Exploring the Broken Lands - Diary of a Pioneer

in #hive-13323last year

Here at Pandon Reach we continue to explore our territories, there is a lot of work and discussion going on, the truth is, we still do not know very much about what we are seeing. First, I will start with the easy stuff.

The surprising Castles and Keeps that have appeared in every region are much older than we could have anticipated. The do seem to appear in regularity and across Praetoria new Castle owners are appearing and connecting to the the owners of the keeps in their regions. It seems that they had something to do with communication, and perhaps trade.


But that pretty much ends the regularity of what we are finding. Many are paying attention to so-called 'occupied' lands, demons, beasts and monsters that are subsisting in certain parts of the land. It seems it might be profitable in the future to combat against these enemies, time will tell how it works out, everyone is approaching with caution.

For us, we are most interested in the 'magical' zones. By mere observation, we are detecting 6 different types of magical emissions, and we are dedicating our time to learning more. These do not appear to be regular, we took a survey across the Broken Lands of how many magical lands were in each region.

Hello neighbors!


The whole region is not completely surveyed, but the process is quite advanced. The first thing that impressed us, is that it seems that our very own Pandon Reach is the most magical region in the Broken Lands. This will surely give us a strong advantage in the future.

There are several other region holders, and many divided between smaller holders, but team member @cryptomancer and @mattclarke of Flesh Golem fame will be both strong allies and stiff competition in the growth and prosperity of these Broken Lands with their multiple regions.

The thing is, there is a lot of work to do. See below the magical distribution just inside of Pandon Reach. I marvel at how much we don't know about these new lands.


It seems to occur in any terrain, detectable by the naked eye. This is no shaky-cam conspiracy theory, there is something out there that we do not understand. The general consensus around here is that we can extract it, and it will be useful, but no one knows anything for sure yet.

We have been able to reliably detect six different types of these magic, one for each of the Splinters from the old world. There is something to this magic, but much more research needs to be done. In Pandon Reach, there seem to be more of these magical points associated with the Fire Splinter than any of the other ones.


As we land holders prepare to bring in teams and begin to do the work, we are also worried about the food supply. One of the first things we will need to do is prepare to grow massive quantities of food, calories to burn into work.

The mages think they can stabilize the monsters long enough to build, but its going to cost energy - Dark Energy Crystals. Businessmen and women are already popping up all over the continent. Monsters for rent, Crystals for rent, new tools and lists for analysis. What we are learning is fantastic.


Stay savvy out there folks, opportunities abound. Its not every day we discover a new continent. You can play along here!

Freedom and Friendship


I have never heard of this game, can you please give me link to their website ?

I haven't played this game before but the way you describe it is very interesting I will definitely try to play it in the next few days and let me know how I like it.

And roleplaying gives us a chance to write posts and inflame the imagination!

Have you had any contact from castle holders in the region? It would be great if we all work with these holders as they could be very influential once land is fully launched.

Yes the Mountain Castle of Pandon Reach is under our control! I think there will be great Synergy possible with EARN guild!

It will be quite interesting to see how the lands proceed because we don't have the details on how the resources work. Do you know if the unclaimed lands will be an issue if they are never claimed or surveyed? Would this affect the resource production and how much certain resources are worth?

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