Prevailing on the Neutral Battlefield

in #hive-13323last month

Shades of Gray.png

All battles were played manually and without the use of any Battle Helper.


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

This will be my entry for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Shades of Gray. This is a ruleset where only neutral units may be used in battles.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from @agonyaccepted which is an alternate account that I am playing and was currently playing on Champion League of the Modern format.


But before I reveal my battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.

Shades of Gray.png

Shades of Gray

There are no special tricks for this particular ruleset. However, the only units that can be used in battle are neutral monsters and the rest of the elements cannot be used regardless of their mana or rarity. That said, this does not affect the summoners so as long as a summoner was allowed by the ruleset, they can be used.

Card Types by Elements

Rule Set Icon
Shades of Gray.png
Shades of Gray
Only Neutral Units may be used in battles.

Shades of Gray.png

Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup



Opponent's Lineup


04- Modern Champ.png
Champion League
Modern Format
53 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 5-Life.png Life, 4-Death.png Death
Shades of Gray.png
Shades of Gray
Only Neutral Units may be used in battles.
Target Practice
All 00-ranged.png Range and00-magic.png Magic attack Monsters have the snipe.png Snipe ability.

My Team


This battle comes with a 53 mana cap where the active rulesets are Target Practice and the featured ruleset for this week which was Shades of Gray. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

Summoner: Astral Entity - A 6- mana Death summoner which reduces the armor of all opponent units by -2 while giving all ally units the Dodge ability, giving them 25% evasion chance. It also has Resurrect which allows to revive 1 ally unit that was defeated in battle.

  • 1st Position: Arkemis the Bear - A 12- mana melee unit with Protect that gives +2 armor to all ally units together with Halving that halves the attack of the target. It also has Forcefield which turn damage from 5 or more attacks into 1 and Enrage that increases the speed and damage when taken damage.

  • 2nd Position: Coeurl Lurker - An 11- mana melee unit with Taunt that allows it to force able monsters to attack this card and Phase which allows it to dodge magic attacks.

  • 3th Position: Runi - a 6-mana melee with Opportunity that targets units with the lowest health togrther with True Strike which makes its attack to never miss. It also has Rebirth which is like self Resurrect and Reflection Shield that makes it immune on reflected and blast damage.

  • 4th Position: Supply Runner- A 6- mana Range that gives +1 health and speed on all ally units with Strengthen and Swiftness.

  • 5th Position: *Magi of Chaos- A 6- mana magic with Oppress which inflicts twice the damage on units with no attack.

  • 6th Position: Doctor Blight- an 4- mana magic unit that prevents the target from being healed with Affliction and gives it Poison to lose 2 health each round. It also has Scavenger which allows it to increase its health for each monster that was defeated and Weaken to reduce the health of all opponent units by -1 while it cannot be directly attacked unless it was on the first position due to Camouflage.

    Shades of Gray.png

    Revealing the Battle


    1-15/29- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams.

    Round 1:


    16-17/29 Both Supply Runner removes the armor of Coeurl Lurker.

    18-19/29 Arkemis the Bear inflicts 2 armor damage to Mantaroth
    and reduce its damage with Halving.

    20-24/29 Mantaroth Repair its armor and removes the armor of Arkemis the Bear with Blast Damage dealing 4 damage to Coeurl Lurker.

    25-29/29 Doctor Blight and Runi inflicts 6 damage to Coeurl Lurker.

    Round 2:


    1-2/15 Both Supply Runner inflicts 3 damage to Coeurl Lurker.

    3/15 Arkemis the Bear inflicts 2 armor damage to Mantaroth.

    4-8/15 Mantaroth Repair its armor and deals 3 damage to Arkemis the Bear and 5 Blast damage to Coeurl Lurker.

    9-13/15 Magi of Chaos defeats Coeurl Lurker which increases the health of both Doctor Blight with their Scavenger.

    14-15/15 Doctor Blight removes the armor of Supply Runner and give it Poison followed by 4 damage inflicted by Runi.

    Round 3:


    1-6/21 Supply Runner dies due to Poison, resulting for both Doctor Blight to gain health.

    7-9/21 Arkemis the Bear and Supply Runner removes the armor of Mantaroth followed by 4 damage inflicted by Magi of Chaos.

    10-18/21 Mantaroth deals 3 damage to Arkemis the Bear while its Blast defeats Coeurl Lurker which got revived by Astral Entity's Resurrect.

    19-21/21 Doctor Blight removes the armor of Mantaroth followed by 4 damage by Runi.

    Round 4:


    1-5/17 Supply Runner and Arkemis the Bear defeats Mantaroth increasing the health of both Doctor Blight.

    6/17 Magi of Chaos removes the armor of Venator Kinjo.

    7/17 Venator Kinjo deals 1 damage to Arkemis the Bear.

    8/17 My Doctor Blight inflicts 2 damage to Venator Kinjo.

    9-12/17 The opponent Doctor Blight defeats Coeurl Lurker increasing the health of both Doctor Blight.

    13-17/17 Runi defeats Venator Kinjo increasing the health of both Doctor Blight.

    Round 5 and 6:


    1-3/13 Arkemis the Bear and Supply Runner inflicts 3 damage to the opponent Arkemis the Bear which activates its Enrage.

    4-5/13 The opponent Arkemis the Bear deals 3 damage to my Arkemis the Bear and reduce its damage with Halving.

    6-12/13 Magi of Chaos, Doctor Blight and Runi defeats Arkemis the Bear.

    13/13 The opponent Doctor Blight deals 2 damage to Arkemis the Bear and gives it Poison.


    With round 6, Arkemis the Bear dies from Poison but aside from that, the full attack from my team has ended the opponent Doctor Blight, bringing the match on its end.

    Shades of Gray.png

    Battle Recap

    Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

    Shades of Gray.png

    Did My Strategy Work?

    Although the use of monsters were only limited to only neutral units on Shades of Gray ruleset, we are still very free to use any of the summoners regardless of their element which could affect the outcome of the battle due to the set of stats and abilities they can provide. And with the additional abilities that the summoner gives, increases the chance for me to win my battle.

    That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

    Shades of Gray.png

    Previous Battles

    Odd Ones Out.png
    Odd Ones Out 2.png
    Rise of the Commons.png
    To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

    All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

    Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

    All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

    Thank you for reading my post. If you're interested to play Splinterlands, you can join by clicking the images below and follow me on Twitter and 3Speak for timely Splinterlands updates.




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