Battle Challenge! Weekly Challenge - The small but surprisingly tough Crypt Beetle!

in #hive-133232 years ago

Hello fellow Splinterlanders!

In today's post I will be writing about the Crypt Beetle, a death splinter monster.

L͓̽I͓̽N͓̽K͓̽ T͓̽O͓̽ B͓̽A͓̽T͓̽T͓̽L͓̽E͓̽




Edition: CHAOS
Rarity: Common
Element: DEATH
Abilities: Shield at level 1

An economical Harklaw, or Living Lava



image.pngReduces damage from Melee and Ranged attacks. Attack damage gets halved, but if the attack is 1, no damage will be done.

PIX21's Fictional Lore

This is a new section, since I like writing. I thought of giving a whirl at writing a short lore for the card.

The Crypt Beetle is an ancient creature from the chaos realm. As the gates of Chaos opened to the outside world, the numerous beetles lying in the Crypt stir from their long sleep. These beetles are often found in the depths of the catacombs, and they are notable for their 6 red eyes which have excellent night vision and heat sensing capability. Ready to attack any warm creatures that dare to intrude upon their abode. With limited food in the crypt, the main nourishment from the minerals underground brings about an extremely hard and sturdy carapace on the back of this beetle. Although weak against magic, these beetles is a tough opponent for those relying on their brute strength and claws. In heavy numbers, be warned, and flee the moment you can. Looks may be deceiving, lest you shall be turned into the white goo they use to make their nests


DO NOT USE Crypt Beetle for the following ruleset:

image.pngThe low health and low attack makes the beetle good fodder for magic attacks. With opportunity, attacks will be zooming in on the beetle.
image.pngToo low health will die in 1st round or 2nd.

USE Crypt Beetle for the following ruleset:

image.pngThis is a useful tank if the health is boosted!
image.pngThis has 1 speed or 2 speed when levelled, so this card will be quick on it's feet when this ruleset is active
image.pngFor low mana battles, with enough demoralize, Crypt Beetle can be placed at the back to defend against sneak attacks
image.pngSafe from any magic attacks!
image.pngShield will be useful against all Melee setup. Beetle for low mana, Harklaw or Windeku for higher mana
image.pngCheap card for little league for sure

Ruleset & Mana Cap

Let's move on to the battle, the ruleset for my battle is Equalizer and Healed-out.

image.pngThe initial health of the Monster is equal to that of the Monster with the highest health field (either by own team or opponents)
image.pngAll Healing Abilities are removed.


Based on the following ruleset my strategy is to utilize a bunch of low mana cards regardless of the health as the equalizer rule will ensure that every card gets some decent health.


Positioning and Choice of Monsters

Summoner: Drake of Arnak


This summoner adds on armor to every monsters that I chose. I hope this will allow all my monsters to survive longer.

1st Position: Crypt Beetle


A level 2 card that I own after opening some packs! This card is really useful to take on hits, especially for particular rulesets like "Equalizer" and in Low Mana games. This card only needs 3 Mana!

2nd Position: Twilight Basilisk


I am going with a level 5 because of the "Stun" ability. This ability is really useful to stun the enemy's tank to prevent dangerous hits, or heals. This is in 2nd position as it has the "Reach" ability

3rd Position: Creeping Oozer


A card that is always useful in a lot of matches. "Slow" allows my card to attack first and this is only a 1-mana card

4th Position: Death Elemental


This is another low mana card, at only 3 mana. This card has "Snipe" and "Silence". I am using this card to reduce any possible heavy magic attacks from the opponent as my beetle is weak against magic.

5th Position: Halfling Alchemist


This card is always useful to reduce the enemy attack's by half. Imagine the enemy attack's being halved from this debuff and further halved from the "Shield" ability. That would be a 25% total damage reduction.

6th Position: Haunted Spider


I am using a level 4 haunted spider which as the "Poison" ability. This is also another useful low mana card as it costs only 3 mana. Poison is gained at level 3.


BATTLE Commentary

Round 1:

Let's look at the lineup. The opponent is using Mother Khala which adds 1 health to all the cards. I can see that most of the cards will not be able to harm my Crypt Beetle, but the Pelacor Arbalest and the Time Mage will be tricky. Add to the fact that truth speaker will add on armor to all of the opponent's card.

In the first round, my death elemental hits chaos agent, while the enemy's time mage injures my Crypt Beetle. Although the Pelacor Arbalest has +2 ranged the shield ability of the beetle reduce the damage to only the armor. My basilisk is able to remove all the armor from the Gargoya Scrapper. Subsequent attacks from Celestial Harpy does NO damage to my beetle. Hard shell!


Round 2:

At the start of the 2nd round, the enemy tank has only 1 HP left and thus was killed by the basilisk. However the beetle stay as the tank was short-lived as the double strike from the Arbalest kills it too. Chaos agent was poisoned by the haunted spider and the round ends with the Harpy attacking the armor of the basilisk.


Round 3:

In the 3rd round, the agent received the effect of the poison and is then killed off by the basilisk. Death elemental slight injures Truth Speaker. Thanks to the speed difference, Pelacor Arbalest missed both strikes on Basilisk. The Basilisk armor is finally removed by the final strike of the round from the Harpy.


Round 4:

In round 4, Time Mage attacks Basilisk and with the combined attacks from Arbalest, my basilisk was taken out. However my Haunted Spider was able to remove TruthSpeaker, thus getting rid of the pesky armor. Creeping ooze is up in front as the 1-mana tank.


Round 5:

In the 5th round my ooze was killed by the Mage and the Arbalest attacks. Time mage was poisoned by my spider, while Arbalest misses the attack on my Death Elemental


Round 6:

At the start of round 6, Time Mage dies from the poison. Arbalest as the new tank is not able to attack and the slow debuff is removed from all my monsters. The attacks concentrate on Arbalest, thus killing it this round.


Round 7 and Round 8:

In round 7 to Round 8, with all monsters attacking the Harpy, victory is attained.



A close one!



Additional Battles I - Won

L͓̽I͓̽N͓̽K͓̽ T͓̽O͓̽ B͓̽A͓̽T͓̽T͓̽L͓̽E͓̽

In this battle, the ruleset is once more Equalizer and Up CLose and Personal. Both rules are very suitable for Crypt Beetle which is anti melee. By putting the beetle at the back, we are securing the backline from sneak attacks from heavy hitters like Sandworm.

Zintar Mortalis is a good combination to go with Crypt Beetle


Quite a neat victory.. Crypt Beetle the safety barrier is unharmed and look at Maggots with 16 health LOL


Additional Battles II - Won

L͓̽I͓̽N͓̽K͓̽ T͓̽O͓̽ B͓̽A͓̽T͓̽T͓̽L͓̽E͓̽

Another Low Mana cap match.


With blasts, snipe is important and the beetle took some hits in the 1st round. This close!!



Is it cheap?


For a level 1, yes, it's only 0.08 per card. Looks like the price is spiking recently, I am not sure if the challenge has anything to do with it.

What do I like about Crypt Beetle most:

I like Shield and the Low Mana Cost (3)

What I do not like?

The attack though is quite low, only at level 5 do we get +2 melee attack. Health is also quite low for this card.

Alternatives for Death Splinter

If Mana is not an issue go for Harklaw as it has Shield at level 1, immunity at level 2, and demoralize at level 3. I am still collecting cards to hopefully upgrade mine to level 3.



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Splinterlands for the source image and Canva for the bountiful elements (background, animation, logo design) to use. Credits also to @Flauwy for the death divider used in this post.

Thanks for spending the time to read through my post!

Most of the rewards from the upvotes will be reinvested back to better my decks in game and to continue renting great cards, and collecting SPS!


Nice work @pix21 the most lovely thing which I have liked is your graphic designs which are attracting me. Keep it continue dude

Thanks mate! I try to find some elements to add to make it relevant to the cards based on their names and the lore!


Thanks mate!

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

Great post! both your writing and graphics work are eye catchy! Keep it going mate!

Thanks @mango-juice! Will keep going and going =)

Nice analysis of the Crypt Beetle! 😄 Should help me in choosing which battles to select it so that I can make my post for this week's challenge too!

Thanks Blitzzz, I see that you are also making great SPL posts! Have followed you :)

me gustó mucho las condiciones donde no usarla, parece obvio pero a veces pasa desapercibido, gracias por compartir contenido de calidad.


Gracias Jerson!

Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

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