinterlands stojita na preprostem načelu miru, svobode in blaginje.
Ne verjemi vsega kar prebereš na internetu - ugotovi sam.

Jaz sem si pot že izbral ... pa ti?

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so you got down to business

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