Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Using Alt Account for Promo Card Battles in Challenge Mode

in #hive-1332322 days ago

Hi everyone, Welcome to my post. For this week, the post I bring you is not BATTLE MAGE SECRETS anymore but Community Engagement. In this Splinterlands Community Engagement, I will be sharing a review of the latest promo card as well as testing it in a battle using Challenge Mode...

Before we get to the main discussion

I want to tell you about my first reaction to this challenge. To be honest, I was undecided about whether I should participate in this challenge. Because in this challenge, not only are we required to review their stats (latest promo cards), but we are also required to include links when using or facing them (Sanctus Vicar, Elanor Bravefoot, Delya, or Night Stalker) in a battle.



I was confused because for me it can only take 2-3 days to play each season, this is quite troublesome because I have played this game this season and will only play again around this Friday (or maybe next Friday) where on that day the challenge will end and be replaced by another challenge.

But after re-reading the challenge post...

The next 2 promo cards which will go on sale in 12 days, Night Stalker and Delya, can be played as ghost cards right now in challenge mode.

(From the lobby, click "Challenge", then select "Ghost Cards". You will need to know the name of another player who is available and logged into the game at the same time.)

It turns out that these promo cards can also be used in Challenge Mode without needing to own them by using "Ghost Cards". But the problem is...

Who should I play Challenge Mode with?


Should I ask a random person in a Splinterlands group (either main or regional) for help? But if so there's a chance that more than 1 person will accept my invitation. or maybe my invitation was not immediately responded to (perhaps drowned by chat from other users) and only answered when I was offline.

After thinking for a long time...


I got an idea.

"How about using an alternate account as a playing opponent in Challenge Mode?"

I use my main account on my Smartphone, while my alt account is on my laptop (My alternate account doesn't have Spellbook yet).


I can say that this method is quite complicated and troublesome because I have to strategize from 2 accounts in less than 3 minutes. I also had to think of a way to make the formations of these 2 accounts look different. The low specifications of my device caused the process to be quite slow.

This way, I can test all the promo cards and conduct as many trials as possible. Below are some of the (in my opinion) interesting battles when using the latest promo cards...

Sanctus Vicar (Anti-Debuff for Whole Team)


Having a unique ability, CLEANSE REARGUARD makes Sanctus Vicar the main option when facing opponents who rely on debuffs or are in rulesets like NOXIOUS FUMES that give poison effects to all monsters.


In Challenge mode, I was lucky to get the NOXIOUS FUMES and EXPLOSIVE WEAPONRY ruleset so that I could test Sanctus Vicar at his highest level (where he already had the CLEANSE and REFLECTION SHIELD abilities that matched those two rulesets perfectly).

Although both of them used Baakjira and Sanctus Vicar, on the main account, I used Quix the Devious as the summoner so that Sanctus Vicar on the alternate account was permanently debuffed with Attack power and SPEED. And the reason the alternate account used dual summoners was that I was panicking, thinking there was little time left.

The battle was fierce even though the alternate account was at a slight disadvantage. However, the alternate account still put up a fight by giving AFFLICTION and POISON many times to Baakjira (although it was cleared by Sanctus Vicar). BLAST didn't have much of an impact as Sanctus Vicar was put in second place.

Finally, the battle was over when Baakjira on the alternate account was defeated. Being hit by a STUN from Igor Darkspear as well as being cleared late by Sanctus Vicar was the cause of the defeat of Baakjira on the alternate account.



Night Stalker (EXECUTE or TRAMPLE?)


Night Stalker is the only (?) SNEAK monster that also has the BLAST ability. In the battle that I will share this time, there was an incident where one of the abilities of Night Stalker was not functioning properly.


Both using Night Stalker and putting it in the second position and using a dual-element Summoner, this battle only gives a slight debuff on both sides. the main account gives a SPEED reduction, while the alternate account gives a reduction in attack power.

In the second round, after Exploding Rats was defeated and Night Stalker on the alternate account lost due to REDEMPTION . Night Stalker on the main account activated the EXECUTE ability on Venator Kinjo after defeating Xenith Monk.



"If the target has 2 or less health after a successful attack, perform another attack against the same unit."

But if we refer to the function of the EXECUTE ability itself, the EXECUTE ability should activate if Xenith Monk has 2 or less health after the first attack. But in this battle, Xenith Monk lost the first attack and Venator Kinjo is not the same unit. Is this a bug or am I still not understanding this ability?


Delya (Best Card when there are no Magic Monsters in the Arena)


It doesn't take long to understand how Delya works because some of the abilities of this card are abilities that I usually rely on. And if there are no magic monsters in the battle, then Delya can be a mainstay card to overcome the opponent's monsters that have SNEAK or SNIPE abilities.


Only by adding 1 SPEED and giving BLIND ability by Flying Squid, Sneak monster could not deal with any damage to Delya at all. Even though there is only a maximum difference of 2 SPEED points. Is it because Delya is a legendary card that SNEAK monsters always fail? should require more proof to find out?


Elanor Bravefoot (Need a lot of trials to understand this card)


Elanor Bravefoot can be a good card, unfortunately I always hesitate in deciding whether to use it or not. If it wasn't for having to strategize for 2 accounts at once, maybe I could plan on using Elanor Bravefoot.


If only there were BLIND , REPAIR , and healing abilities, the main account could have won the battle this time.



Sanctus Vicar can be useful as an Anti-debuff for the whole team. He won't let the monsters in a team be debuffed for a long period. But the way to use CLEANSE REARGUARD which prioritizes the monsters in the last position requires choosing the right strategy so that all monsters can be cleared of debuffs.

But if these two monsters are used together and succeed in exerting a poison effect. it could be that the poison cleanup carried out by Sanctus Vicar will fall apart.

Night Stalker could be a surprise with its combination of SNEAK and BLAST abilities. Because until now there has been no Melee monster that has the REFLECTION SHIELD ability that can place in the second last position.

Delya I will choose if there is no Magic monster and the amount of Mana available is quite a lot. additional SPEED and BLIND abilities will support DODGE and BACKFIRE abilities to always be active and block the opponent's Melee or Ranged attacks. if she receives additional points from MARTYR abilities, it will be even better.

Cryptic might be a good match for her if she can't use BLIND ability due to mana limitations or ruleset restrictions.

And for Elanor Bravefoot I can't give too many conclusions. Maybe if it was in the EQUALIZER Ruleset, Elanor Bravefoot could shine more...

That was my post about the "Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge" where I share my battles and thoughts on the latest promo card from Splinterlands. If there are any shortcomings or you want to add your opinions, please write them down in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting and reading this. See you in the next post....

Thanks to:


Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

I used my alt account for this as well 😀

it turns out I'm not the only one who thought of this