The last hours of the brawl.
Everyone fell to the dust and after being frozen in the moment for several hours, dusty clouds settled and the battlefield cleared. At this point it was clear that the Special Opps guild had emerged as the victors in the brawl. They had beaten everyone by 11 points, leaving the other guilds in the dust. The Fightcats and Veiny Love Sticks were all exhausted and defeated, their spirits broken by onslaught of the Special Opps warriors and mages. Once again the Special Opps had shown that they truly were the elite soldiers of Splinterlands, keeping #1 spot in Average brawl Rank with superior skills and unmatched determination. As they raised their weapons in victory, the other guilds could only look on in awe, knowing that they had been beaten by the best.
Outstanding flawless performance by some of the finest in the Splinterlands!
Until we meet again in the next brawl splinterheads!