Hello Friends
How are you doing today? I hope you all are doing well. Today I had a battle with the fire cards and I selected some smart cards and those helped me to win the battle so I am sharing it here with you all. If you want to see my battle live you can see it at this link Click Me.
This was the rule set that I have to follow for our battle with all the rules. Equal Opportunity, Little League, Equalizer with 31 card mana cap.
I selected this card for the first lineup of my team so it could face the opponent's attacks first because it has the power of a shield which gets less damage from the opponent's attacks. It is a good defender with a melee attack.
I selected this card for the second lineup. It also has the power to attack from the second lineup and attack the opponent's card each round. It is a good attacker with a melee attack.
I selected this card for my third lineup. It has the power to attack from any lineup and it attacks the opponent card that is low on health. It is a good attacker with a melee attack.
I selected this card for my fourth lineup on the team. It has the power to attack from a distance because it is a range attack card. It can attack from any lineup and it attacks the opponent card that has a magic attack or range attack or no attack. It is a good attacker with the range.
I selected this card for my fifth lineup because it is a distance attack card with range. It is a good attacker with range attack and high health.
I selected this card for my last lineup because it is also a range attacker and it attack from a distance. It has a high speed and power to skip attacks from opponent's cards. It is a good attacker with a ranged attack.
I selected six fire cards and the opponent also selected six fire cards. My card gets the power and health from the base card and now my cards were strong than the opponent's cards.
This was the end of the first round and my cards have shown their power and speed by killing two of their defender in the first round and this was the biggest loss for the opponent.
This was the end of the second round and in this round, My cards has give high damage to the opponent's cards but non of the card died in this round.
This was the end of the third round and in this round, My card showed their power and killed the defender card of the opponent which was a strong card, and also killed another card and now the opponent only left one card behind.
This was the end of the battle and my cards killed all of the opponent's cards and won the battle with zero loss.
The right selection is the key to success. I selected a good defender with the power of shield which has saved me all the other cards. My cards did a great job and killed all the opponent's cards and won the game.