A veces queremos probar combinaciones extrañas. Esta vez jugué en función de una sola carta. Aunque muchas veces lo hago, la diferencia es que si tenía posibilidad de usar las seís cartas, aunque sea dos tendrían posibilidad de atacar. En esta ocación sola una carta atacaría.
Al estar prohibida la magia, opté por melee con espinas. La estrategia era hacer más poderosa a DJINN CHWALA con la inspiración y aumento de velocidad, también el mártir y bajando velocidad del enemigo.
La idea fue arriesgada, ya que si moría estaría perdido.
Sometimes we want to try strange combinations. This time I played on the basis of a single card. Although I often do it, the difference is that if I had a chance to use all six cards, even two would have a chance to attack. This time only one card would attack.
Since magic was forbidden, I opted for melee with thorns. The strategy was to make DJINN CHWALA more powerful with inspiration and speed increase, also the martyr and lowering the speed of the enemy.
The idea was risky, because if I died I would be lost.
Al estar prohibida la magia, los curadores de Tierra no estaban disponibles; por eso no elegí otra carta y además tenía miedo que él también usara a DJINN CHWALA. Al final no la usó, pero tenía un tanque muy fuerte que tendría que derribar.
Since magic was banned, Earth healers were not available; that's why I didn't choose another card and I was also afraid that he would also use DJINN CHWALA. In the end he didn't use it, but he had a very strong tank that he would have to take down.
El contrario tenía sus cartas a buen nivel. Rápidamente mató a MYCELIC MORPHOID y no mató a su sneak con las espinas. Tenía mucho trabajo por delante, porque debía matar al tanque antes que sus otras cartas me fueran a atacar.
The opponent had his cards at a good level. He quickly killed MYCELIC MORPHOID and didn't kill his sneak with the thorns. I had a lot of work ahead of me, because I had to kill the tank before his other cards were going to attack me.
Para la ronda 4 ya casi habían matado a todas mis cartas, aunque el reloj mantenóa mucho escudo. Todavía su tanque tenía vida y seguía fuerte.
By round 4 they had almost killed all my cards, although the clock kept a lot of shield. Their tank still had life and was still going strong.
Todavía no llego a la ronda 5 y todas mis cartas murieron. Bajó mi velocidad y poder de ataque aunque mantengo buenas stats. Tiene poder para vencerme y todo va a depender del orden de ataque.
I still haven't reached round 5 and all my cards died. My speed and attack power went down although I keep good stats. He has the power to beat me and it's all going to depend on the attack order.
Por fin muere el tanque. Ya me quitaron todo el escudo. Con dos golpes del snipe y el sneak, quedaría en +1 de vida, que fácilmente acabaría conmigo. Sin embargo él tiene que pegarme con sus tres cartas pero el orden será determinante.
Finally the tank dies. They already took away all my shield. With two hits from the snipe and the sneak, I would be at +1 life, which would easily finish me off. However, he has to hit me with his three cards, but the order will be decisive.
Sus cartas de melee mueren, pasando el snipe a primera posición, donde no podrá atacar.
His melee cards die, moving the snipe to first position, where he will not be able to attack.
Fue la velocidad de sus cartas que me dieron la victoria. De haber tenido un snipe con mayor velocidad, hubiese golpeado primero y no habría quedado en esa posición. Fue una batalla estresante pero me gustó hacer algo diferente.
It was the speed of his cards that gave me the victory. Had I had a snipe with more speed, I would have hit first and would not have been in that position. It was a stressful battle but I enjoyed doing something different.
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