Hello everybody, I hope you are all enjoying your Easter weekend! I apologize for my lack of posts for the past few days but I've been spending some time with the family, and work has been really busy. I also found a new game called wombat dungeon master on the wax chain and I've enjoyed getting into that as well.
Hey! I've been playing some awesome games and getting crypto from it. Come play and earn with me on Womplay — I'm sure you'll love it!
You can earn some EOS as well as some NFT's with that link. Those NFT's you earn can be used to play Wombat Dungeon Master!
Nonetheless let's jump into the giveaway portion! I'd like to thank the participants of my last giveaway for participating and congratulate @gessy on winning the Venari Seedsmith!
Today I will be giving away a Epic Lava Launcher! All you have to do to participate is leave a comment down below! It is not required but I really do appreciate all of your upvotes, PIZZA, LUV, LOLZ, and all the other tip tokens! I'm a Dad that is the sole provider and I'm trying to make a bit more money from my cypto ventures to help out and every little bit really does help.
Tag List if you would like removed please say so in the comments.
@abdelkadir, @acidosis, @alexis666, @amaari, @amaillo, @arkasz, @arpuch, @asasel, @asdfghjkiraaa, @asrullpare, @auxous, @bacon-dub, @beelmukjj, @bitandi, @bladesong, @blitzbunny, @blitzzzz, @bokica80, @bryanlz8764, @caimanx, @calcalcal, @caliban400, @candnpg, @chaosbug, @cibi, @cimmeron27, @circlebubble, @cjames-40, @cmasta25, @c01n-d0z3r, @csjames25, @cutedawako, @dafusa, @dagz, @davideownzall, @deathstarer7, @demonicblow, @dewabrata, @diochen, @dstampede, @dub-c, @durlan, @ecto1337, @eijibr, @ericburgoyne, @eternalpaw, @evanr, @exator, @failingforward, @fingosluk, @flummi97, @freemonster, @genming, @gessy, @ghostlybg, @gs1, @highfist, @ianballantine, @imno, @instamental, @irisworld, @jdike, @jhonasanagon, @jingo-submo, @jmehta, @kheldar1982, @koodies, @koukou21, @lipe100dedos, @litrydow, @lofone, @lordanquek, @lorddiablo, @lordflu, @losgemanos, @lovefallen, @luizeba, @lxsxl66, @maggotmilk, @marleyroots, @mattlafourcade, @maurye23, @mcrahman91, @michupa, @mrbravo99, @mr-house, @mrwildfire, @mryoung1979, @mxm0unite, @myeong, @myothuzar, @nex711, @ninosplinter, @noctury, @nysster, @onefapman, @original135, @packagedmilk, @pandachef, @pero82, @portalmonsters, @ramadhanight, @reagept, @redco, @redeculous, @relf87, @rentaw03, @ringo95, @rokem028, @rondonshneezy, @sabujdip, @satorihime25, @schradz, @screamheart, @seeweed, @shawnmichael-gt, @sheikh27, @sheikhzaman, @siberian12, @sideswipe81 , @sigmon, @silentwill, @sindular, @smokrthou, @spryquasar, @squishna, @stamato, @stdd, @stephenac, @stekene, @subidu, @submo, @sunnrider, @tabs1250, @tengolotodo, @theacks, @thetrader11, @thurawinkyaw, @tinyputerboy,@trashyomen, @tugboattt, @txracer, @urkanon, @waynechuasy, @wilmo30, @WokeEnochian, @yasky, @vaynard86, @vrezyy, @xg4028, @zakludick61
Thank you everybody and Happy Easter!