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The blood lusters are the only of their kind in the splinterlands. This was the first time when I see an Nft with the name Katrelba Gobson in the deck while playing the guild battle for this week. The Nft was not the same as the other Nfts that are in my collection. I first thought to skip it but I had some extra mana to use so I choose this card in my NFTs lineup and you know what I won a battle that I can't imagine I can win.
This was really surprising for me cause it's not normal but of course, the Nft was also not the norm. After doing research I got to know about this NFT and that it has a unique bloodlust ability.
This is a common gladius Nft with two melees, two speeds, and three health. It is not a common Nft as compared to others cause it has three different kinds of abilities bloodlust, sneak, and double strike. Bloodlust Ability: This monster revels in the glory of combat and becomes more dangerous as the battle goes on. Every time it defeats an opponent, It goes +1 to all stats. Sneak Ability: Targets the last monster on the enemy team instead of the first monster. Double Strike ability: Monster attacks twice in each round.
The game says it's a common Nft of Gladius Elements but its look more powerful than the legendary Nfts. It can gain two more abilities at level 10 which is a tough condition of the Nft. To reach the 10th level it needs 400 Nfts to convert into one Nft. At level 10 it will get four melees, five speeds, five speeds, five health, and 4200 power. I have two Nfts in my wallet and will upgrade them once I will have five Nfts.
This was a guild battle so I played it on behalf nameless guild and I choose the earth Nfts to play this battle as they have some extra magic attack Nfts. These days I am also experiencing some new strategies for the game so I choose the Nfts as:
This is a summoner Nft for the earth elements, It has the +1 magic ability: All the friendly magic attack monsters have +1 magic attack.
This is a rare earth Nft with three melees, one speed, three armor, and seven health. It has the shield ability: Reduce damage from melee and ranged attacks.
This is a rare earth Nft with three melees, four speeds, and ten health. It also has the Void ability: Reduce damage from magic attacks.
This is a common earth Nft with two magic, one speed, and three health. It has the Tank Heal ability: Restore a portion of the monster in the first position's health each round.
This is a common earth Nft with one magic, one speed, and two health. It has the Tank Heal ability: Restore a portion of the monster in the first position's health each round.
This is a common gladius Nft with two melees, two speeds, and three health. It is not a common Nft as compared to others cause it has three different kinds of abilities bloodlust, sneak, and double strike.
This is a common earth Nft with one melee, two speeds, and three health. It has an opportunity ability: Monsters with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy monster with the lowest health.
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