Welcome to another weekly article of Reimagining with AI. For this instalment, I'd like to feature the very first legendary card that I got from the new soulbound reward cards, Aves Sturgis. I've mentioned before that I'm akin to the Life splinter and receiving this new card has definitely shaken up my strategy. I might also feature Aves Sturgis in my upcoming Share Your Battle post.
The original artwork of Aves Sturgis seems to be also a reimagining of the old fairytale depiction of owls as wise sages. This version looks like he is tough and battle-ready. He has runed stones in his belt and staff implying that it might be a shaman or a warlock. Upon reading the lore, I learned that Aves Sturgis is indeed a shaman and is even the leader of his kind.
In general, I also feel the artwork of Splinterland cards from Riftwatchers has shifted to a more mature and serious style, which I like a lot. I think coming up with text prompts for the AI might be easy and only need straightforward descriptions.
Okay, I might have been too descriptive in the prompt. It seems putting brown old owl equates to a grumpy old owl to the AI. This guy looks like he's yelling at travellers to get off his property. He could also be a doomsayer preaching to a crowd about the disasters of an impending war. 😅
This one came out much better. It's amazing what you can get by removing a few prompts. I like the purple highlight at the edge of its wings although his robe might use a little more decorations. So far, this is the closest I have with the original artwork.
I ran the same prompt and had a very different result. This one is very cartoony. I got a very young owl with big clear eyes. He also doesn't look like a wizard but a swordsman instead. I guess the second artwork will do.
Here's the reimagined Aves Sturgis artwork using AI technology. The image I chose was a little dark but it is the one that closely resembles the original work. I also just now realized that the purple highlight in the tips of the owl's wing matches the robe color of the original image. The actual card is very cool and I'm excited to what other strategies I can come up in the future weeks.
If you guys are still new to the game and want to join, you can click on my link here to start playing. Thank you for reading and see you on the battlefield.