This was a pretty hard challenge to complete not because of the cards but because i am (still) in bronze and high mana matches are pretty rare to get.
Match Condition
- 27 mana
- No Neutral Cards Allowed
Goblin Psychic was difficult to play because it cost 6 mana in Bronze 6 mana is a lot but this 27 mana match was just enough for me to play it. My strategy is simple, magic damage all the way because of Obsidian's buff.
First position: Unicorn Mustang, high attack, high health and void. Best card among the tanks i have.
Second Position: Spirit Shaman, that was a surprise for me to play it because i don't play it in a long time but this time thought with magic attack and divine shield it could be a good option for a second tank.
Third Position: Khmer Princess, low mana, good attack with Obsidian's buff.
Forth Position: Goblin Psyhic, 2 attack, tank heal and decent health is a pretty good card to play, the downside is 6 mana making it difficult to play in bronze league.
Fifth Position: Djinn Biljka, low mana, good attack, thats it.
You can see the battle here
Opponent's Regal and Unicorn attacks my Unicorn but it fight back, Spirit Shaman and Djinn Biljka attacks Opponent's Unicorn followed by my Khmer Princess then his Khmer Princess attacks my Unicorn then my Goblin Psychic heals Unicorn and attacks Opponent's Unicorn leaving with just 2 health but Opponent's Goblin Psychic heal Unicorn(damm...)
Opponent's Regal and Unicorn attacks again my Unicorn but it still standing and fighting back. Spirit Shaman and Djinn Biljka kills Opponent's Unicorn, my Khmer Princess kills Mycelic Morphoid, his Khmer Princess attacks my Unicorn but my Goblin Psychic heal Unicorn and attacks Regal but it is healed by his Goblin Psychic and attacks my Unicorn.
Regal starts attacking my Unicorn leaving with 1 health but is still alive and attacks back but it miss,
Spirit Shaman and Biljka attacks Regal and his Khmer Pricess attacks my Unicorn killing it. My Khmer Princess attacks and kills Regal then My Goblin Psychic kills his Khmer Princess, leaving only his Goblin Psychic, it attacks Spirit Shaman but just remove Divine Shield.
Djinn Biljka kills Goblin Psychic.
I always have fun building strategys for splinterlands is a very fun game for me. If you are interested in splinterlands click here check it out.