Splinterlands Battle Share with SILENT SHA-VI
Hello everyone!!
Welcome to my post, Today I am sharing my battle with the death element melee monster Silent Sha-VI.
Rarity - COMMON
Element - DEATH
Attack - MELEE
Ability - SNEAK
Battle Rule
Standard : No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics. It is the best battle rule, you can use any element splinter and cards in the battle.
29 Mana - This battle mana was 29. Mana cap in this battle was good so after selecting my summoner only 25 Mana points were left for the monsters. In 25 Mana cap I was able to take 6 monster to fight in this battle.
I chose Thaddius Brood as my summoner and after selecting my summoner 23 Mana points were left for the monster so I was able to chose only 6 monsters in this battle.
- 1st Place - Cursed Windeku with 2 melee attacks and thorns ability.
- 2nd Place - Shadow Snitch with 1 melee attack and reach ability
- 3rd Place - Silent Sha-VI with 2 melee attacks and sneak ability.
- 4th Place - Venari Bonesmith with 1 magic attack and life leech ability.
- 5th Place - Life Sapper with 1 magic attack and life leech ability.
- 6th Place - Death Elemental with 1 magic attack and snipe ability.
Thaddius Brood is a death element splinter. It costs 4 Mana points. It reduces 1 health and 1 magic attack of all the opponent monsters. I have level 1 Thaddius Brood. It performs very well in this battle and reduces the 1 Health of all the opponent monsters so that my monsters were able to finish the monsters in less number of attacks.
Cursed Windeku is a death element monster with 2 melee attack. It costs 6 Mana point to take it into the battle. It is a best card for 1st position because of its Thorns ability. Monsters with Thorns ability when hits by a melee monster of enemy it damages back to the opponent's monster. I put this card on the first place in this battle because of its thorns ability and 2 melee attacks.
Shadow Snitch is a death element monster with 1 melee attack and reach ability. It is a good card for the second place because with the help of reach ability it can attack from the second place on the first monster of the opponent. It costs 4 Mana points to take it into the battle. I have used this card on the 2nd place in this battle and in the 4 Mana its reach ability and 5 Health makes it perfect.
Silent Sha-VI is a death element monster with 2 melee attacks and sneak ability. It cost only 5 mana points to take it into the battle. When it comes to Death element it is in my all the battles with the death splinter because of its sneak ability and speed at only 5 mana points. It is a must have death element monster. It is a perfect card for any place because it can attack from any place. I placed it in the 3rd place in this battle.
Life Sapper is a death element magic monster with life leech ability. It costs only 3 Mana points to take it into the battle and this card fully worth on 3 mana points because of amazing ability. Many times I have won battles with this card because of its ability. I have placed this card in the 4th place because of its life leech ability and low health.
Venari Bonesmith is a death element magic monster with life leech ability. It costs only 4 Mana points to take it into the battle and this card fully worth on 4 mana points because of amazing ability. Many times I have won battles with this card because of its ability. I have placed this card in the 5th place because of its life leech ability.
Death Elemental is a death element magic attack monster with snipe ability. It costs only 3 Mana points to take it into the battle. I have placed this card on the 6th place which is also the last place in this battle. It is a good card in 3 mana points with its snipe ability. My decision to put it in the last place worked perfectly.
In the first round my summoner reduced 1 health point of all the enemy's monsters and opponents summoner reduced 2 armor of my monsters with armor. In this first round monsters of both teams were only able to give damage and cannot able to finish monster of any team in this round. Opponent selected only 4 monsters in 29 mana points in this battle to fight with my team while I have selected 6 monsters in the same mana. Score after this round was 4 vs 6.
In this round my monsters were able to finish a monster of enemy's team with heal ability without any losing any monster of the team. Score after this round was 3 vs 6.
In the third round my monsters finished two monster of enemy and monsters of enemy was not able to finish a single monster from my team till this round. Score after this round was 1 vs 6.
In the fourth round enemy's team left with only 1 monster and in front of 6 monsters of my team. In this fourth round monsters of both teams were only able to give damage and cannot able to finish monster of any team in this round. Score after this round was 1 vs 6.
In the fifth round enemy's team left with only 1 monster. In this round opponent's team were able to finish first monster of my team and I won in this round without any effort or attack of my monsters with the dodge ability of my Cursed Windeku. Opponents monster finished by its own attack because of dodge ability of my monster.
This battle lasted for 5 rounds in which my 5 monsters survived till the end of the battle.
I won this battle and got +22 rating in the reward.
The Battle Mana cap was 29 points and I have used Thaddius Brood as my summoner in this battle which is a Death Element summoner with minus one health and minus one magic attack of enemy's monsters and after selecting Thaddius Brood 25 mana points were used. I have selected Cursed Windeku for the first place so after selecting it and summoner only 19 Mana points were left. In 19 Mana points I have selected Shin Sha-VI which costs 5 mana points with the sneak ability , Venari Bonesmith which costs 4 Mana points with life leech ability, shadow snitch for the 2nd place because of its reach ability, Life Sapper which costs only 3 mana points with life leech ability and Death Elemental which costs only 3 mana point and comes with snipe ability for the last place.
Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
My strategy worked perfectly in the battle and I won this battle. If I will get same rule and mana battle next time I will try it with the fire element cards.
Do you like the SILENT SHA-VI? Why or why not?
I like SILENT SHA-VI because in 5 mana point it gets 5 health points with 2 melee attacks and 3 speed points.