in #hive-133232 years ago

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If you aren't already participating in a guild, I would HIGHLY recommend getting involved in one! Not only do they offer an incredible community of players, but there are also tangible benefits to the game!

I'm part of the YGG Brawlers guild, and being surrounded by that community has definitely elevated my knowledge in not just gameplay, but also how to make wise investment decisions with my assets!

For those that are NEW to the game or NEW to guilds and brawls, guilds offer tangible in-game benefits like increased SPS rewards in ranked battles, increased R-shares for reward chests, merits towards gladius packs, and discounts to store purchases like legendary and alchemy potions! There are also very guild-specific benefits towards services like how YGG Brawlers are given a discount in using the SPLEX rental service!


Now, intro to guilds and brawls is NOT the main point of this video. I want to talk to and speculate on the announcement that SPS rewards will be soon added to guild brawls!
If we take a look at the whitepaper on SPS, we see here that in the SPS Play-to-Earn reward pool, there is 2.5 MILLION SPS allocated to guild brawls PER month.

Screenshot 2022-09-08 205853.png

Let's break that down into what it mean for the future. 2.5 Million SPS per month at the current price of 7 cents is $175,000 of REAL DOLLAR rewards in brawls PER MONTH.
Keeping with the theme that the Splinterlands development team has been consistent at, we should see significantly higher rewards for higher tier guild brawls. This could mean upwards of hundreds of dollars in rewards PER player for a first place finish in brawl!

If we compound that by the number of frays at the highest levels, the guild, as a whole, brings in thousands of dollars per brawl to their members! OK - HELLO! We are talking real money that can very well change the way people live their lives!

If Brawls happen on a 5 day cycle, that's 6 brawls per month for top performing players. This means that top players at top tiers are literally earning over a thousand dollars per month by playing in brawls!

THIS, right here, is the case for why guilds may very well start PAYING top players to join. Think about how sports teams work. Athletes at the top levels are paid by teams to play for them. The more the team wins, the more the team earns. That very same concept can be brought into guilds with Splinterlands. If a guild, as a whole, earns more for playing at a higher level, why not recruit and incentivize the top brawlers to play for the guild?

When there is real and significant money involved, people start to pay attention. CryptoMancer talks about this in one of the town halls! (Check out YouTube video above!)

Now, the market will market, but I can start seeing top guilds fighting for skilled brawlers - offering additional incentives to bring them on. What's the price of bringing in a brawler that performs at a 60% win rate? 70%? What about 90%? How do top guilds keep their top players? I would be interested to see how things shake up as SPS brawl rewards are officially rolled out!


So what does this mean for you? This means 1) If you have NOT joined a guild yet, make sure you start looking around for one! YGG Brawlers has 6 different guilds that are recruiting active players at the silver level and above! I'm in the YGG-Brawlers Asgard guild, and then there five other guilds within the YGG brawlers banner.


If you're interested, we can definitely place you in a guild that's fitting to your level of play!


All we ask for are positive community members that are active in growing with us! 2) It's time to level up your play. A solid gold level chaos legion deck can do wonders right now! Price of cards in the market are near all time lows, so now is the perfect time to pick some up! There seems to be ever more incentive to high-grade our level of play within the game. The team has made it clear that they want to push players into higher leagues through a positive rewards system. They've definitely demonstrated that through the new ranked reward system, and will continue that trend with SPS brawl rewards. 3) If you're already in a guild, it's time to make that push to level up buildings and encourage your community to grow! The incentives are there and you don't want to be the guild that's left behind!

Do you think you have the guild brawl skills to be recruited into the top level guilds? If not - it's worth the investment to accumulate cards and practice in brawls!

Well, that's my own speculation on the future of guilds and brawls! For now, guilds provide for an incredible community, but less so monetary incentives, but once SPS brawl rewards come out, that could all change!

What are your thoughts?? Do you think paying to recruit players will be common in the future? Will guild funds and contributions be used to pay a player's salary? How do you think the 2.5Million SPS will be distributed across guild tiers?

Let me know in the comments below! I would love to get some more input on this topic!

Follow me on my Play to Earn Crypto and NFT gaming journey by liking the video and subscribing to JosiePlaysCrypto! I am also on Splintertalk, PeakD, and 3Speak as JosieB. Love you fam!


Patreon Support: https://www.patreon.com/JosiePlaysCrypto
Splinterlands Affiliate Link: https://splinterlands.com/?ref=josieb


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121