ISGALD VORST is a common monster of water with melee attack and chance ability, it has a very good speed +3, although it has 4 hearts of life, that weakness is compensated with 3 armors, all that at Lvl 1, when it reaches Lvl 6 it is impressive, it manages to have a melee attack +4, its speed increases +4 also incorporates the piercing skill at maximum levels it does not incorporate any other skill but it does increase both its melee attack power and its speed.
KRASH WANDERFORD is a common fire monster with a cost of 4 mana, it does not attack but it has the speed ability for all friendly monsters at Lvl 4 it incorporates the thorns ability, at Lvl 7 it incorporates the return fire ability and already in its maximum level adds the ability of dodge culminating with 5 abilities, particularly I do not line up this monster because I do not have the option to line up a single monster gladius edition and I always line up some active monster in the attack.
ALVA THE CRUSHER is a common water monster with a melee attack and his ability at Lvl 1 is shield, he has 3 armors, he is an excellent tank, also very playable, I always line him up, as he goes to Lvl he increases speed and his melee attack at Lvl 6 it incorporates the retaliation skill and at its maximum level it incorporates stun reaching 4 skills.
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