Hello guys,
Today I am going to share with you another battle in @splinterlands.
Battle details:
I played with life splinter. And my opponent also used life splinter against me.
It was a battle of total 15 mana with two rules:
Aim True: Melee and ranged attacks always hit their target.
Equalizer: The initial health of all monsters is equal to that of the monter on either team with the highest base health.
And my opponent had his/her cards as MOTHER KHALA level 2, CLAY GOLEM level 3, DIVINE HEALER level 1, FERAL SPIRIT level 1 FURIOUS CHICKEN level 3.
Let me talk about monsters that I used in this battle.
~MOTHER KHALA. level 6
This rare life Summoner adds +1Health to all friendly monsters. It needs 3 mana. I think that among non legendary life Summoners this one is second best. I like LORNA SHINE more but I have it only on a very low level.
~HYDRA. level 3
Edition: BETA
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: MELEE
ABILITIES: Heal at level 1, Thorns at level 2, Retaliate at level 3, Trample at level 4.
This is a neutral monster, in this level it has melee attacks (3), Speed (4), Health (9).
It has three abilities at this level which are-
Heal: Restores a portion of the monster's health each round.
Thorns: When hit with a melee attack, does damage back to the attacker.
Retaliate: When hit with a melee attack, monsters with retaliate have a chance of attacking their attacker.
Another ability at level 4 is Trample: When a monster with Trample hits and kills its target, it will perform another attack on the enemy team.
It needs 7 mana. I think that HYDRA is an awesome tank because it healing and great offensive abilities( Thorns and Retaliate). The fact that this monster is neutral and can be used by any Summoner is also really great.
Edition: PROMO
Rarity: RARE
Element: LIFE
Attack: MELEE
ABILITIES: Cleanse at level 1, Swiftness at level 5.
This is a life monster, in this level it has melee attacks (1), Speed (2), Health (2).
It has one ability at this level which is-
Cleanse: Removes all negative effects on the monster in first position on the friendlt team.
Another ability at level 5 is Swiftness: All friendly monsters have increased speed.
It needs 1 mana. SILVERSHIELD BARD is not a card I use often but Cleanse is very good ability to have.
Edition: REWARD
Rarity: COMMON
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: MELEE
ABILITIES: Slow at level 1.
This is a neutral monster, in this level it has melee attacks (1), Speed (1), Health (1).
It has one ability at this level which is-
Slow: Reduces the speed of all enemy monsters.
It needs 1 mana. In a battle with so low mana cap I can't have a lot monsters that do high damage. So in this battle I picked a few monsters with low mana cost. The main reason why I chose most of them was because I wanted to distract some of my opponent's monsters and protect my main weapon(HYDRA) for as long as I could. But abilities like Slow or Cleanse also was a nice bonus.
Edition: PROMO
Rarity: EPIC
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: RANGED
ABILITIES: Halving at level 1, Redemption at level 4.
This is a neutral monster, in this level it has ranged attacks (1), Speed (2), Health (3), Armor(1)
It has two abilities at this level which are-
Halving: Each time this monster hits a target, the target's attack is cut in half( rounded down)
Redemption: When this monster dies, it does 1 damage to all enemy monsters.
It needs 2 mana. Before I said that I picked most of my team just to protect my HYDRA. Well... HALFLING ALCHEMIST is an exemption from this rule. I believe that he is possibly the best very low mana monster that I have seen in the game. Halving ability is insanely good. It works against all attack types, it works after hiting a monster with armor...It lowers target's attack more than abilities like Silence or Demoralize...and this monster only needs 2 mana. It is a shame that I started using it just recently. But now it is one of my favorite monsters.
Edition: REWARD
Rarity: RARE
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: MELEE
This is a neutral monster, in this level it has melee attacks (1), Speed (1), Health (1).
He needs 0 mana. 0 mana cost is self explanatory- if I still have space after selecting the rest of team then adding FURIOUS CHICKEN is simply a must. Even more so in this battle because I had to protect my HYDRA. and a monster that doesn't cost any mana while and has 9 health thanks to the battle rules was perfect for this job.
On the battlefield.
In the beginning of this battle my HYDRA and HALFLING ALCHEMIST were targeting my opponent's CLAY GOLEM. The rest of my team were protecting my HYDRA. CLAY GOLEM was targeting my HYDRA and FERAL SPIRIT was attacking my FURIOUS CHICKEN.
At this point I already believed that I will win this battle- my opponent was not dealing enough damage to kill my HYDRA. But at the same time I expected a long battle because my opponent also had some healing powers.
At this point I knew that I will win. but DIVINE HEALER still annoyed me for many more rounds.
Finally that damn DIVINE HEALER died. The rest of this battle was easy.
Battle Results
In this battle I won 17.757 Dec and 3 League Rating. My strategy worked well- HYDRA was my main weapon. HALFLING ALCHEMIST lowered damage of CLAY GOLEM. and the rest of my protected my HYDRA very well.
SILVERSHIELD BARDis not the monster I use often. I can see that it would be very useful in many cases. But in this battle my HYDRA had no negative effects so this monster only served as another protection from sneak attacks.
I think that my team was good and doesn't need any replacements. But I would consider switching places of HALFLING ALCHEMIST and CREEPING OOZE because maybe a HALFLING ALCHEMIST could be safer closer to healing HYDRA and not nearly at the end of my team...
I hope that you enjoyed my battle. If you would also like to start playing splinterlands and earning by making posts about your battles or by making art inspired by splinterlands please consider using my referral link:
Also please consider visiting my art gallery. So far it has only one piece that is inspired by splinterlands ( Sea monster). But in the future I might add more works with splinterlands monsters.
Thank you and have a nice day.