Splinterlands Store Coming Soon! Vouchers Required!

in #hive-133233 years ago


Could We Soon Be Walking Into A Splinterlands Store?

Welcome back to another blog post, sorry its only going to be a quick one today I have some other "Splinterland" Related tasks im working on not only the grind to the end of the season which at the time of this post is 4 hours away! Currently Im sat well into "Silver 2" im just missing that extra CP to push me into "Silver 1" that being said I was happy today with achieving a NEW first for me which is reaching over 2,000 rating! This does mean next season the bar has been raised!


Anyway onto the post your all here to read about... A Splinterlands Store... Well not in the sense that you may walk in off the street and go into the store, not yet anyway.. I Know this is a dream in the pipeline for the devs to have bricks and mortar space but how that will look is yet to be imagined! That being said could it be a possibility that when "Land" is available and you can walk around the land that there will be a "Shop" of some description in the world? Maybe?


The Only Shop I am here to talk about is the one the devs sneakily shown on the last town hall. It had been talking about in the past about introducing a shop within the shop thats already in place, so currently you can buy "Packs", "Land", "Potions" "Skins" etc, the idea is the team will introduce a "Voucher" Shop where you can spend those lucrative vouchers we have all been receiving. Its not clear exactly what this will house in this space but you can believe it will be the best of the best in terms of gear you will want, it will more than likely house the "Waka Spiritblade" card, maybe a NEW potion? Maybe this is where you can order your plushie... I don’t know, but I believe we shall get some further info today when they release details on the "Waka" Card so look out for that and if relevant il do a follow up post.


Well that’s all for now its exciting to see further development in the game and more rewards for the players who are invested in both time and financial.


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