Card In Spotlight : OAKEN BEHEMOTH | The Perfect Second Monster With Dual Attacks.

in #hive-13323last year

Hello, my dear Splinterlanders. How are you today? I hope you're doing great.
Those who reach this post, I wish you a good day.

The Splinterlands team blasts the bomb in the last Townhall that the card CP will be replaced by the staked SPS. There are lots of people, who will disagree with this decision including myself.
I get that it'll give the SPS the highest utility in the game, but I personally, don't have the money or the will, to stake 11.25K SPS for some shitty rewards full of SB cards and potions. But it's just me.
The Splinterlands team should re-think the amount of staked SPS for the lower league, as the majority of new players are playing in this league and a chunk of them will face difficulty to accumulate that amount of SPS to play in their desired league.

Moving forward, in the ' Card In Spotlight ' series, I review the best and undervalued cards of the Splinterlands and their use-case. This is the fifth edition and you can read the previous editions here -

*Edition 1: Card In Spotlight : Baakjira | This Ancient Beast Is The Ultimate Tank Of The Water Splinter.

*Edition 2: Card In Spotlight : RIFTWING | Kill This Monster If You Can.

*Edition 3: Card In Spotlight : GRUND | Here Comes Grund The Ultimate Tank Destroyer Of The Spilterlands.

*Edition 4: Card In Spotlight : LORNA SHINE | Mantra To Win Every Low Mana Cap Battles | Lorna And Her Sneak Attack Army.

*Edition 5: Card In Spotlight : AGOR LONGTAIL | Fear Her Fury, She's The Legend.

*Edition 6: Card In Spotlight : QUORA TOWERSHEAD | The Most Loved And Useful Gladius Card Of All.

*Edition 7: Card In Spotlight : CARNAGE TITAN | Let There Be Carnage Upon The Enemy.

This is the 7th edition and in this edition, I'll discuss a Legendary card from the Earth splinter, the OAKEN BEHEMOTH.

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I'll explain the best rulesets to use Oaken Behemoth effectively.
I'll also share the best battle I fought and won using Oaken Behemoth as the main card of the team.

So without further ado, let's start.

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Many years ago on the banks of the River of Power, a huge boar was entangled with a Dark Eternal Warlock in a fight whose stakes were greater than life itself. The Warlock was attempting to harvest the beast's soul, but this giant boar would not be taken without a fight. Every blast of dark magic from the Warlock only drove the beast into a greater frenzy. With a mighty charge, the boar rammed an old oak tree that sat near the river's edge. The tree fell, then rolled toward the Warlock and the beast, forcing them both into the rushing waters of the River of Power. They disappeared under the foam.

Several weeks later in a magical lightning storm, the kind that only hits Anumun once in a generation, the Oaken Behemoth crawled out of the River of Power. Its every muscle and sinew are like an oak tree and it stands taller and stronger than any other beast in the western forest. It strides the woods near the river, protecting its waters from those not worthy of the power.

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Oaken Behemoth Stats.png

The Oaken Behemoth is a Legendary Earth unit card from the Dice edition.
This dual-attack (melee + magic) card costs 12 mana to use in the battle which makes this card a high-mana-cost card.
Talking about the abilities, this monster has some incredible abilities. In level 1, it has 'reach', and 'void armor' abilities
The next ability, 'knock out' applies in level 2.
In level 3, it achieved the 'dodge' ability. The final ability 'trample' applies in level 4.
This card's stats also increase through levels as below -
Level 1: 2 melee attacks, 2 magic attacks, 3 speeds, 2 armor, and 9 health.
Level 2: 3 melee attacks, 2 magic attacks, 3 speeds, 3 armor, and 9 health.
Level 3: 3 melee attacks, 2 magic attacks, 3 speeds, 3 armor, and 10 health.
Level 4: 3 melee attacks, 2 magic attacks, 3 speeds, 4 armor, and 11 health.

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The Best Ways To Use Oaken Behemoth Effectively

Well, the Oaken Behemoth is a powerful back-row hitter useful in all types of battles. It has dual attacks (melee + magic), that deal double damage to the enemy monster in a single round.
The 'reach' ability makes this card especially useful as it can deal melee damage from the second position. With its 'dodge' ability and good speed, it can evade the melee and/or ranged attacks.
And with the deadly 'trample' ability, it can deal extra damage to the next monster each round if it kills the target monster.
The 'void armor' ability makes this card useful against magic attacks.

My preferred way to use it with the Obsidian as the summoner, adding Queen Mycelia to the team to provide extra armor to Oaken Behemoth, also using a 'repair' monster like Scavo Hireling (if possible) and choosing the rest of the team accordingly.

I shared a battle below with a similar team setup. Check it out.

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Mana Cap: 43
Standard: No modifications to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.
Active Splinters: Water, Earth, Death, Dragon.

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My Strategy and Team Setup



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Obsidian is the perfect summoner as she buffs the magic attack of the Oaken Behemoth and the magic attack team by +1.

Team Setup

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As the mana cap was 43, I had plenty of room to use my preferred monsters. The Mycelic Slipspawn was the best choice as a tank because it has the 'shield' ability.
Next, there was the Oaken Behemoth, with 3 magic and 3 melee attacks, this is a powerful attacker.
Queen Mycelia was in the third position, she provides +2 armor to the team, which is very beneficial against melee/ranged attacks.
In fourth place, I placed the Scavo Hireling with the 'repair' ability to restore a portion of lost armor which is very crucial for Oaken Behemoth.
The Spirit Miner is in the fifth position. He provides increased speed to the team. And in the last position, there was the Magi Of Chaos, another magic attacker.

Now, that my team is ready, let's charge in the battle.

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Round 01

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Round 02

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Round 03

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Round 04 / 05

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Watch the full battle here -

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Analysis Of The The Key Factors Of The Battle

The synergy of the monsters of the team was the key point to winning this battle. First of all, the Mycelic Slipspawn was a good tank that absorbed attacks and sustained up to the second round.
Then there's the Scavo Hireling who restores the armor of the monsters that helped a lot in absorbing the melee attacks.
My magic attack team did good by dealing heavy damage to the enemy team. The Spirit Miber increase the speed of the team, for this increased speed, the Oaken Behemoth ducked two attacks.
And last but not least, the Oaken Behemoth did excellent as the main monster of the team. It dealt good damage and acted as a second tank when the Mycelic Slipspawn dies.
Because of this good strategy, my team brings home winning.

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And that's all for today, guys.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article. So, don't forget to keep me encouraged with your upvotes and comments.

I'm happy to share with you the strategy, and team combination as well as the gameplay of the good battles every week.
So, if you guys like my writing, please follow me for the latest updates.

If you want to try this fun play2earn game Splinterlands, feel free to join here -

Until next time,
Akash Kumar.

#vyb #proofofbrain #cent #pimp

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