In this post, I hope to show you how you can defeat this powerful tank of the Water Splinter and then watch the rest of the monsters fall like dominoes.
This weeks battle challenge is to feature this powerhouse from the water splinter and if you play enough, you will come across it front and center, at level 5 he gets a massive 6 shields and also 9 health points plus trample and enrage - (over powered I hear you cry)
Rulset and Strategy
This was not one of those walkover battles. The teams were very much on a par with each other; it was just the attack method used was different. The rule-set was armoured up plus explosive weaponry
So they seem to counter each other out as the extra blast damage will just hit the shields. My thoughts go straight to magic attack when I see the "armoured up" rules as magic ignores shields mostly, there are exceptions. I Settled, magic it is, plus I have Delwin Dragonscale summoner and Dragons are playable.
Something equally tuned the opponents' team for the rules with a level 3 Tide Bitter in second tank spot read to mop up and blast damage from the front guy, very strong front two. These guys are there to hold the line while the ranged attack from axemaster and supply runner take apart my team (He has played this line up before me thinks)
OK so apart from magic attack, I also wanted to strike first so I place a lot of slow de-buffs on the enemy with the hope I would kill a few a few of his before he see's what happening
How did it play out?
Got it just right, my magic attack was too strong for the Diemon Shark and my combo of Fallen Specter that reduced his range attack by one hit point and my Skeletal Warrior up front with his shield held off a lot of damage, only getting 1 damage from the Axemaster none from Supply Runner
Death Splinter is so frustrating to the opponent if you plan the de-buff correctly
Final Thoughts - Balanced Gaming
One of the thing's that I don't see happening in splinterlands that happens a lot in other games is a constant rebalancing of the gameplay, we have had some but really only a hand full as the game is well balanced and there is no one method that is all winning.
With introducing the Rift Watchers mini set, we get a lot more options for player to explore and craft some winning combo's
The Splinterlands BlockChain Game where you can win actual rewards.